Help help!!!! Accidental reveg 10th week flower

There was a light leak I didn’t know about fucking up the the light schedule. The strains are Dolato and p-chem
The light leak thing is overated bro trust me when you seal your tent it increases your humidity to above 55 percent and often above even 80 percent humidity that is what could have caused the stress it’s really hard to re veg a 10th week flowering plant you ladies look like they have been under stress and maybe too wet. I am just guessing but make sure your giving the right amount of light and going easy on nutrients. Light is what makes density and only feed if your using weak soil nutrients are highly overrated I have produced dispensary and Medicinal quality time and time again with just good light and great Soil. Most strains just need a tad of calcium magnesium. I would stop watering and see if you can get a bit of density make sure your soil is not too wet. Also check your trichomes if you can with a cheap jewler loop if you see cloudy ones I would chop it. It look they went under stress go back to flower as was. Give it 14 hours darkness to be sure you can even do that a couple days to guarantee they are in flower. The light leak thing is not as big as people make it out to be it’s mostly the humidity man its like the plant is sitting in rainy wet weather when humidity is 60 percent or higher man.
sarcasm is suppose to be funny. Lmao

It does 2 things, stop the plants from performing photosnthesis and enables cellular respiration and alot of growers, including myself hit the lights for 48 hrs to help signal flowering vs initially changing the light cycle.

It might stop the plant from unraveling its buds.

Cutting nitrogen in half may also help if u haven't already, the available amount of n-p-k does affect fruit production

Its no guaranteed answer growing is all about fine tunning and fixing your mistakes as early as possible
You do realize stopping photosynthesis happens during drying if you do it right which would be in the dark.

The plant doesn't just die because you chopped it. It goes through its normal progressions for a while. There is zero actual data that shows putting it in the dark before chopping helps at all over drying in the dark.
You do realize stopping photosynthesis happens during drying if you do it right which would be in the dark.

The plant doesn't just die because you chopped it. It goes through its normal progressions for a while. There is zero actual data that shows putting it in the dark before chopping helps at all over drying in the dark.

What are you talking about. Who said it did? Photosynthesis stops every time the lights go out
When was this?
Lol. The first day of the internet, then all bets were off when @Richalpha connected.
See how I @ you, so you can see what I said. I'm not a bird
Stop giving bad advice to people and fabricating stories of ridiculous 12-24 harvests. If you had that much on the go you wouldn't have time to chirp on the internet. And wouldn't care either to respond.
Now I'm on the cusp of that with you.
'my led causes purple stems'
Lol. Just reading some of your previous
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