Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Or else what? You don't think people will fight back? You havent seen a real a real protest with the big guns yet. That's why they keep banning people on social media. They don't want people that will use guns to rid the system of corruption to have the the ability to organize and push back.
Good to see Uncle Buck is still the same. I don't live ln fear Buck, unlike yourself. I am very comfortable in my skin, you should try it. :hug:
Sounds like you live under your boss's thumb, and now joe bidens

Do you let them mow your lawn and bang your wife too?
Or else what? You don't think people will fight back? You havent seen a real a real protest with the big guns yet. That's why they keep banning people on social media. They don't want people that will use guns to rid the system of corruption to have the the ability to organize and push back.
You pussies wont fight. Youll get vaccinated so you can go out to the cheesecake factory again
Fight? What's to fight Buck? You do what sheeple do and the rest of us will choose according to facts.

On a side note, does anyone have some snowshoes I can borrow, Bucky is causing drifts with all that snow and making it difficult to navigate :roll:
Or else what? You don't think people will fight back? You havent seen a real a real protest with the big guns yet. That's why they keep banning people on social media. They don't want people that will use guns to rid the system of corruption to have the the ability to organize and push back.
The only people brandishing weapons in the past year have been far-right dishonesty zombies such as you. It would be interesting to see just how fast the pros will roll them up if they choose to.
Our Company has over 130 employees. Our CEO sent an e-mail stating that there would be "NO" mandatory vaccinations. She stated that the Federal Government has no authority to overreach states rights. I totally agree. I personally do not fit into the .3% that need the vaccine. I also feel that if you have a compromised immune system,, then a discussion with your doctor is in order to see if you are able to safely do so.

On a side note: Hello all you rollitup rejects, its been awhile and I sincerely hope everyone is doing well.
Hello to you too.

As for the workplace you are in, that is a great example of why all the snowflakes pretending like someone is going to 'force' them to take a vaccine is full of shit thank you.

Good to see Uncle Buck is still the same. I don't live ln fear Buck, unlike yourself. I am very comfortable in my skin, you should try it. :hug:
lol at the 'living in fear' nonsense that is being used to radicalize people into being unsafe when there is a highly effective and safe vaccine available.

It is like someone saying they are not afraid of mumps.
Or else what? You don't think people will fight back? You havent seen a real a real protest with the big guns yet. That's why they keep banning people on social media. They don't want people that will use guns to rid the system of corruption to have the the ability to organize and push back.
Please, a bunch of radicalized idiots that couldn't even overcome 500 cops when they had the president of the United States of America rolling out the red carpet for them getting themselves banned for pushing propaganda that they are too stupid to realize that they are being fed?

It is sad that clowns think that trolls are reality and go all Karen in the real world when they are told that it is not.
If you want rational discussion dont disqualify yourself at square 1 by leading with annoyingly familiar Big Lie propaganda.
Nothing I said was a big lie or propaganda. Tell me how anything I said was propaganda. That I don't trust the vaccine nor do I want it because all the agencies have lied with their stats? The fact that they have counted motor cycle accidents as covid deaths. The fact that they sent sick people to nursing homes knowing people would die and covered it up. The fact that they funded the Wuhan lab. The fact that Fauci has been flip flopping at every turn. The fact that he stated in 2017 that Trump would have a surprise outbreak at a Georgetown speech. The fact that they are segregating people and forcing businesses to close. The fact that Peloci was caught at a hair salon after forcing them to close. The fact that Newsome was caught at a restaurant not social distancing and not wearing a mask while forcing most restaurant to stay closed. Hillary is on record saying that if we can't take your guns legislatively then we will do so through the courts. Even Beto said hell yes we will take your AR 15. The fact that they have shaddowbanned people and lie to Congress about it. The fact that Google changes search results to favor certain candidates. Please tell me. What big propaganda lie have I said?
Lol y'all gonna fuck around and find out if y'all keep it up.

Hey internet badass, how come you have a nine year old account but made your first post a couple weeks ago?

Do you type the weak passwords into these dead accounts yourself or does your job provide you with a list of accounts and passwords? I'll bet you a case of Hawthorn bath oil it is the latter.

Nothing I said was a big lie or propaganda. Tell me how anything I said was propaganda. That I don't trust the vaccine nor do I want it because all the agencies have lied with their stats? The fact that they have counted motor cycle accidents as covid deaths. The fact that they sent sick people to nursing homes knowing people would die and covered it up. The fact that they funded the Wuhan lab. The fact that Fauci has been flip flopping at every turn. The fact that he stated in 2017 that Trump would have a surprise outbreak at a Georgetown speech. The fact that they are segregating people and forcing businesses to close. The fact that Peloci was caught at a hair salon after forcing them to close. The fact that Newsome was caught at a restaurant not social distancing and not wearing a mask while forcing most restaurant to stay closed. Hillary is on record saying that if we can't take your guns legislatively then we will do so through the courts. Even Beto said hell yes we will take your AR 15. The fact that they have shaddowbanned people and lie to Congress about it. The fact that Google changes search results to favor certain candidates. Please tell me. What big propaganda lie have I said?
“Forcing people to get the shot would be discrimination.”
That right there is a twofer.
1) false
2) insinuates that the saner half of our voting populace is driving a far-right agenda. This is being projected on us by the actual far right who align with That Man. You are propagating corrosive untruth.
Fight? What's to fight Buck? You do what sheeple do and the rest of us will choose according to facts.

On a side note, does anyone have some snowshoes I can borrow, Bucky is causing drifts with all that snow and making it difficult to navigate :roll:
Good luck with your boss
70% of the us adult population already vaccinated and more getting vaccinated every day and these brainwashed losers think they stand a chance
“Forcing people to get the shot would be discrimination.”
That right there is a twofer.
1) false
2) insinuates that the saner half of our voting populace is driving a far-right agenda. This is being projected on us by the actual far right who align with That Man. You are propagating corrosive untruth.
Please tell me what was untrue about what I just stated.
Nothing I said was a big lie or propaganda. Tell me how anything I said was propaganda. That I don't trust the vaccine nor do I want it because all the agencies have lied with their stats? The fact that they have counted motor cycle accidents as covid deaths. The fact that they sent sick people to nursing homes knowing people would die and covered it up. The fact that they funded the Wuhan lab. The fact that Fauci has been flip flopping at every turn. The fact that he stated in 2017 that Trump would have a surprise outbreak at a Georgetown speech. The fact that they are segregating people and forcing businesses to close. The fact that Peloci was caught at a hair salon after forcing them to close. The fact that Newsome was caught at a restaurant not social distancing and not wearing a mask while forcing most restaurant to stay closed. Hillary is on record saying that if we can't take your guns legislatively then we will do so through the courts. Even Beto said hell yes we will take your AR 15. The fact that they have shaddowbanned people and lie to Congress about it. The fact that Google changes search results to favor certain candidates. Please tell me. What big propaganda lie have I said?
lol you are so down the rabbit hole it is impossible to tell if you are just another paid propaganda death cult troll or someone who is radicalized themselves into thinking that what the paid death cult trolls have spammed you is real.

Can you even say something real that is not another bullshit talking point of the right wing?

Fight? What's to fight Buck? You do what sheeple do and the rest of us will choose according to facts.

On a side note, does anyone have some snowshoes I can borrow, Bucky is causing drifts with all that snow and making it difficult to navigate :roll:
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Please tell me what was untrue about what I just stated.
You keep lying by saying anyone is forcing you to get vaccinated. They are not.
Nothing I said was a big lie or propaganda. Tell me how anything I said was propaganda. That I don't trust the vaccine nor do I want it because all the agencies have lied with their stats? The fact that they have counted motor cycle accidents as covid deaths. The fact that they sent sick people to nursing homes knowing people would die and covered it up. The fact that they funded the Wuhan lab. The fact that Fauci has been flip flopping at every turn. The fact that he stated in 2017 that Trump would have a surprise outbreak at a Georgetown speech. The fact that they are segregating people and forcing businesses to close. The fact that Peloci was caught at a hair salon after forcing them to close. The fact that Newsome was caught at a restaurant not social distancing and not wearing a mask while forcing most restaurant to stay closed. Hillary is on record saying that if we can't take your guns legislatively then we will do so through the courts. Even Beto said hell yes we will take your AR 15. The fact that they have shaddowbanned people and lie to Congress about it. The fact that Google changes search results to favor certain candidates. Please tell me. What big propaganda lie have I said?
CDC does not count the vaccinated deaths or adverse reactions until 14 days after the jab. So they have a two week window for you to survive before you are counted in the VERAS system.

VERAS 8 21.jpgVERAS2 8 21.png
Please tell me what was untrue about what I just stated.
I just did.

Sound public health policy is not discriminatory even if you advance the ridiculous argument that it is an assault on personal liberty. That is false and dishonest. It is also in lockstep with the entire Maga/Q delusion that is rotting the GOP from inside. Your propagation of these lies is seditious.
If you want the vaccine, get it. I don't want it, so I'm not getting it. If it did anything for me I might consider it.

If I don't get it, I can still catch it, still spread it and might (doubtful) get really sick.

If I do get it, I can still catch it, still spread it and get sick, but now, there is an added chance (albeit very slight) that there could be an adverse reaction to the vaccine.

The math just simply does not make it worth the risk for myself, simple as that.

On a side note: What would happen to me if I got the vaccine and had a severe reaction and it rendered me unable to work, that is not a burden I will take on myself. My company or some entity will have to compensate me (heavily) should that occur ( Yes, even if it meant getting personal against an individual or group of people )

Like I said earlier, this virus has a 99.7% survival rate, if you think your ass is in trouble with that figure, get the vaccine. I'm not anti-vaccine, just an educated consumer that has no need for it, just like the flu shot.

Wayyyyyy to much misinformation from everywhere to just assume its ok to just "take the jab":lol: