BK’s shit show

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I’d say I’m doing pretty damn good if a master like you could only circle 6 leaves out of thousands. Can we address your super cupped leaves and serrated edges now?
I am growing under HPS, using a large fan, aimed between the hood and the canopy to move the heat away from the canopy and keep the temps in check, results are "mild wind burn" not much i can do about this, causes mild stress to the plants.
Ever seen these gadgets to help dial in moisture/ soil salinity? I bought one but I've been so off on my grow op lately just slacking but wondering if you've seen this or thought about adding it to your tools. I plan to use it more when my manifold system is balanced better and blah blah blah

I don't know if this is a reliable site but it is a bluelab pulse. It measured moisture content and soil/medium PPM

The only thing I don't understand with it is there is no calibrations or cleaners that I can see recommended
I wasn't getting enough runoff one grow and sure enough one of the plants that wasn't drinking had a very high PPM cause it was fed like the rest and was a light feeder. Since little runoff the ppm was super high
Ever seen these gadgets to help dial in moisture/ soil salinity? I bought one but I've been so off on my grow op lately just slacking but wondering if you've seen this or thought about adding it to your tools. I plan to use it more when my manifold system is balanced better and blah blah blah

I don't know if this is a reliable site but it is a bluelab pulse. It measured moisture content and soil/medium PPM

The only thing I don't understand with it is there is no calibrations or cleaners that I can see recommended
I wasn't getting enough runoff one grow and sure enough one of the plants that wasn't drinking had a very high PPM cause it was fed like the rest and was a light feeder. Since little runoff the ppm was super high

I think it would be a handy gadget to own.
So with the weather outside gone to complete shit, it’s time to start adding heat at nights in my room

I have a oil heater hooked up to a inkbird controller to add the heat during lights out. Lights on temps are pretty low too but I refuse to run a heater during lights on.

The last week of data gathered from the pulse.


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