Active Member
You're saying, "oh look at this 14x reduction..", but 14 time zero is still zero. So, if your "14x" is to carry any weight, you have to first admit that there's something to weigh. Can't have it both ways.
Ah I see. That's also partially my point, the impact of covid has been pretty overblown for both political reasons (it was an election year in the u.s. and boy do governments like power) but also profit ones once the corporations got involved. For most people it's a cold or mild flu but it's a serious disease for some people who are in bad positions immunesystem-wise like how the flu can be for them as well, and they deserve to have more treatment and prevention options being seriously investigated than just the vax, especially now that we know the vax alone isn't as helpful as we hoped. I'm not calling them miracle drugs but I think all the anti-hype is undeserved and mostly profit-driven.