Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

When we were kids we'd go to the river after a flood receded and there would be pools of huge carp trapped....we were amazed 10 year olds and we made spears and such to catch them. Then someone told us you can't eat them. We tried cooking one up for my friends cats and they wouldn't even touch the stuff. Great memories, lol.
But they worked terrifically in a slingshot to deter jetskiers from, uhh, being jetskiers I guess
But they worked terrifically in a slingshot to deter jetskiers from, uhh, being jetskiers I guess
I wish I had thought of that...Jetskis are such a PITA when you are boating and they are trying to follow close to jump your waves....and then there's 13 y .o. kids driving these things that will go 70 mph on water. Yes, a slingshot of raw fish would have done wonders. I did have this killer water cannon though :lol:
I wish I had thought of that...Jetskis are such a PITA when you are boating and they are trying to follow close to jump your waves....and then there's 13 y .o. kids driving these things that will go 70 mph on water. Yes, a slingshot of raw fish would have done wonders. I did have this killer water cannon though :lol:
I was just off to the side, in a cove, trying to fish and they came and just tore it up. I lost my shit and the next couple carp I caught I deployed. I'm not proud of it but I enjoyed the effect.
Damn you Jeff....That smore looks great! It's a good thing I am drinking a glass of OJ or I'd be into the chocolate ice cream. :lol: I am trying to be good about eating junk at bedtime.

And it's that time...Also trying to get to bed at a decent hour.

Good night all !!