Maine Decides: Right To Food

Most of the people that get backyard chickens here in Portland don't take care of them properly. They don't realize the amount of maintenance and care required. Been there done that and never again. It's not worth a dozen eggs a week.

It's too dense in the city. Damn chickens squawking all day long.

it's not about that but yes, we will need your disgruntled to change the system..we will leverage the disgust of 'let them eat cake'.

besides roaches are the real problem and will survive a nuclear blast; they also eat cement..i don't know of any rat that can go that far.
Not really a great idea. A few chickens is bad enough. You can have 3 chickens here in Portland. Since it's been allowed the rat population has exploded as it has in other places where backyard chickens are allowed. I couldn't imagine people raising pigs or cows in their yards.

you can totally make this and it's humane.


You know how, technically speaking, every gun law is a violation of the 2a? The purists would love for there to be literally zero gun laws, but you can imagine how that would work out. Likewise, the amendment to their state constitution is attempting to bring about the same purist position, except with food, but we already know how that works out by looking at all of the necessary regulation of food production in the US. It's specifically non-specific and gives free reign to the production and acquisition of food. This is definitely not any sort of healthcare/housing/food as a human right amendment.

Section 25. Right to food. All individuals have a natural, inherent and unalienable
right to save and exchange seeds and the right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume
the food of their own choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and
well-being, as long as an individual does not commit trespassing, theft, poaching or other
abuses of private property rights, public lands or natural resources in the harvesting,
production or acquisition of food.
Yes they did keep cats, lots lol. And yet still rats. I grew up on a farm and even with cats we resorted to highly toxic poisons (legal back then). And I guess it’s the chicken and the egg thing. But get chickens and you’ll have rats. You may not even see them but their around lol. Smartest animal I know of actually. I had one that came in to the house and eat the bread if left out (only bread). Hollowed out the bread and put a trap in it and the fucker pulled the trap out (not tripped) and eat the bread. Fucker was a college grad I think lol. Finally got him by setting out some bread and sat there with my pellet pistol and capped his ass lol. I fucking hate rats :(.
PS Rats will eat chicken shit FYI
A couple of border collies and those rats won't have a chance. See it, done it.
I'd be worried about my dog getting sick from some diseased rat. There has been a significant increase of Leptospirosis here which can kill your dog since they allowed backyard chickens and the rat population has increased. All of the Veterinary clinics are advising to get your dog vaccinated because of it. It wasn't an issue before backyard chickens all over the city.
I'd be worried about my dog getting sick from some diseased rat. There has been a significant increase of Leptospirosis here which can kill your dog since they allowed backyard chickens and the rat population has increased. All of the Veterinary clinics are advising to get your dog vaccinated because of it. It wasn't an issue before backyard chickens all over the city.
The rat population here (in city) exploded or a better explanation would be became more observable as they moved from their secure food source resteraunts to peoples homes when the resteraunt buisness was shuttered. I haven’t seen a rat where I am in 25 years, lots of cute little mice though lol. Come fall they try to head to the comfort of houses :(.
Yes they did keep cats, lots lol. And yet still rats. I grew up on a farm and even with cats we resorted to highly toxic poisons (legal back then). And I guess it’s the chicken and the egg thing. But get chickens and you’ll have rats. You may not even see them but their around lol. Smartest animal I know of actually. I had one that came in to the house and eat the bread if left out (only bread). Hollowed out the bread and put a trap in it and the fucker pulled the trap out (not tripped) and eat the bread. Fucker was a college grad I think lol. Finally got him by setting out some bread and sat there with my pellet pistol and capped his ass lol. I fucking hate rats :(.
PS Rats will eat chicken shit FYI
About 35 years ago I got in a big fight with Mamma, and I had to leave the house at the pond where I had been living. I moved into Granny's old house, which had been empty for a while. The rats were not happy with me moving in. They would come out and stare you down, even with the lights on. I noticed my kitchen knives started to disappear. After a month or so I found all of them under the bathtub in a big rat nest. After that I always joked about the rats carrying knives.

Pretty soon I moved into another old house on the farm, since Mamma and Daddy were going on a three month long trip and needed me to look after things. I didn't miss the rats.
You know how, technically speaking, every gun law is a violation of the 2a? The purists would love for there to be literally zero gun laws, but you can imagine how that would work out. Likewise, the amendment to their state constitution is attempting to bring about the same purist position, except with food, but we already know how that works out by looking at all of the necessary regulation of food production in the US. It's specifically non-specific and gives free reign to the production and acquisition of food. This is definitely not any sort of healthcare/housing/food as a human right amendment.
Section 25. Right to food. All individuals have a natural, inherent and unalienable
right to save and exchange seeds and the right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume
the food of their own choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and
well-being, as long as an individual does not commit trespassing, theft, poaching or other
abuses of private property rights, public lands or natural resources in the harvesting,
production or acquisition of food

that seems pretty open to would be up to a city to decide what constitutes trespassing or other abuses of public lands and natural resources...and most urban areas don't have any large areas of unclaimed, unowned, land that is suitable for farming...and it's not just chickens that draw rats, ANY animal you feed is going to draw rats, they'll eat dog food, goat food, hog no matter what kind of live stock you have, you're going to have rats too, and that means you're going to have an uptick in rabies and other sicknesses they carry.
don't get me wrong, i'm all for small farms, and home gardens, but there's a reason you call farm land farm land, and urban sprawl, Detroit...
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You know how, technically speaking, every gun law is a violation of the 2a? The purists would love for there to be literally zero gun laws, but you can imagine how that would work out. Likewise, the amendment to their state constitution is attempting to bring about the same purist position, except with food, but we already know how that works out by looking at all of the necessary regulation of food production in the US. It's specifically non-specific and gives free reign to the production and acquisition of food. This is definitely not any sort of healthcare/housing/food as a human right amendment.

yet. the frivolity is the whole point. of course we can't do this but look at the conversation that was started.

may i ask why people would feel the need to grow their own food which is laborious, when they can go to their corner Safeway and purchase it in it's completion?..even bread is a pain in the takes a long time and no longer fits when you can go buy a loaf that takes 5 minutes v 5 hours baking.