Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

It really did get the people from different walks of life to get along, common interests and such.

Sunday morning high thought...wonder if 1920s prohibition had some similar comradery.
Not sure about the 20’s but sure was camaraderie in the 70’s. Even got along with the dems in our band of outlaws, funny how things change :(.
i survived 25 years behind the walls........retired in 2010.....not a correctional officer. a lot of employees in prisons are not correctional officers.
I was the (PIA) Prison Industries Authority, Superintendent at Folsom. I supervised the prison factories.
Yours truly (in the white shirt & tie) circa early 2000's, explaining to a group of cadets how we make license plates....
Pretty easy to see which cadets were going to be jerkoffs in that picture.
a lot of cadets never make their first year. Working inside a prison is a lot different than on TV...I hired employees that couldn't make their first
Folsom had a 30% staff assault had a 1-in-3 chance each year of being assaulted at work. That tends to weed out a lot. :shock:
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