Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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No they are not recommending it. That points you to the clinical trials and approximate dosages used in those trials and any adjuncts. Physicians can prescribe off label if it's an already FDA approved drug.

Interesting of the 6 studies I see in the US 4 are recruiting, 1 is not yet recruiting and 1 has been withdrawn.

I searched on the one withdrawn and got this:
That leads you to a 3rd party "The Conversation".. not a .Gov website. ... but whatever. IVM is FDA approved, and on the WHO's list of "essential" medicines. Im not gonna die from it so what's the harm?... besides, it kinda tastes good with whiskey. But look at the other drugs "clinical trials" , and you'll get the same thing.
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I'll be glad when my clones are ready to transplant into the main room, and I can get back to growing, and my Journal, .. and get out of this circular maze of logic. Boredom has it's consequences. My main room has an AirROS system that kills Covid in 15 min., so I know Im safe in there anyways :P
Miss carriages are up to in vaxxed.
Not True. Fake News.

Miscarriage no more likely in vaccinated
In the first study, published yesterday in JAMA, researchers from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) surveillance network used diagnostic and procedure codes and electronic health records to identify and assign gestational ages of miscarriages and ongoing pregnancies from Dec 15, 2020, to Jun 28, 2021.
The VSD is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and nine health systems that represents about 3% of the US population.
Among 105,446 pregnancies, 13,160 miscarriages occurred, while 92,286 pregnancies were ongoing. Of all pregnant women, 7.8% had received at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, 6.0% received one or more doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine, and 0.5% received the Johnson & Johnson one-dose adenovirus vaccine before 20 weeks' gestation.
Eight percent of women with ongoing pregnancies had received a COVID-19 vaccine by 28 days, compared with 8.6% of women who experienced miscarriages. The proportion of women 35 to 49 years who miscarried was higher than the proportion with ongoing pregnancies in that age-group (38.7% vs 22.3%).
Overall, miscarriages were no more likely within 28 days of vaccination compared with ongoing pregnancies (adjusted odds ratio, 1.02), regardless of type of vaccine and gestational age. "Despite limitations, these data can be used to inform vaccine recommendations and to counsel patients," the study authors concluded.
More evidence of vaccine safety in pregnancy
Similarly, in a letter yesterday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), CDC scientists enrolled 2,456 women who were part of the agency's COVID-19 vaccine safety pregnancy registry.
Of all participants, 2,022 reported ongoing pregnancies at 20 weeks' gestation, 165 reported miscarriages (154 of whom miscarried before 14 weeks), 188 completed second-trimester follow-up before 20 weeks' gestation, 16 reported other pregnancy outcomes (eg, induced abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancies), and 65 were lost to follow-up.
Most participants (77.3%) were at least 30 years old, 78.3% were White, and 88.8% were healthcare workers. A little over half the women (52.7%) had received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
In the primary analysis, the cumulative risk of miscarriage from 6 to less than 20 weeks' gestation was 14.1%, while an analysis using direct maternal age standardization to the reference population showed a 12.8% risk. The risk of miscarriage rose with increasing maternal age.
A sensitivity analysis that assumed that all 65 women with recent contact during their first trimester had a miscarriage, the cumulative risk of miscarriage from 6 to less than 20 weeks' gestation was 18.8%. The risk was slightly lower after age standardization, at 18.5%.
"As compared with data from two historical cohorts that represent the lower and upper ranges of spontaneous-abortion risk, the cumulative risks of spontaneous abortion [miscarriage] from our primary and sensitivity analyses were within the expected risk range," the researchers concluded. "These findings add to the accumulating evidence about the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy."
Don’t get dude I deleted it.

Why have a covid vaccine mandate then, if they can just dump it in the water? Wouldn’t it be better politically to just do it like you said without anyone knowing, no controversy no lost voters? I didn’t mean to get you all rallied up, so I deleted my original post.
no, it wouldn't be better..then the government would be exactly what you say they are, and they aren't. i do not think they're driven snow pure, i'm sure there's a lot of shit that happens that we don't even guess about, but they don't go around poisoning the populace, they don't put mind control drugs, or any other kinds of drugs in the water supply, except fluoride and chlorine...they're too fucking busy trying to keep the country from falling apart around it's rotting infrastructure to play that kind of game, it's just delusional, paranoid conspiracy theorist nutbars that think everything is a plot..."my dog sends messages to moscow through the 4 slice toaster, and the covid vaccine is full of magnetic graphene that will make your balls glow in the dark"
. . . . . . . .You think I'm a bad person worthy of death for listening to my Dr.'s timing on when to get the jab. . . . . . . .
The whole point of me engaging anti vax folks with facts and a little sarcasm is to save their life. No, I do not think you are worthy of death. I hope you live a long and healthy life.

He was fully vaxxed.
This disease is not playing. This news means that even Rog & DIY aren't safe... (edit and I statistically have a MUCH higher chance of survival! GL Boys! :P )
Gen. Powell was a robust man with connections you & I will never have - C-19 didn't care.
He also had a blood cancer that effects the immune system.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell reportedly had been diagnosed with a form of blood cancer that made it difficult to fight infections before his Monday death from what his family described as complications related to COVID-19.
The New York Times, the Associated Press and others reported Powell, 84, had been treated for multiple myeloma, citing his longtime aide Peggy Cifrino. His treatment had been going on for years.
This is the norm around here. Thats my sister in law and her husband on the front row at Garth Brooks last week. She's a 3 year cancer survivor/non vaxxed. She has attended about 30 concerts over the past year, been to the AMA's, met all the big names in Country Music, traveled all over the Country, obviously immune compromised, and she's had Covid about a year ago. ... takes IVM, and she's fine. Garth even grabbed her banner and showed it to the crowd and had a short onstage convo with her. Happy for her that she's living her best life!View attachment 5012397View attachment 5012398
So sorry your family had to witness that.
Soon they will announce covid chips that they reckon detects covid and other flues before you get severe side effects but we all know that it's a tracker
A couple three years ago my BIL worked at Lowes. After the second week his phone was telling him what the traffic was like between home and work. He must have got a prototype shot because someone was tracking him.
More people die from taking tylenol every year than have reactions to the Covid vaccine.

"Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers (>100,000/year) and accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and an estimated 458 deaths due to acute liver failure each year. Data from the U.S. Acute Liver Failure Study Group registry of more than 700 patients with acute liver failure across the United States implicates acetaminophen poisoning in nearly 50% of all acute liver failure in this country."

Here one for the vaxxed, the unvaxxed are too stupid to watch it or believe it, they are gonna MAGA by dying! :D

Natural immunity not as effective as COVID-19 vaccine, new study shows

We're learning new information from the CDC about the overwhelming benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
I definitely understand your point of view.

Believe me- I'm pissed at everyone and every gov't entity just about.

This is almost two years of pent up frustration, almost two years of not taking my kids out to eat at a restaurant. I miss the old life. It sucks.

The CDC has REALLY fucked up and largely responsible for this -- the mixed messages all throughout this pandemic -- "Need to/Don't need to wash hands", "Need to/Don't need to mask up indoors/outdoors", "The vaccine is/is not dangerous", "You need/don't need a booster".

That alone has set the stage for SO MUCH misinformation that we see out there. And people make up their minds pretty early - depending on when and how they get the information.

And it takes a LOT of new information to change minds, whether the initial info is correct or not.

Basically, we're pretty much fucked and this disease is gonna be around for a while.
You’re still unable to go to out and eat?! My kids go to school like normal again no mask needed. Very few kids have caught the old Rona but my kids like me seem immune. For that I’m glad. The wife’s not so much. But the schools are doing well cleaning daily and doing their part.
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