Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

Got an oz of boomers and ate 3.5g every day for a week the first 4 days I tripped the next 3 days I kinda got high but not really then by the 7th day I was in a fuck up state of mind which led to the rage episode haven’t done them since as I’m scared to go threw that again
That's because the happy chemicals in your brain were gone bud after the first day. That's a really unhealthy way to treat your brain and could definitely lead to chemical imbalance with the way your brain functions. I imagine it wasn't very fun at all. Take care of yourself man.
That's because the happy chemicals in your brain were gone bud after the first day. That's a really unhealthy way to treat your brain and could definitely lead to chemical imbalance with the way your brain functions. I imagine it wasn't very fun at all. Take care of yourself man.
Thx for looking out bud. I’m good now I don’t mess with anything now except a small dose of green dragon every other morning I don’t even drink I hate how it makes me feel
Thx for looking out bud. I’m good now I don’t mess with anything now except a small dose of green dragon every other morning I don’t even drink I hate how it makes me feel
The moment I started smoking everyday, which was over 7 years ago.. I can’t even touch alcohol anymore.
Coming from someone that could get down almost a fifth a night(sometimes the whole fifth) I can’t stand the way it makes me feel either.
I’m talking about just one single beer.
Hate it now.
But I’m good with that now
That's pretty damn rreassuring. I have an uncle with paranoid schizophrenia so I can't help but be a little wary. There's a legit genetic rationale for me to feel this way about psychadelics in general. I would prefer to just have the colors look brighter, reality feel a bit warmer, and my creativity enhanced right? I'm not tryna have a catastrophic psychotic episode, where I undo all the progress I've made in life these past couple years, thinking I can commune with God by smearing my own feces on the walls, thank you very much.

My honeybear has expressed interest in us doing shrooms someday and honestly, I'm down. I'd have to find the right moment, location, and only do a minuscule dose - and absolutely have him physically present, I feel like with him next to me I can get through anything. Probably getting all hyped up over nothing TBH...
Well, you can trip everyday (not microdosing) but the effects are significantly differents, you should know what your are doing and for what exactly, it's not a game. People use to do it for a concrete purpose or even for negligence, i've seen both.
First and only time i ate shrooms, I went crazy and ended in the hospital being shot up with Ativan. Kinda scared me off but it might have just been the wrong time / wrong frame of mind to trip, i dunno
First and only time i ate shrooms, I went crazy and ended in the hospital being shot up with Ativan. Kinda scared me off but it might have just been the wrong time / wrong frame of mind to trip, i dunno
Dose, set and setting all factor into the experience. I would suggest to set aside a day before and two days after to prepare for and integrate the experience. Always good to have someone sober who have experience to sit with you.
If anything the society we live in itself is the cause of most mental illnesses, stress and low morale alone can induce breaks in vulnerable people
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Read many of the posts not all and it seems many have had a bad trip with mushrooms. I did mushrooms back when I was a teenager decades ago never had a bad trip because I took my time just a little 1 time every 2 months. Mushrooms, even from the same species and harvest, can have different psilocybin levels so thats why its important to only do a little at a time at first. So after eating a portion of the mushroom it will take 30 minutes for it to start kicking in and almost 90 minutes to reach full tripping effect. Its not good to trip if you are not feeling good emotionally and physically you will most likely be in for a bad trip unless you have someone with you to talk you out of the bad trip. Thats why a small amount should be taken the first time as it is more controllable. I did this every 2 months over a 2 year period all of my experiences were always great.

The trips i had at that time I always felt opened a part of my brain that was not opened before. I never felt any need to do cocaine or any of those other drugs and just smoked weed once in a blue moon as I just didn't feel the need for it anymore. I went from drinking almost 1/2 gallon of rum or vodka every Saturday night and cut it completely out of my life. I only drink a couple beers only on special occasions but never found a need for it on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Ever since the mushroom trips I look at everything including life in a completely different way.

In the past year I noticed many big well known research hospitals all over the USA have started voluntary clinical studies on treating patients with major longterm depression with psilocybin and the results they are getting is incredible. Each treatment is given within the hospital and lasts 4 - 6 hours with a therapist being present for the full duration. The papers of the findings from these credible facilities are saying after 1 - 3 psilocybin treatments all of the patients that were receiving psilocybin instead of the placebo no longer suffer from major depression. The patients receiving the placebo had little to no change.

The research finding above does not surprise me at all. I never suffered from any type of depression when I was a teenager I was always a happy go lucky kid. I know from the experiences I had experimenting with psilocybin as a teenager and how it changed the way I looked at everything. I am not surprised how it can change someone who suffered from major depression for many years into someone that looks at themselves and life in a completely different way.

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Acid can definitely fuck up your brain. I was in a rehab place once, and one of the guys finally lost it. He had flashbacks from all the acid he did. He was dropping numerous tabs daily. Since he'd need more and more each time since he didn't take breaks. And it was like that last flashback, he just went nuts and never came out of it. It was weird to be around that dude, lol. He'd just stand there chewing imaginary gum or something.
The only bad trip swim has experienced had to do with swims own ego. 6g of penis envy was unpleasant. 4g of Golden teacher is about the perfect enlightening dose in swims experience
Taking hallucinogens is a great way to mess with your reality, and to confuse yourself, from experience its a 'really' bad idea, you are more likely to experience the horrors than a spiritual experience, especially if you are already anxious and depressed, so don't do it, don't listen to the hype. Take it from a former Glue sniffer and LSD user, its not worth it, your own brain will punish you. There is a big push to sell hallucinogens as some sort of medicine, its not, I ended up looking anorexic. Stick to weed. Just because Bill W had a spiritual experience using the Bella Donna treatment does not guarantee you will also experience euphoria, you are more likely hallucinate being in a snake pit is my experience. they used to print tiny pictures of 'superman' on the lsd tabs back in the day, the guy upstairs took one, believed he was superman and broke both his legs trying to fly out the window, You have been warned.
Taking hallucinogens is a great way to mess with your reality, and to confuse yourself, from experience its a 'really' bad idea, you are more likely to experience the horrors than a spiritual experience, especially if you are already anxious and depressed, so don't do it, don't listen to the hype. Take it from a former Glue sniffer and LSD user, its not worth it, your own brain will punish you. There is a big push to sell hallucinogens as some sort of medicine, its not, I ended up looking anorexic. Stick to weed. Just because Bill W had a spiritual experience using the Bella Donna treatment does not guarantee you will also experience euphoria, you are more likely hallucinate being in a snake pit is my experience. they used to print tiny pictures of 'superman' on the lsd tabs back in the day, the guy upstairs took one, believed he was superman and broke both his legs trying to fly out the window, You have been warned.
"Stick with weed"? I know a guy who killed himself on pot. You should avoid smoking it ND just stay sober.
"Stick with weed"? I know a guy who killed himself on pot. You should avoid smoking it ND just stay sober.
Yes but there's a difference between suggesting people stick with proven meds they come here to grow, than advising them to stick with reality altering hallucinogens that may or not one day be proven useful as a mainstream medicine. In an ideal world none of us would need or want any drugs. But it aint.