Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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how much carbon burn
To make the billions of vaccines
In the little glass it’s in,
And the med waste
What happens to the used needles ?
I know what happens to the masks
Try are littered everywhere
Hit some with the mower up by the street.
It’s crazy. Just seems like forcing laws
And keeping people quiet I don’t know.
Why do we try to treat many illnesses? Because we feel people's lives are worth saving. Next time you are in need of a medical procedure, just go lie in the gutter and pretend civilization has not progressed that far. It is very simple to walk the talk. I hope you do it.
I don't think I put your quote in ny response...ppl pull strings on here n do that shit too...players behind the scenes will special access

To stir shit...
Sure, somebody else put the quote there.

Can't even man up when you fuck up. Kind of implies you are a fuck up.
See, this is exactly what you're after. All this effort could be spent discussing the topic, but you won't, because bickering is viagra for people these days.
How so is that?
Because antivaxers are willing, on broken ideological grounds, to KILL their neighbors by transmitting the Delta variant. Zero consideration for seconf-order consequences.

Damned treasonous asshats.

Some here have stated "I hope they all die". That is not my sentimenrt.

I hope they WAKE up from the Maga fever dream, stop treating the vax as socialism in a syringe, and start loving teir fellow Americans, of whatever allegiance, and BREAK the transmission chain.

Consideration for your fellow human.
Why do we try to treat many illnesses? Because we feel people's lives are worth saving. Next time you are in need of a medical procedure, just go lie in the gutter and pretend civilization has not progressed that far. It is very simple to walk the talk. I hope you do it.
Why would I lay in the gutter that’s just a rude comment with the I hope you do.
I hope you have a better day tomorrow
If you think ppl on here don't manipulate posts n threads n rearrange shit to suit their agenda...your way behind
It is nor post. Who changed your post on you? Do you think someone sees you as such a treat that they think they need to change your post on you... ...you are delusional.