Afganistan Collapse

Abrams tanks require a semiannual scheduled maintenance that includes removing and disassembling the engine and transmission to replace the seals. This maintenance takes about 5 days, and you need the new parts.....
Give me a break!! The washing machine you own states the same thing to keep it's warranty. Those things will run through 3ft+ of blood for a solid week. You think in the thick of it some Lt. Stupid is going to tell a tank on the front line, "Your over due for an oil change. Come on in."
Or your saying the military bought that might be possible...wouldn't be the first time.
Give me a break!! The washing machine you own states the same thing to keep it's warranty. Those things will run through 3ft+ of blood for a solid week. You think in the thick of it some Lt. Stupid is going to tell a tank on the front line, "Your over due for an oil change. Come on in."
Or your saying the military bought that might be possible...wouldn't be the first time.
you think said Lt wants his tank to grind to a halt in the middle of a firefight due to lack of being maintained? his crew and his tank would be sitting ducks. These modern weapons have rigorous maintenance schedules for a reason. This ain't your washing machine
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you think said Lt wants his tank to grind to a halt in the middle of a firefight due to lack of being maintained? his crew and his tank would be sitting ducks. These modern weapons have rigorous maintenance schedules for a reason.
You think he would give a fuck about the danger when said outcome is the will of god
you think said Lt wants his tank to grind to a halt in the middle of a firefight due to lack of being maintained? his crew and his tank would be sitting ducks. These modern weapons have rigorous maintenance schedules for a reason.
You apparently have a problem with sarcasm. But as your scenario goes, it points to mechanical breakdown whether they are used or not. They move around they need maintenance. They sit still they need maintenance. Those parts will degrade right before your eyes. Your not seeing the big picture. Those tanks are for war....War won't pause for an oil change. Those F*cking tanks better not either.
You apparently have a problem with sarcasm. But as your scenario goes, it points to mechanical breakdown whether they are used or not. They move around they need maintenance. They sit still they need maintenance. Those parts will degrade right before your eyes. Your not seeing the big picture. Those tanks are for war....War won't pause for an oil change. Those F*cking tanks better not ether.
you watch too many movies.....tanks are very high maintenance
You apparently have a problem with sarcasm. But as your scenario goes, it points to mechanical breakdown whether they are used or not. They move around they need maintenance. They sit still they need maintenance. Those parts will degrade right before your eyes. Your not seeing the big picture. Those tanks are for war....War won't pause for an oil change. Those F*cking tanks better not ether.
Maybe the tanks are carefully designed so that once in the enemies hand they have a very short shelf life. There might even be a hidden explosive inside that can be deployed remotely to destroy it.
They don't really embrace technology. Same as with everything we've already left, because this isn't a new problem, and same with everything the russians left, they'll use it until it breaks and then leave it where it lies and move onto something else.