Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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All you have to do is wait. All you can do. All roads do lead to rome in this case.

I'm not trying to prevent deaths. I'm not trying to prevent life. That is doing its own thing. I just exist and wait to not exist again. This thing probably reuses the energy for something else.
Your definite glee at a plague scenario invalidates this poor imitation of fatalism.
Lol. Narcissistic? No. Nihilistic? Yeah. Your words are hot air over vocal chords. A fart in a hurricane. All of our lives are insignificant. Say and do whatever you want. It won't matter. Never has. But, you need something to do while we wait to die.
Be weird for me to sound like trump. I vote the other way, in Oklahoma. Always have. So, I already walk it like I talk it. This is fun
I don't know why people are so opposed to finding multiple solutions over covid.. it has to be the vaccine or nothing. Why does it need to be this way?. The vaccine is showing signs of not being a long term fix for our older people. We should be diving head first into finding other options even as a ''just in case''. Seriously, what if the virus mutates again, and lowers the effect of the vaccines on 65+?.. we are back to square one, only this time far more people will be infected before we know what's going on. Isreal are already in a rush to vaccinate elderly again because their anti bodys are too low even after two jabs. That's 3 jabs the elderly needed within a year in that country.. you have to look at that and see a potential big weakness here. We need more options.
I don't know why people are so opposed to finding multiple solutions over covid.. it has to be the vaccine or nothing. Why does it need to be this way?. The vaccine is showing signs of not being a long term fix for our older people. We should be diving head first into finding other options even as a ''just in case''. Seriously, what if the virus mutates again, and lowers the effect of the vaccines on 65+?.. we are back to square one, only this time far more people will be infected before we know what's going on. Isreal are already in a rush to vaccinate elderly again because their anti bodys are too low even after two jabs. That's 3 jabs the elderly needed within a year in that country.. you have to look at that and see a potential big weakness here. We need more options.
There are no other “solutions” or “options” that duplicate the action of the vaccine. Your core premise is disinformation.
There are no other “solutions” or “options” that duplicate the action of the vaccine. Your core premise is disinformation.

I will break this down to one simple and logical argument that should make any intelligent person question the current situation. In the worse case scenario that the vaccines become less feasible, what is plan B?. You would think, that a pandemic so serious it requires the entire human population to vaccinate against it.. warrants a fking plan B?.
I will break this down to one simple and logical argument that should make any intelligent person question the current situation. In the worse case scenario that the vaccines become less feasible, what is plan B?. You would think, that a pandemic so serious, it requires the entire human population to vaccinate against it.. warrants a fking plan B?.
Simple. Plan B is wait two months for the mRNA vaccine against current variants.

Plan B minus is everybody obeying strict mask and distance protocol.

Plan F is to pretend that there are effective drug entities in place of vaccination. This is the stuff of alt-fact.
I don't know why people are so opposed to finding multiple solutions over covid.. it has to be the vaccine or nothing. Why does it need to be this way?. The vaccine is showing signs of not being a long term fix for our older people. We should be diving head first into finding other options even as a ''just in case''. Seriously, what if the virus mutates again, and lowers the effect of the vaccines on 65+?.. we are back to square one, only this time far more people will be infected before we know what's going on. Isreal are already in a rush to vaccinate elderly again because their anti bodys are too low even after two jabs. That's 3 jabs the elderly needed within a year in that country.. you have to look at that and see a potential big weakness here. We need more options.
Nobody is opposed to finding multiple solutions.

What they are however opposed to is snake oil salesman (and women) that are conning people into everything under the sun that they can convince people to buy.

I will break this down to one simple and logical argument that should make any intelligent person question the current situation. In the worse case scenario that the vaccines become less feasible, what is plan B?. You would think, that a pandemic so serious it requires the entire human population to vaccinate against it.. warrants a fking plan B?.
Pretending like there is not a whole of medicine effort to finding actual methods to combat this very dangerous virus is bullshit.

But again, some blogger pushing random shit because some demon sperm fear mongering con artist pushes it is not part of that effort, and they are doing far more harm than they are good.
I will break this down to one simple and logical argument that should make any intelligent person question the current situation. In the worse case scenario that the vaccines become less feasible, what is plan B?. You would think, that a pandemic so serious it requires the entire human population to vaccinate against it.. warrants a fking plan B?.
It sure is hard on republicans, half of them are antivaxx and anti mask, soon it will be republicans exclusively dying from covid. The mRna vaccines are extraordinarily effective at preventing hospitalization and death, only a small percentage even get covid and they are much less contagious for much less time. All the liberals are vaxxed and the concern is with children and the vulnerable now. Antibodies are an effective treatment for covid, but they have to be given very early in the course of the illness and it's most often too late. It would be the same for antiviral drugs, they too would have to be given early in the course of the illness. With covid it's not just ya either die or get better, 60% of those hospitalized have long term covid and are fucked for life. Then there's the drop in IQ that a large percentage of recovered covid patients suffer from, even those who were not hospitalized, not to mention covid limp dick.
I think its narcissism. Note how @Dreaming1 talks as if her apathetic viewpoint mattered. Callous attitude toward death and suffering of others. Smacks of sociopathy and narcissism. A lot like Trump.
I’m a narcissist and a sociopath too because whenever I hear about the COVID-19 death of an anti vaccine or mask influencer, I’m glad they’re dead and that their voices are finally silenced.

If there’s any Justice in this world, Joe Rogan will be next.
I will break this down to one simple and logical argument that should make any intelligent person question the current situation. In the worse case scenario that the vaccines become less feasible, what is plan B?. You would think, that a pandemic so serious it requires the entire human population to vaccinate against it.. warrants a fking plan B?.
The problem is, the same people refusing the vaccine are also refusing to wear masks or social distance, they simply refuse to take ANY personal responsibility, and would rather kill their families and neighbors than take ANY advice from the actual experts. "Plan B" for these people is $2,000 monoclonal antibody treatment, and intubation when their crispy lungs stop functioning, which they are all too happy to get when they are in the ICU watching their lives flash before their eyes. These are the people who are dragging this pandemic out, and they will ultimately be responsible when an unstoppable variant pops up and we're all screwed. Vaccines stopped small pox, not horse dewormer, vaccines ARE LITERALLY the only solution.
The problem is, the same people refusing the vaccine are also refusing to wear masks or social distance, they simply refuse to take ANY personal responsibility, and would rather kill their families and neighbors than take ANY advice from the actual experts. "Plan B" for these people is $2,000 monoclonal antibody treatment, and intubation when their crispy lungs stop functioning, which they are all too happy to get when they are in the ICU watching their lives flash before their eyes. These are the people who are dragging this pandemic out, and they will ultimately be responsible when an unstoppable variant pops up and we're all screwed. Vaccines stopped small pox, not horse dewormer, vaccines ARE LITERALLY the only solution.
$2,000 a pop wow. That’s a lot of money Desantis is going to have to find somewhere. Last I heard about 50,000 treatments were given in Florida. Over a mill spent . He is on a road tour opening up clinics all over Florida. That money could have been spent in marketing vaccines instead. The hole he digs for himself keeps getting deeper and where is he going to get the money for the lawyers he needs to fight the schools who are suing him for forcing the mask mandates?
Nope you are just lying spam. And the troll to get a rise out of me is just what trolls like yourself do to try to feel superior in the face of overwhelming facts showing how full of shit that you are.

It is sad how hard you are trying to sell the big lie that is causing our nation to act extremely dangerous in the time of a pandemic when there is a very safe and extremely effective vaccine available.

Lmao prove it. Once again you follow alinsky to a T, accusing others what you yourself are guilty of. I provide nothing but facts and evidence and all you can do is fart in your pants as response, where's your proofs nazi boy? Natural immunity is better than vaccince provided symptom reduction, and with each new variant the vax only gets worse and worse in comparison. The only people who need the vax are those so weak they'd die from a flu most people survive without knowing they even had unless they were forced to get tested. The sick and the weak can stay home and mask and vax, us healthy folk are gonna live our lives like normal and there's nothing you crab-bucket-mentality nazis can do to stop us LOL.

Total BS, provide references. There is ZERO evidence that a previous covid infection prevents reinfection better than a full vaccine course. The only ACTUAL study that looked at this showed that a previous covid infection PLUS full vaccination produced a greater number of antibodies than either a previous infection or full course of vaccination alone. This study looked at antibodies only, not real world infection rates or T cell memory. You constantly spout garbage you can't back up. Regurgitating what Fox Entertainment actors read off a teleprompter isn't going to get you anywhere in life.

"Total BS, provide references"

I did

"The only ACTUAL study that looked at this showed that a previous covid infection PLUS full vaccination"

so you looked at my reference. And? Doesn't change the fact that natural immunity is better than two jabs and no prior infection. Still no reason to take away people's jobs, gyms, education, and who knows what next when the majority of healthy people are asymptomatic if they catch it, and powerfully immune after they recover. No reason to only force covid tests on the unvaxxed when we know the vaxxed can still catch it and spread it as easily as the unvaxxed if they do. No reason to use less PCR cycles for the vaxxed and more for the unvaxxed when we know that increases false positives. The numbers don't look very good for the vax when it comes to the "you have to take it for someone else" argument and the numbers are skewed to hell and back. Even 24 PCR cycles creates near meaningless results and since the start of all this we've been doing more than 30.

Those who are at risk can take the precautions they need to, if they want to. It's not my problem if you wear your seatbelt or if you eat your vegetables or wash behind your ears, so don't police me about my personable habits that only affect you as much as you let them. Order your groceries. Work remote. Social distance and don't go to bars, don't close the ones you aren't going to anyways. Just don't go, problem solved. Let bars decide if they want to ask for a vax card, plenty want to. Just don't make us. You have options and the pandemic has only given you more, don't take mine away because you're jealous I have them, nazi.
And I won't play the right wing propaganda game of chasing my tail to try to figure out every single piece of bullshit propaganda spam trolls like yourself will present.

You still haven't acknowledged that you were wrong in your lie about the AP news article you linked to.

And then you switched to demanding a explanation of some alt right propaganda rag.

Because that is what trolls like yourself do, you demand others disregard actual information and try to bury them in bullshit spam.

"I wont play the game of trying to look at your evidence or even responding to your arguments, because I don't need logic or reason when I have my feelings!"

lmao thanks for taking the L on this one, you could have done it more gracefully.

"Because that is what trolls like yourself do, you demand others disregard actual information and try to bury them in bullshit spam."

which is what you just admitted is what you're doing. I respond to evidence with superior evidence. You respond to evidence with name calling and crybaby whining. You look like a dishonest idiot arguing out of spite when reality doesn't match your feelings.

"You still haven't acknowledged that you were wrong in your lie about the AP news article you linked to."

I wasn't wrong. What I have acknowledged is that viral load is the same in the unvaxxed as the vaxxed and we know viral load is correlated to transmissibility. Do the math. 1+1=you're too dumb to add up a sum :lol:
What amazes me is that this toolbag fabricated an antisemitic narrative out of thin air in order to stoke his rage. Straw men dont come any more blatant.

hey you're the one that said that you, a german, thinks that I, a jew, and anyone like me deserves to be severely punished for my differences in beliefs. You want to take my job, my right to be with other people, my right to breath fresh air, my right to make my own medical decisions, all based on your feelings and not the science.....sounds like a nazi to me, you jew killing monster. I bet you'd genocide the unvaxxed if you had a choice. Too bad all you little hitlers are powerless to stop us normal folk from living our lives like we want to anyways, and boy does it make yall tyrants mad LOL. May as well take my job because I smoke an herb :eyesmoke:
Lmao prove it. Once again you follow alinsky to a T, accusing others what you yourself are guilty of. I provide nothing but facts and evidence and all you can do is fart in your pants as response, where's your proofs nazi boy? Natural immunity is better than vaccince provided symptom reduction, and with each new variant the vax only gets worse and worse in comparison. The only people who need the vax are those so weak they'd die from a flu most people survive without knowing they even had unless they were forced to get tested. The sick and the weak can stay home and mask and vax, us healthy folk are gonna live our lives like normal and there's nothing you crab-bucket-mentality nazis can do to stop us LOL.

"Total BS, provide references"

I did

"The only ACTUAL study that looked at this showed that a previous covid infection PLUS full vaccination"

so you looked at my reference. And? Doesn't change the fact that natural immunity is better than two jabs and no prior infection. Still no reason to take away people's jobs, gyms, education, and who knows what next when the majority of healthy people are asymptomatic if they catch it, and powerfully immune after they recover. No reason to only force covid tests on the unvaxxed when we know the vaxxed can still catch it and spread it as easily as the unvaxxed if they do. No reason to use less PCR cycles for the vaxxed and more for the unvaxxed when we know that increases false positives. The numbers don't look very good for the vax when it comes to the "you have to take it for someone else" argument and the numbers are skewed to hell and back. Even 24 PCR cycles creates near meaningless results and since the start of all this we've been doing more than 30.

Those who are at risk can take the precautions they need to, if they want to. It's not my problem if you wear your seatbelt or if you eat your vegetables or wash behind your ears, so don't police me about my personable habits that only affect you as much as you let them. Order your groceries. Work remote. Social distance and don't go to bars, don't close the ones you aren't going to anyways. Just don't go, problem solved. Let bars decide if they want to ask for a vax card, plenty want to. Just don't make us. You have options and the pandemic has only given you more, don't take mine away because you're jealous I have them, nazi.

"I wont play the game of trying to look at your evidence or even responding to your arguments, because I don't need logic or reason when I have my feelings!"

lmao thanks for taking the L on this one, you could have done it more gracefully.

"Because that is what trolls like yourself do, you demand others disregard actual information and try to bury them in bullshit spam."

which is what you just admitted is what you're doing. I respond to evidence with superior evidence. You respond to evidence with name calling and crybaby whining. You look like a dishonest idiot arguing out of spite when reality doesn't match your feelings.

"You still haven't acknowledged that you were wrong in your lie about the AP news article you linked to."

I wasn't wrong. What I have acknowledged is that viral load is the same in the unvaxxed as the vaxxed and we know viral load is correlated to transmissibility. Do the math. 1+1=you're too dumb to add up a sum :lol:

hey you're the one that said that you, a german, thinks that I, a jew, and anyone like me deserves to be severely punished for my differences in beliefs. You want to take my job, my right to be with other people, my right to breath fresh air, my right to make my own medical decisions, all based on your feelings and not the science.....sounds like a nazi to me, you jew killing monster. I bet you'd genocide the unvaxxed if you had a choice. Too bad all you little hitlers are powerless to stop us normal folk from living our lives like we want to anyways, and boy does it make yall tyrants mad LOL. May as well take my job because I smoke an herb :eyesmoke:
No. The ethno-religious angle is purely your manufactured outrage, and a calumny against me and my peaceable family.

If youve read any of my content, the idea that I would kill the unvaxed will be shown to be ridiculous. You lie, then attack based on your lie.