Tiger Bloom?

Hello everyone, hope all is well with everyone and your plants of course too. Welp, I'm on a limited budget here...long story short- would one be wiser to buy Tiger Bloom or Big Bloom plant food? For flowering stage of course. I'm not sure which NPK value is better for indoor, first time grow? Anyways thanks everybody
Honestly I use all three in the set except the other two bottles in the set I do at 1/4 the dose but big bloom I do at half. You may wanna also look at dr earth to top dress as well if only gonna use big bloom. U still want a little nitrogen in their diet or your plants will yellow out. Theirs others that use worm castings and stuff like that. I’m sure they will chime in. Honestly to complicated. I try to get a good organic soil. I use the fox farm trio and I top dress once a month with coop poop
If the sources I have been reading are correct, Molasses gives carbs, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and many other macro nutrients as long as you use a good unsulphured blackstrap molasses. If I'm not mistaken, plants also do take carbs from the soil during flower so it is a great addition, also not bad during veg to be frank. Also should help with breaking down any salt build-ups.
If the sources I have been reading are correct, Molasses gives carbs, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and many other macro nutrients as long as you use a good unsulphured blackstrap molasses. If I'm not mistaken, plants also do take carbs from the soil during flower so it is a great addition, also not bad during veg to be frank. Also should help with breaking down any salt build-ups.
Yep...blackstrap unsulphured, been using it for years
Hello everyone, hope all is well with everyone and your plants of course too. Welp, I'm on a limited budget here...long story short- would one be wiser to buy Tiger Bloom or Big Bloom plant food? For flowering stage of course. I'm not sure which NPK value is better for indoor, first time grow? Anyways thanks everybody
Are you trying to grow organic? I'm guessing you're in soil.
Big bloom alone is not enough to get you through flower unless you have a complete biologically active living soil which is unlikely if your container gardening in smaller pots (less than 30gallon) unless your inoculating every week or 2.

Big Bloom is really meant to be used in addition to Tiger Bloom.
It is a bloom booster where tiger bloom is the bloom base nutrient, a booster alone cannot do the job as Dreminen has pointed here.
Well i got some Dr. Earths Bud & Bloom 1-2-1, and Succulent plant food 0-1-1. Some SuperThrive too. Will these hurt?
Super thrive will also be ok. Just a note don’t go too heavy on the molasses or the microbes & bacteria will go dormant. Smaller amounts are actually more beneficial and will boost the activity as I have discovered first hand in my research and trials with ferments ⬇ I would recommend no more that 1TBSP/gal of unsulfered blackstrap molasses