Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

I’m done with this sight….I really am…’s the same 3 fucking ass holes o. Hear trolling every one that act like their shit is the best shit out their…….joe blow ….bk…..and 28.35…….every time every thred…..u guts are fucking tri hards that dog shut on every one that’s out performing you/…/.go fuck your selfs I’m ducking done with roll it up………

Bro you’re not done. Also can you type this in english please?
The only way to answer this question is for you to do the work yourself. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will post their opinion but most people telling you to not touch your leaves will have never tried defoliating themselves and are basically the same as the lighting nerds that jizz over datasheets.

Its not that hard. Take 10 clones. Grow them in the same room and strip 5 of them and dont strip the other 5. Then at the end check the weight, quality, density, ease of trimming and whatever traits you desire and see what works best.

Imagine telling a commercial tomato grower to leave their plants untouched. You would be laughed out of the greenhouse.