My friends got a problem


Hello Fam, my friends got a problem its starting at floracion plants, its just happen at one night 8 hours 4 plant was tottaly destroyed but not all because just 4 from 40 plants, we was thinking that was nutricion but that wasnt all of plants, just 4 and next day 2 more close to this 4 burned and yesterday we saw that all of new vegetative got exactly same problem and day by day its more plant like this close to this infected and not for all we was using nutrients, i add Photo maybe somebody know what it is becaue the first time we see something like this, and the burn flower plant wasnt burn in total it was tottaly burn but just one pricipal. IMG_20210414_081340.jpgIMG-20210414-WA0004.jpgIMG-20210414-WA0002.jpgIMG-20210414-WA0003.jpgIMG-20210414-WA0000.jpg
what you growing in??
what food you feeding them anfd at what rate?
need some more info to see whats causing the problem
could be too much, could be a ph problem, could be........., the list go's on. some details of your grow is what we need to get the ball rolling
what you growing in??
what food you feeding them anfd at what rate?
need some more info to see whats causing the problem
One of the plant was only watering and flowering guys using normal A B nutrietients a Little organic substrat add to earth lava tree ash and bud candy in water
I see pistils in the background of one pic. Maybe get a better wide shot so we can see overall condition. I have seen reveg look like that, but those pistils look healthy from what i saw, hard to tell
Guys telling me thay this product sensi seeds always make ph 6,2
which guys....their starting water might be different than your. No nutes i know of make the same ph every time no matter what water you start with

If guys you mean the hydro shop guys...there's your other problem, listening to hydro shop workers
Okey i got photo wait sec and thats as i said in 8 hours from healthy plant too this, and that photos what i send are next day what start on other plantsIMG-20210414-WA0005.jpgIMG-20210414-WA0006.jpg