Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

You do know that Trump invited Hillary to his wedding, donated to many Democrats, and spoke in favor of pro choice.
The way I see it Trump would wet his finger and stick it in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. "Gullibility is the middle name of all who are willing die for me."- Trump (maybe not).:D
Biden is a lot friendlier than any previous president, especially if they were Republican. All that freedom and liberty they run their fucking mouths about just before they send our children to fight a war half way around the world for a bunch of fucking people that hate us.

But yet, let's lock up 10 million people back at home for smoking weed. Republicans pay lip service to freedom and liberty to win elections and get the gullible to vote for them.
stance was for segregated busing for public schools. The guy is a flip flop joke, he's the poster boy for a scumbag politician that will say anything to get re-elected."
You do know that Trump invited Hillary to his wedding, donated to many Democrats, and spoke in favor of pro choice.

I love when Trumpers only tell half the story to avoid the truth....

The reason why Trump donated all that money and invited Hillary?

stance was for segregated busing for public schools. The guy is a flip flop joke, he's the poster boy for a scumbag politician that will say anything to get re-elected."
You do know that Trump invited Hillary to his wedding, donated to many Democrats, and spoke in favor of pro choice.

You took the time to quote me but didn't bother to read the second sentence?
Biden is a lot friendlier than any previous president, especially if they were Republican. All that freedom and liberty they run their fucking mouths about just before they send our children to fight a war half way around the world for a bunch of fucking people that hate us.

But yet, let's lock up 10 million people back at home for smoking weed. Republicans pay lip service to freedom and liberty to win elections and get the gullible to vote for them.
That's great, "friendlier" doesn't make it right. It doesn't matter if a Republican or Democrat is in the that chair. They're all bed buddies as one could never exist without the other. Vote Libertarian for change!
That's great, "friendlier" doesn't make it right. It doesn't matter if a Republican or Democrat is in the that chair. They're all bed buddies as one could never exist without the other. Vote Libertarian for change!
From now on, if Trump is on the ticket I'll have to vote for whoever has the best odds of beating him.
Biden is not my first choice but he's not a traitor.
Ya sounds like they are asking us to choose sides already instead of believing in Democracy? Maybe you are not a driver and wonder where $2/gal gasoline went. Or wonder where the power to charge that $60G electric ride is going to come from when we don't have enough power to cool/heat the house? Or why we have to have China build those generators for the windmills? America and the USD is dead and dying and no cares.
Ya sounds like they are asking us to choose sides already instead of believing in Democracy? Maybe you are not a driver and wonder where $2/gal gasoline went. Or wonder where the power to charge that $60G electric ride is going to come from when we don't have enough power to cool/heat the house? Or why we have to have China build those generators for the windmills? America and the USD is dead and dying and no cares.
I'm not a Libertarian. Bernie.
If you are a Libertarian

Since you asked for feedback...

It all depends if you are an actual libertarian or a person who claims to be, but really isn't.

An actual libertarian that uses or doesn't use cannabis themself realizes that's a private matter and none of their business, therefore none of the governments business either. It's up to the individual.

If you are a "Progressive" and 51% of people vote to take away your natural right to consume or grow cannabis, you shrug and claim that "democracy must be obeyed " ,despite the rights violation.
Most conservatives dont smoke it but dont mind it. But most democrats I know dont mess with it either. So I cant imagine a president anytime soon risking that kind of fall out. But damnit I wish somebody would legalize it already. If you did it on a federal level then yuppies wont flood your state just to have it around. Look at Colorado. Every Ryan Seacrest doucheton with a trust fund flooded the place and turned the place into a Woody Allen special. I was worried I would have to watch it happen all over again in Montana but our winters will make short work of that problem
Is this some pussy thread for all the dick heads who can't actually stand that their propaganda spam can't hold up in actual political section?

OOOh no! Biden won't commit to something that hasn't passed and a lot of people are still freaked out about.

If it passes, he will sign it I bet.

As for the rest of the trolling, it is hilariously sad that people are still regurgitating the lies that they have been told to believe (if they are useful idiots).