Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

in fact the site is due for a long overdue overhaul

what products and services would you guys like to see?

ive considered dabbling into the market of used components. photometrically tested with limited warranty

thoughts? could serve two markets. those who want to upgrade, and the entry-level people who favor economic builds
in fact the site is due for a long overdue overhaul

what products and services would you guys like to see?

ive considered dabbling into the market of used components. photometrically tested with limited warranty

thoughts? could serve two markets. those who want to upgrade, and the entry-level people who favor economic builds
Sounds like a pretty good idea.
I think it sounds like a great idea! I don't know anyone else doing it either.

And some COBs mounted like this:


in fact the site is due for a long overdue overhaul

what products and services would you guys like to see?

ive considered dabbling into the market of used components. photometrically tested with limited warranty

thoughts? could serve two markets. those who want to upgrade, and the entry-level people who favor economic builds
in fact the site is due for a long overdue overhaul

what products and services would you guys like to see?

ive considered dabbling into the market of used components. photometrically tested with limited warranty

thoughts? could serve two markets. those who want to upgrade, and the entry-level people who favor economic builds
I like that idea, alot.
the pin fins are designed to radiate passively with the pins up. the heatsinks have extrusions in the top to mount a 50mm fan which would let you use them in any direction. i have a small stash of the fans, 12V iirc