Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I just want to see one goddamn person in line to get the vaccine at Walgreens actually wear the mask. Thats one case where it's super obvious who hasn't had the vaccine, yet there they sit, lined up in the laxative aisle, coughing all over and germing shit up. Old people are gonna die of the rona trying to buy Metamucil.
I just want to see one goddamn person in line to get the vaccine at Walgreens actually wear the mask. Thats one case where it's super obvious who hasn't had the vaccine, yet there they sit, lined up in the laxative aisle, coughing all over and germing shit up. Old people are gonna die of the rona trying to buy Metamucil.
The antivaxxers and antimaskers are a problem that will solve itself, it will just fade away like "magic", death does that, stupid ideas die with the people who carry them around in their heads, especially when the ideas cause the deaths.
But, but... ...that only means the republicans will only have to cheat harder
Well about half of them are hardcore antivaccine and anti mask, they live in concentrated clusters with low vaxx rates, in the middle of a delta wave that's just getting going and oh yeah, asymptomatic vaccinated people can spread it too. I dunno if anybody modeled the specific states, but the prognoses over the next year must be horrific. By the time the election rolls around a significant number in key states could be dead, fucked for life and or have an attitude adjustment by a near death experience. We've got a winter to get through and it's not a question of if they will get covid, but rather when.
The anti-vaxxers wont be laughing at us when the Covid survivability rate declines from 99.998% to 99.997%
The Don Lemons knows his stuff!

Plenty of republicans are filling the hospitals and morgues, it's become a republican pandemic now, all the liberals are vaxxed and will get boosters. No matter how good the next vaccine will be in stopping this in it's tracks, it won't help the cursed, just the liberals. I guess the bible must be true, the meek shall inherit the earth and this is how, God works in mysterious ways.
Plenty of republicans are filling the hospitals and morgues

yes - the hospitals and morgues are filled.... because the moving pictures box said so!

anywho - its POSSIBLE that the reason the government/media has their TV drones in a fear panic about masks and getting mystery injections is based on some MORAL reason - but that reason has NOTHING to do with COVID19 - i mean it's fatality rate was equal/lower to the flu - and coincidentally has the EXACT same symptoms as the flu which has recently gone extinct (whoah!)

I DOUBT its for a moral reason however
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High Octane Hypothetical

If I was the Banker/Corporate/MIC & I wanted to purge the world so that only a totally obedient slave class remains: I could use the TVs to instruct all the slaves to take a mystery vaccine for a disease that all the self thinkers are noticing isnt really a fatal disease. Then I could release an extremely deadly disease onto the public that all of my slaves have been vaccinated for.

All of the creative self-thinkers will be gone - only a totally obedient slave class remains. This nullifies any possibility of a revolution against our control.

Hell, with nano-tech in "booster" mRNA injection - i could turn my slave class into whatever I want
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yes - the hospitals and morgues are filled.... because the moving pictures box said so!

anywho - its POSSIBLE that the reason the government/media has their TV drones in a fear panic about masks and getting mystery injections is based on some MORAL reason - but that reason has NOTHING to do with COVID19 - i mean it's fatality rate was equal/lower to the flu - and coincidentally has the EXACT same symptoms as the flu which has recently gone extinct (whoah!)

I DOUBT its for a moral reason however
So all the press and all the media including foreign media, are part of a vast conspiracy? A simpler explanation is that you are delusional
So all the press and all the media including foreign media, are part of a vast conspiracy? A simpler explanation is that you are delusional

No - only western media is currently treating the flu as the black plague

You are CONVINCED that the "world" agrees with the banker/corporate nonsense on covid and everthing else lol
yes - the hospitals and morgues are filled.... because the moving pictures box said so!

anywho - its POSSIBLE that the reason the government/media has their TV drones in a fear panic about masks and getting mystery injections is based on some MORAL reason - but that reason has NOTHING to do with COVID19 - i mean it's fatality rate was equal/lower to the flu - and coincidentally has the EXACT same symptoms as the flu which has recently gone extinct (whoah!)

I DOUBT its for a moral reason however
So you are saying the information coming out of the hospitals and morgues is not true?
A grown man just told me that he thinks the government is behind the virus and trying to kill people due to overpopulation. I asked him where he got his information from and he told me Tic Tok. I asked if that was a reliable source and he said , OH Yes! I am not familiar with Tic Tok. I heard about it but thought it was for kids.
A grown man just told me that he thinks the government is behind the virus and trying to kill people due to overpopulation. I asked him where he got his information from and he told me Tic Tok. I asked if that was a reliable source and he said , OH Yes! I am not familiar with Tic Tok. I heard about it but thought it was for kids.
I want to laugh, but it is actually very sad someone would think that TicTok is a reliable source of information.

Especially when the white insurrectionists are trying to use anti-vaccine spam to recruit people to their cause.

Why do you let evil put hate in your heart when all you really want is to be is mellow?
Because the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing to stop it. Liberal democracies always end up inclusive, the meek shall inherit the earth, not the racists and bigots.