Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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You're saying, "oh look at this 14x reduction..", but 14 time zero is still zero. So, if your "14x" is to carry any weight, you have to first admit that there's something to weigh. Can't have it both ways.

Ah I see. That's also partially my point, the impact of covid has been pretty overblown for both political reasons (it was an election year in the u.s. and boy do governments like power) but also profit ones once the corporations got involved. For most people it's a cold or mild flu but it's a serious disease for some people who are in bad positions immunesystem-wise like how the flu can be for them as well, and they deserve to have more treatment and prevention options being seriously investigated than just the vax, especially now that we know the vax alone isn't as helpful as we hoped. I'm not calling them miracle drugs but I think all the anti-hype is undeserved and mostly profit-driven.
Ah I see. That's also partially my point, the impact of covid has been pretty overblown for both political reasons (it was an election year in the u.s. and boy do governments like power) but also profit ones once the corporations got involved. For most people it's a cold or mild flu but it's a serious disease for some people who are in bad positions immunesystem-wise like how the flu can be for them as well, and they deserve to have more treatment and prevention options being seriously investigated than just the vax, especially now that we know the vax alone isn't as helpful as we hoped. I'm not calling them miracle drugs but I think all the anti-hype is undeserved and mostly profit-driven.
So long as these unproven treatments are seen as an adjunct to vaccination and not an alternative.
More studies by bigger players are needed.

which will be hard to get if they're too busy calling it horse dewormer or too afraid of public shaming to consider investigating it.

So long as these unproven treatments are seen as an adjunct to vaccination and not an alternative.

Those at risk should have every tool they can. Those not at risk shouldn't have tools forced upon them!
Ah I see. That's also partially my point, the impact of covid has been pretty overblown for both political reasons (it was an election year in the u.s. and boy do governments like power) but also profit ones once the corporations got involved. For most people it's a cold or mild flu but it's a serious disease for some people who are in bad positions immunesystem-wise like how the flu can be for them as well, and they deserve to have more treatment and prevention options being seriously investigated than just the vax, especially now that we know the vax alone isn't as helpful as we hoped. I'm not calling them miracle drugs but I think all the anti-hype is undeserved and mostly profit-driven.

Please eat dewormer and stay clear of the vaccine.
which will be hard to get if they're too busy calling it horse dewormer or too afraid of public shaming to consider investigating it.

Those at risk should have every tool they can. Those not at risk shouldn't have tools forced upon them!
No. There are enough destructive jerks who won’t vacuum up without a mandate. They very much should be seriously penalized if they refuse to do the civic minded thing.

For one, anyone unvaxed who gets hospitalized should have to pay the full cost of care without insurer assistance. I consider that a reasonable price to exact for anyone who opposes a vital public health measure without (rare) legitimate medical reasons. This “freedom” fixation is MAGA horseshit.
No. There are enough destructive jerks who won’t vacuum up without a mandate. They very much should be seriously penalized if they refuse to do the civic minded thing.

For one, anyone unvaxed who gets hospitalized should have to pay the full cost of care without insurer assistance. I consider that a reasonable price to exact for anyone who opposes a vital public health measure without (rare) legitimate medical reasons. This “freedom” fixation is MAGA horseshit.
Ah, and so the nazis come out to play

I vacuum just fine, thank you very much.
Ah I see. That's also partially my point, the impact of covid has been pretty overblown for both political reasons (it was an election year in the u.s. and boy do governments like power) but also profit ones once the corporations got involved. For most people it's a cold or mild flu but it's a serious disease for some people who are in bad positions immunesystem-wise like how the flu can be for them as well, and they deserve to have more treatment and prevention options being seriously investigated than just the vax, especially now that we know the vax alone isn't as helpful as we hoped. I'm not calling them miracle drugs but I think all the anti-hype is undeserved and mostly profit-driven.

And also my point. It nullifies the impact of your "14x", because again, a 14x reduction in something overblown, is still something overblown. Not saying I agree with your take, only that you can't really downplay Covid and also hype a treatment for Covid.
Ah, and so the nazis come out to play

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I vacuum just fine, thank you very much.
Not Nazi. We kicked that one out in November.

But if you choose against the vaccine you should be held liable for your cost to society.

And that is getting off lightly, since I am not suggesting that antivaxers be charged with criminal reckless endangerment, which would be a slam dunk conviction.
I can ,,who trusts the f.d a. Wouldn't be the first time they let a drug pass that had problems. Remember there are drugs being used in other countries that help people but the F.D.A says no to them. So,who trusts the fda .
Everybody with a fucking brain moron, try reading the news instead of swallowing bullshit propaganda that will kill you.
about the "do it for grandma" argument - the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting sick. The Lancet released a study BEFORE the delta variant showing the best vaccine had a less than 2% absolute risk reduction against catching covid. And now it's MORE infectious.

The CDC has said the vaccinated spread covid just as easily as the unvaccinated. And studies in israel are showing natural immunity is several times more effective at preventing both covid and symtpomatic covid than double vaccination. By that logic, if I truly cared about grandma then the best I can do for her is to get infected and recover because just getting the vax alone might kill her.
Nobody said it does, it's just that dumb rednecks automatically assume that a vaccine is some sort of impenetrable shield and then they try to poke holes in, what amounts to their own lack of knowledge.
about the "do it for grandma" argument - the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting sick. The Lancet released a study BEFORE the delta variant showing the best vaccine had a less than 2% absolute risk reduction against catching covid. And now it's MORE infectious.

The CDC has said the vaccinated spread covid just as easily as the unvaccinated. And studies in israel are showing natural immunity is several times more effective at preventing both covid and symtpomatic covid than double vaccination. By that logic, if I truly cared about grandma then the best I can do for her is to get infected and recover because just getting the vax alone might kill her.
And now you are selling the lies against a highly effective extremely safe vaccine after plugging nonsense.

Not quite. It's "it helps save lives" and "no thanks, I care more about my discomfort than I do about other Americans" and then it's "I hope you die".

Nah it's "it helps save lives" and "not really and it might mess up mine, here's proof"
and then it's "lalala I'm not listening i hope you die lalalala"
Not Nazi. We kicked that one out in November.

But if you choose against the vaccine you should be held liable for your cost to society.

And that is getting off lightly, since I am not suggesting that antivaxers be charged with criminal reckless endangerment, which would be a slam dunk conviction.
The Texas law could be turned around in many states, if you give someone covid you can be sued by anybody etc, just substitute, covid. Then there's guns and anybody can sue someone who has an illegal one under state law etc, the list is endless. The SCOTUS opened a can of worms that they might have to swallow. If Texas turns blue in 2022, they could get rid of the antiabortion law and make the same kind of laws pertaining to guns and covid. Let the fuckers come out with their guns freaking out and mow them down, the feds would put the survivors on a terrorist watch list. Ya gotta win first, then all kinds of things become possible.
about the "do it for grandma" argument - the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting sick. The Lancet released a study BEFORE the delta variant showing the best vaccine had a less than 2% absolute risk reduction against catching covid. And now it's MORE infectious.

The CDC has said the vaccinated spread covid just as easily as the unvaccinated. And studies in israel are showing natural immunity is several times more effective at preventing both covid and symtpomatic covid than double vaccination. By that logic, if I truly cared about grandma then the best I can do for her is to get infected and recover because just getting the vax alone might kill her.

Stay in your lane tRUmptard and eat your dewormer.
Nah it's "it helps save lives" and "not really and it might mess up mine, here's proof"
and then it's "lalala I'm not listening i hope you die lalalala"

Oh yeah, masks mess up your life?

"Look at me, I'm super tough, Covid ain't shit.....boo hoo this thing on my face is killing meeeeee!!!!"