Off topic - let's live dangerously today. What do you prefer for your coffee/ caffeine fix?

try the 8'o clock brand of whole bean italian espresso. it's got a good caffeine kick and it's strong too. and a cheap grinder from walmart.
That's some of the best value priced coffee out there. Love me some 8 o'clock.

Nescafe Classico instant... 40oz every morning.
I've heard of this mysterious coffee product. Is nescafe like a keurig with the little pods? Would you ever go back to drip coffee?

I’m on that other level.
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Dam homie that's some no bullshit coffee making right there. That's a beautiful piece of equipment. If you ever feel like donating it I'm here for you :)
I've heard of this mysterious coffee product. Is nescafe like a keurig with the little pods? Would you ever go back to drip coffee?
Nope... it's freeze dried crystals and most people shit on it.. I would NEVER EVER use pod coffee.. those pods will be around for 500 years.. should be illegal..
I spent so much money on conical burr grinders and expensive coffee makers and expensive beans and shit.... got sick of it, ended up happy with a $10 french press.. when it broke i just switched to instant... and i'm ok with that now :)
That's some of the best value priced coffee out there. Love me some 8 o'clock.

I've heard of this mysterious coffee product. Is nescafe like a keurig with the little pods? Would you ever go back to drip coffee?

Dam homie that's some no bullshit coffee making right there. That's a beautiful piece of equipment. If you ever feel like donating it I'm here for you :)

I would give my dog away before my Breville. I went through 4 or 5 Mr. Coffee machines, which makes garbage espresso, before questioning what I was doing with my life. I used to heavily sweeten and cocoa up the drinks to make them tolerable, and would still go to coffee shops every change I got. Now I drink a double shot and milk with no sweeteners. Coffee shop drinks taste like they are lacking. Lavazza is a high quality brand too. I usually wait until I find a good deal and buy a bunch of kilos. The used drink Super Crema, but I like Barista Perfetto better. It's all delicious though.
Nope... it's freeze dried crystals and most people shit on it.. I would NEVER EVER use pod coffee.. those pods will be around for 500 years.. should be illegal..
I spent so much money on conical burr grinders and expensive coffee makers and expensive beans and shit.... got sick of it, ended up happy with a $10 french press.. when it broke i just switched to instant... and i'm ok with that now :)
I agree with you on the pods. They have bothered me since they came out.
Anyone like to crunch on whole beans?

I would give my dog away before my Breville. I went through 4 or 5 Mr. Coffee machines, which makes garbage espresso, before questioning what I was doing with my life. I used to heavily sweeten and cocoa up the drinks to make them tolerable, and would still go to coffee shops every change I got. Now I drink a double shot and milk with no sweeteners. Coffee shop drinks taste like they are lacking. Lavazza is a high quality brand too. I usually wait until I find a good deal and buy a bunch of kilos. The used drink Super Crema, but I like Barista Perfetto better. It's all delicious though.
I'm gonna try some of that Lavazza. I love good java and I respect a recommendation from a serious coffee nut. I desperately need to get something like that. I don't do this anymore, but I was in the habit of ordering 2 cases/month of the doubleshot expresso's. I'm ashamed to say this is my amazon account on the doubleshots page @$16/case. Don't judge me :)

I gave up my caffeine habit years ago because it no longer made me feel good. But Petes has some great beans to make cold brew with. pure liquid speed :shock:
I gave up my caffeine habit years ago because it no longer made me feel good. But Petes has some great beans to make cold brew with. pure liquid speed :shock:
How was the withdrawal? I tried quitting my morning java after I quit the expresso and within 4 or 5 hours after waking up I went into the most horrible depression I've ever felt. I couldn't think straight and I was pretty much having a nervous breakdown. Needless to say I brewed a cup of coffee and never looked back. I've kinda accepted a few habits are with me until I'm 6 feet under. Coffee, pot, diet pepsi, and pussy pounding. I can't seem to shake any of them without dire consequences :)

BTW that cold brew is like taking drugs. Fucked me all up and I'll never consume it again. Dam smooth tasty stuff though. Wolf in sheeps clothing.
How was the withdrawal? I tried quitting my morning java after I quit the expresso and within 4 or 5 hours after waking up I went into the most horrible depression I've ever felt. I couldn't think straight and I was pretty much having a nervous breakdown. Needless to say I brewed a cup of coffee and never looked back. I've kinda accepted a few habits are with me until I'm 6 feet under. Coffee, pot, diet pepsi, and pussy pounding. I can't seem to shake any of them without dire consequences :)

BTW that cold brew is like taking drugs. Fucked me all up and I'll never consume it again. Dam smooth tasty stuff though. Wolf in sheeps clothing.
So you remember that sleep you got as a teen where you passed out suddenly and slept 10 hours when it all seemed like 2 minutes? That comes back. Headaches and irritability will set in big time for about a week. If youre married like me and you have some vacation days id recommend using them. You dont realize how powerful this stuff is until you try to give it up. All in all it was worth it. you'll have more energy too
We’ve got the same machine my friend and a damm good one at that! Haha.
I’ve only ever seen it in silver, red looks really nice.
The Mrs’s mum has had the previous model over 10 years problem free and we’ve had ours about 5.
Yes it is! I've had mine for 4 years I think. I got a really good deal on it, but wasn't able to pick the color. I'm not a huge fan of the red, but it could be pink and I wouldn't really care as long as it keeps pumping out delicious espresso.

I'm drinking some right now as a matter of fact.