Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I never got physically abused. But I sure wish they had balanced a little with the mental abuse.

Instead, as a child, I was yelled at for breathing too loud, or chewing too loud. And any time I showed interest in a subject, I was discouraged and told how difficult it would be

No one ever told me how proud of me they were. Or that I did a really good job. Instead, I was always told how I could have done better, or shown the flaws in my work.

So I gave up on life, and throughout my later teens I strove for mediocrity.
I might have. That's some restraint I hope I have. I'm not looking forward to dating.
It's rough; but if you've done a good job and they have their heads on straight the anticipation was the worst of it. I have twin girls, one married her HS sweetheart, the other is still single. In HS their male friends were all nerdy and less interested in sex than we were at that age
I never got physically abused. But I sure wish they had balanced a little with the mental abuse.

Instead, as a child, I was yelled at for breathing too loud, or chewing too loud. And any time I showed interest in a subject, I was discouraged and told how difficult it would be

No one ever told me how proud of me they were. Or that I did a really good job. Instead, I was always told how I could have done better, or shown the flaws in my work.

So I gave up on life, and throughout my later teens I strove for mediocrity.

:hug: we're proud of you.