Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Worrying about the communist party in America is like worrying about sounding. Yes it's a thing, but no commie is gonna come and stick a glass bar up your penis.
Any estimates as to what he is worth commercially with the right agent?
After dinner speaker at the NRA would be a good start then ramp it up, maybe a collab with a right wing artist to boost both brands, how would you play it if your were Kyle Rittenhouse’s agent?
there will be civil suits, that he will lose, because the judge won't be the father of the KKK, and any money he stands to make from being a murdering fascist white supremacist will get taken away from him, and distributed to the families of his victims.
Good job I'm not American then cos I think pedophiles need to be hung drawn and quartered how can you even defend under any circumstances someone who rapes children go to the mirror and look hard
the point is that we live in a society that has rules, and one of the big ones is that people don't get to take the law into their own hands and murder potentially innocent people...criminals should be tried and if found guilty, punished for their crimes. there are also rules about monitoring those who are chosen to dispense justice, and those rules have not been enforced adequately for a long time. schroeder should have been removed from the bench a long time ago, and replaced with someone who is truly impartial, and not a 100 year old racist with alzheimers
there will be civil suits, that he will lose, because the judge won't be the father of the KKK, and any money he stands to make from being a murdering fascist white supremacist will get taken away from him, and distributed to the families of his victims.
In other countries he would have been convicted. Concept of self-defense is a lot different. Self-defense starts with common sense.
In other countries he would have been convicted. Concept of self-defense is a lot different. Self-defense starts with common sense.
of course he would have been, he was as guilty as fuck, he just got lucky getting a judge who is both a racist and a geriatric fool. this kind of thing just emboldens white supremacist to try more shit. Schroeder is guilty of any deaths that arise from this bullshit show
Does it matter? He didn't know anything about them when he killed him, they could have just as easily been model citizens, it's irrelevant. I honestly wished that your average user here was a little smarter so that we wouldn't have to hear nonsense like yours because it has nothing to do with your real opinions or believes.
Seems like my post went over your head as well as Shrubby again. Don't really give a fuck :rolleyes:
Seems like my post went over your head as well as Shrubby again. Don't really give a fuck :rolleyes:
perhaps your posts aren't as clear and concise as you think they are....perhaps they're rambling disjointed bullshit, and i don't want to take the time to decipher a language with only one speaker on the entire planet...why is it that i don't seem to have any problem grasping the point of anyone elses posts? is it just that you are so much more brilliant than the rest of us that i can not grasp your greatness? or is it that you have a lot of jumbled shit in your head and don't communicate any of it clearly?
perhaps your posts aren't as clear and concise as you think they are....perhaps they're rambling disjointed bullshit, and i don't want to take the time to decipher a language with only one speaker on the entire planet...why is it that i don't seem to have any problem grasping the point of anyone elses posts? is it just that you are so much more brilliant than the rest of us that i can not grasp your greatness? or is it that you have a lot of jumbled shit in your head and don't communicate any of it clearly?
I say things with many fewer words than others to get my point across. You should try it some day. For instance > :finger:
perhaps your posts aren't as clear and concise as you think they are....perhaps they're rambling disjointed bullshit, and i don't want to take the time to decipher a language with only one speaker on the entire planet...why is it that i don't seem to have any problem grasping the point of anyone elses posts? is it just that you are so much more brilliant than the rest of us that i can not grasp your greatness? or is it that you have a lot of jumbled shit in your head and don't communicate any of it clearly?
Your postings are about as clear and pricise as the worst comedian that is sadly your avatar. Loud + Jewish < Funny
Good job I'm not American then cos I think pedophiles need to be hung drawn and quartered how can you even defend under any circumstances someone who rapes children go to the mirror and look hard
That guy was a pedophile but this man didnt deserve to walk on 2 murders. This all could have been avoided if they hadn't made the only alternative a mandatory life sentence. Most states would have atleast nailed him on a few manslaughter charges. Then hed atleast have done 15 years. Hell, maybe even 25 mandatory. Thats what happens when you let the woke gestapo infiltrate the justice process. They have themselves to blame for this outcome.
isn't the ignore button a wonderful thing? when you get tired of hearing horseshit from horsecock suckers, you can just turn them off and hear the birds again, hear the breeze blowing through the trees, the breeze that says their archaic racist hate is slowly faltering and dying...
Good job I'm not American then cos I think pedophiles need to be hung drawn and quartered how can you even defend under any circumstances someone who rapes children go to the mirror and look hard

Take a civic class, or read some history. Our bill of rights exists because of ragey gorillas like yourself that used to do exactly that, and they weren't always right, so we implemented a system of governance to give people a fair shake to defend themselves, even the pieces of shit....*especially* the pieces of shit. Doing the right thing is always the more difficult path.