Police Interactions.

It is heartbreaking. And we don't know anything about this kid yet to pretend like he was some thug and not just a kid playing with a gun who ran and threw it when getting chased by the cop.

This is why I think that cops need online realtime backup and a lot more drones. Take the danger for them out of pursuing people who they think are criminals so that they stop killing people.

Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?

I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..
Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?

I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..

comrade you're back!:hug:

what shall we talk about today- you gave me love yesterday now i stalk you.
Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?

I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..

how is Alexei Navalny today?
Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?

I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..
I'm pretty much Center guy,I'm for a strong Def, lending a hand to people within reason, taxing while not demonizing etc., moved a little left due to worst Pres. in US history and the maggots he exposed. Putin absolutely rheems his people for his own enrichment and intervened in Syria because it suits HIS interest not the Syrian people. AS far as Yugoslavia, I have no hostility towards it. All I can say is that is what happens when artificial countries are formed after wars.The hatred between diff. ethnicities there is off the charts and the actions of some of the different factions there rival the Nazis. I,m certainly not naive to think of the US as the squeeky clean white knight in the world but we don't subjugate people to our ways or claim territory. We were in Yugoslavia in the 90's to stop ethnic massacres from continuing, a problem resulting from forming a country with a cookie cutter after ww1.ccguns
Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
Only racists think that the only race you can be racist towards is black people.
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?
There is reporting of a video that shows him tossing something as he is running.
I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

Ex military have different sets of problems as law enforcement. I think technological advancements are what is in desperate need. Far more recon and thought before engagement.

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..
You mean the dude that gassed his own people?

Technically you just labeled him as 'left'. Which is a right wing troll thing to do.
Most saddest thing is he isn't even black (as for racist narrative) ..he seems like middle eastern to me..
So they already started to spin it?? And wtf is that narrative he had a gun? did he point it at you? That kid is a FCKN CHILD havent got time to properly turn aorund and he was shot with his hands up?

I think US need better testing people that wanna be police officers..Bitch ass pussy people cant be cops!!
Just like Army.. If you are scared beyond acting right , you are danger to your platoon..But here innocent people get killed..
I dont know why they dont hire ex military as police officers ???

@CCGNZ Maybe their agenda wasn't Holly but at lest they stud by Elected Gouvermant and Syrian people, trying to keep their country stable and free from jihad forces that you financed and Supply with your Dear SA and Quatar.. And yes I'm from ex Yugoslavija..I must be Subhuman to you..
Coz you are democrat / and Left ..yes? LOL. You piss in your ovn mouth.. labeling yourself as left, but your life philosophy and things you say/write is complete opposite..

You're kind of a disgusting person with loads of toxic masculinity(i.e. insecurity) and anger. Should probably find a nice lady, or fellow, to help you get that poison out.
AG Merrick Garland has relaxed Trump-era restrictions on the Justice Department’s ability to force changes at police departments and other local agencies accused of abuse, rescinding Jeff Sessions's 2018 memo that curtailed the use of consent decrees in such cases
AG Merrick Garland has relaxed Trump-era restrictions on the Justice Department’s ability to force changes at police departments and other local agencies accused of abuse, rescinding Jeff Sessions's 2018 memo that curtailed the use of consent decrees in such cases
It's a start, but legislative change is required for meaningful police reform, minimum hiring standards and pay for all police. It's suppose to be a profession, make it one, amateur hour is over. You cannot train the biases of some people away and many cops are scared to death on the job because of the sheer number of guns in America and easy access. Every time their body camera footage or others shows them not acting in a courteous professional manner would result in a fine and discipline, all body cam footage reviewed in a timely manner by an independent body etc. Of course a national bad cop registry too, they wouldn't even be allowed to work as armed security guards..
IMO they need eyes on them at all times when they are in uniform on the streets. Constant communication with real time video. We need our police to have better decision making ability, and the only way for that to happen is to have more information/processing in real time.

And wipe out all the necessary stuff that was pushed onto them like paperwork (since they have someone else watching, they can complete all of it in real time) and whatever secondary work they are forced to do.
Imo we need to get em all hopped up on pcp, grease em up and throw a bucket of dildos in the mix. Last man standing is the lieutenant.

Friday woooo
I'm pretty much Center guy,I'm for a strong Def, lending a hand to people within reason, taxing while not demonizing etc., moved a little left due to worst Pres. in US history and the maggots he exposed. Putin absolutely rheems his people for his own enrichment and intervened in Syria because it suits HIS interest not the Syrian people. AS far as Yugoslavia, I have no hostility towards it. All I can say is that is what happens when artificial countries are formed after wars.The hatred between diff. ethnicities there is off the charts and the actions of some of the different factions there rival the Nazis. I,m certainly not naive to think of the US as the squeeky clean white knight in the world but we don't subjugate people to our ways or claim territory. We were in Yugoslavia in the 90's to stop ethnic massacres from continuing, a problem resulting from forming a country with a cookie cutter after ww1.ccguns

What do you think who gave green light for Yugoslavija war? Who supported it start? It's too similar case with Yougoslavia..

@hanimmal SO tossing a Gun clarify shooting 13y old kid! K i d !!
In my country thats age when you transfer from grade school to high school..
No matter how much fck up whole balkan is, only fear of dying is Cancer or heart disease..

They did Adam Toledo dirty as hell. He had his hands up before being shot and the cop should have been able to see that the gun was empty.
The cop was using a strobe flashlight toy and while you don't see it in the video the cop was being strobed too and could not see as well as he should have. It's not much of an excuse though, life is cheap, cops are scared and guns are plentiful, the video looks real bad though. It was a case of fear, improper equipment, and cops biased to shoot first at the center of mass, the chest. I dunno what will happen to this cop, fear plays a big part too, not just racism and bigotry.
What do you think who gave green light for Yugoslavija war? Who supported it start? It's too similar case with Yougoslavia..

@hanimmal SO tossing a Gun clarify shooting 13y old kid! K i d !!
In my country thats age when you transfer from grade school to high school..
No matter how much fck up whole balkan is, only fear of dying is Cancer or heart disease..

I don't know if your Serb,Croat,or Muslim but My impression was that Tito's death caused a power grab free for all,in which all hostilities kept under the surface by a dictator came to a boil w/him gone, I'm not super informed about your country to point fingers, from what I seen the Serbs and Croats both had some war criminals in their ranks and some of the massacres that happened there were stunning to the outside eye. I believe the West was forced to act and was very reluctant to do so but was drawn in by the coverage of genocide and massacres of villages(ethnic cleansing). It was sloppy as was to be expected but I think in the long run it probably stabilized things and saved some innocent lives.ccguns
@hanimmal SO tossing a Gun clarify shooting 13y old kid! K i d !!
In my country thats age when you transfer from grade school to high school..
No matter how much fck up whole balkan is, only fear of dying is Cancer or heart disease..


That is nice about your country. I don't know what you are thinking I said, but if you think I said something I didn't maybe reread what I wrote?

They did Adam Toledo dirty as hell. He had his hands up before being shot and the cop should have been able to see that the gun was empty.

The strobe thing the guy is talking about in that video is worth thinking about. I think that the cop should face charges based on that light alone. The kid was clearly empty handed and that cop murdered him flat out. I can imagine what it is like to be in a dark area around a strobe light and that should not have ever happened with a gun in his hand.

People have shit decision making skills when in these situations and we really need our police to take a step back and admit this and come up with a new way to police our society.
That is nice about your country. I don't know what you are thinking I said, but if you think I said something I didn't maybe reread what I wrote?


The strobe thing the guy is talking about in that video is worth thinking about. I think that the cop should face charges based on that light alone. The kid was clearly empty handed and that cop murdered him flat out. I can imagine what it is like to be in a dark area around a strobe light and that should not have ever happened with a gun in his hand.

People have shit decision making skills when in these situations and we really need our police to take a step back and admit this and come up with a new way to police our society.
When the strobe light goes out your brain fills in the rest based on your feelings and if you feel fear, it fills the blinks in appropriately. You've seen the the slow motion effects they produce, as has anybody in our generation. He was using unauthorized equipment, inappropriately and using it improperly. Strobe use by cops needs to be banned and this is the reason why. The cop is guilty of negligence at least and will no doubt be fired for not following procedure and using unauthorized equipment. The video looks bad and I can't blame people for being pissed, the stroboscopic effect is not apparent in the video. I ain't the prosecutor however and the immunity cops enjoy will kick in, in this instance.