Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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Yer lucky it's not me or they would be breaking up anti mask and lock down protests with flame throwers and tossing the leftovers behind barbed wire. But then again I pretty left wing.
It's not "left wing" to want to cause harm to those who have opposing views. That's closer to Nazism.
"There's no left and right anymore"? But then you go on to describe what you think "the right" follows ideologically. You are lost in your own post.

As you would say, who's "they". (sarcasm)
The they I refer to are pretty sharply self defined, they have their heads shoved up Trumps ass. Like I said there is no left and right, the right wing extremists (a media term) are traitors and terrorists. Right and left are really economic ideologies, the correct terms are fascists and liberals. The reason they are to the right economically has nothing to do with economic ideology and everything to do with not wanting to form a sharing community with the "other", black people. WTF do you think you have such a shitty healthcare system and poor education, the brown folks might get some is why. The civil war did not end in 1865 and America was not a truly democratic country until a few decades ago, black people could not vote in many parts of the country until recently in spite of the law and constitutional amendments. This is the last battle in that civil war, it's a cold civil war, but it's a war alright.
It's not "left wing" to want to cause harm to those who have opposing views. That's closer to Nazism.
Public health, if the mortality rate was 10% and it is as contagious as it is now without vaccines in sight, they would be using flamethrowers to break up anti maskers and make vaccines mandatory. George Washington would have had you tied down, had your arm sliced open and cowpox puss applied to the wound as an inoculation for smallpox. It's history, George didn't fuck around with epidemics, neither did anybody else.

Fortunately such expediencies won't be necessary, but never underestimate what a democratic society will do to protect itself from such a threat.
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But you think that this is somehow not bigotry..

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Gee, I'm not alone in these beliefs, the situation simply was not extreme enough, we got lucky with vaccines and an "acceptable" mortality rate. Trust me it would be the majority of the citizens who would demand such action in such circumstances, fear makes folks pretty intolerant of bullshit. There are pretty extreme public health measures on the books already, they just never enforced them.

Bigotry and racism are unreasonable beliefs without any rational basis, real and present dangers are in a different category all together, like national defense.
Gee, I'm not alone in these beliefs, the situation simply was not extreme enough, we got lucky with vaccines and an "acceptable" mortality rate. Trust me it would be the majority of the citizens who would demand such action in such circumstances, fear makes folks pretty intolerant of bullshit. There are pretty extreme public health measures on the books already, they just never enforced them.

Bigotry and racism are unreasonable beliefs without any rational basis, real and present dangers are in a different category all together, like national defense.
You can't justify your bigotry by simply stating that you are not alone. You are just as intolerant towards others with differing beliefs as the Nazis were. In their eyes they were likely as self-justified as you are with your statements of wanting to burn anti-maskers with flamethrowers. It's sickening. You aren't left wing at all. You are just as fascist as those who you call fascists, if not more so.
I think some are lying but others are just falling in line, doing as there told. You will be canceled if you disagree or stray. There is no freedom of opinion on the left. There opinion is your opinion or else. They want us wearing mask and "social distancing" with no evidence it works and everybody knows children don't get sick from covid yet they close our schools and hurt our children all in the name of science. This is not science this is oppression.
You make it so complicated. The objective facts are not all that complicated or difficult to understand.

During the first three months of the year, 1.5 million new cases of Covid were recorded and 200,000 people died from that disease. At the same time, 165 million people have been vaccinated and almost none have tested positive for Covid and no deaths have been found to be due to averse reactions to the vaccine.

There is no blind trust in the statement that the vaccine is safe and effective. There is no room for judgement on this. The vaccines currently in use in the US are safe and effective. It's pretty simple.
In Canada we are going for one dose and crossing our fingers for more. A single mRNA vaccine offers 80% protection and if we reserved doses, we'd average 40% instead of 80%, better to get the single shot in arms and wait for new supplies. A single dose will prevent hospitalizations and deaths too, even with the UK variant. I figure we will get more Astra Zeneca in the near term and will take advantage of the hesitancy of some. Fauci said the US probably doesn't need their stockpile so we might get some more there too. People over 65 will get the mRNA vaccines and they are vaccinating younger folks with the Astra Zeneca, probably frontline workers. I await an announcement tomorrow here in NS when my age group will be eligible. We now have 37 cases in a province of about a million people, up from almost none a few weeks ago. We test extensively, contact trace and case isolate and have a high mask compliance rate.
Are delays in delivering the Astra Zenica vaccine causing the shortages?
You can't justify your bigotry by simply stating that you are not alone. You are just as intolerant towards others with differing beliefs as the Nazis were. In their eyes they were likely as self-justified as you are with your statements of wanting to burn anti-maskers with flamethrowers. It's sickening. You aren't left wing at all. You are just as fascist as those who you call fascists, if not more so.
I'm intolerant towards Nazi's and Trumpers, they don't have different opinions only what Trump tells them to believe, but are merely driven by fear and hate. I'm plenty tolerant and can tolerate many different points of view, however when it comes to bullshit that puts liberal democracy at risk or are a risk to public health as they are, my patience wears a bit thin, the same goes for willful ignorance or spreading disinformation that kills people with stupidity. Racism and bigotry have almost destroyed your country, those who seek to protect it aren't bigots, they are patriots. The culture wars are merely a proxy for tribalism based on racism and bigotry.

Understand this though, if a pandemic is bad enough the government would use deadly force and interment and not tolerate super spreader events or those who break public health laws. America was an outlier in this pandemic (500,000 dead) because of government mismanagement and malicious lying, other countries used a firmer approach. In Canada and Australia as well as many other places people were jailed and fined enormous sums of money for violation public health rules.
Are delays in delivering the Astra Zenica vaccine causing the shortages?
Not sure on the statues of that one, I think the situation is a bit dynamic, between the reluctance of some countries and the US situation. We are getting an additional 1.5 million doses of AZ today I believe in addition to the 10 million we got of assorted others, but mostly mRNAs. I figure one of those ten million has my name one it!

I understand the AZ vaccine can be produced very quickly and in volume, as can the J&J, we ordered over 800 million doses of various candidates very early on and the orders are trickling in, but should increase week by week. We ordered enough vaccine to innoculate the population 10 x over, so needless to say we will be giving it away one day! Coverage in the country varies a bit, we protected the first nations up north as a priority and have over half of them protected so far, but the population is not large. Where I live has the lowest vaccination rate in the country, but it's a supply issue and it's difficult to have mass vaccination sites with inconsistent supplies.
Newsom stuck his foot in it on that, didn't he? Right when the crisis was worse and he was quite rightly mandating businesses and schools be closed, he had a gay old time with some richy riches. It kind of puts him in the "do not support" category of Democrats. Except I'd vote for him over a Republican any day. But the recall will just have him on the ballot. yes or no. I don't think it's an easy call.

But really, it's the resentment to the Covid precautions are a combination of Republican partisanship and Juggalos who can't handle objective science and want to pack together and bask like seals on a beach in massive super spreading events. So, the recall is political, not rational.

i agree however he's not the only leader that didn't take his own advice.

sometimes my friend, it's the devil you know versus the one you don't.

i think the shaming had it's effect although you have to wonder what was up with the Kimberly Guilfoyle choice..he's a politician and that's why people hate them because they possess no moral compass. donor money has a lot to do with it- it's time to end it.

perfect example of all of this is Matt Gaetz.
In Canada we are going for one dose and crossing our fingers for more. A single mRNA vaccine offers 80% protection and if we reserved doses, we'd average 40% instead of 80%, better to get the single shot in arms and wait for new supplies. A single dose will prevent hospitalizations and deaths too, even with the UK variant. I figure we will get more Astra Zeneca in the near term and will take advantage of the hesitancy of some. Fauci said the US probably doesn't need their stockpile so we might get some more there too. People over 65 will get the mRNA vaccines and they are vaccinating younger folks with the Astra Zeneca, probably frontline workers. I await an announcement tomorrow here in NS when my age group will be eligible. We now have 37 cases in a province of about a million people, up from almost none a few weeks ago. We test extensively, contact trace and case isolate and have a high mask compliance rate.
Each province is different I guess. In Ontario as I understand it, we are not administering the AZ vaccine to anyone UNDER 55 at the moment.
In Canada we are going for one dose and crossing our fingers for more. A single mRNA vaccine offers 80% protection and if we reserved doses, we'd average 40% instead of 80%, better to get the single shot in arms and wait for new supplies. A single dose will prevent hospitalizations and deaths too, even with the UK variant. I figure we will get more Astra Zeneca in the near term and will take advantage of the hesitancy of some. Fauci said the US probably doesn't need their stockpile so we might get some more there too. People over 65 will get the mRNA vaccines and they are vaccinating younger folks with the Astra Zeneca, probably frontline workers. I await an announcement tomorrow here in NS when my age group will be eligible. We now have 37 cases in a province of about a million people, up from almost none a few weeks ago. We test extensively, contact trace and case isolate and have a high mask compliance rate.

you're safer at home and keep masked up, hands washed; have your deliveries in..this changes daily and you might have all the vaccine you need in a week or two.

i just went to walmart for the first time in 13 months to get pillows because you can't buy them online.
Each province is different I guess. In Ontario as I understand it, we are not administering the AZ vaccine to anyone UNDER 55 at the moment.
Here too, but I would expect younger front line workers to get the AZ vaccine as supplies increase and the science becomes clear. The risks of many over the counter medications and prescription drugs exceed the AZ vaccine risks by several orders of magnitude, common sense will prevail and individuals at risk identified. Anybody who qualifies can get and AZ vaccine here, plenty of locations and lot's of supply, the mRNA vaccines are another matter, but I suspect the country will be covered by the combination of the two down to the age of 55 in a month, at least that's the plan here. In May they will be going after the 40 somethings with mRNA vaccines. We have 4 approved vaccines so far and haven't seen much of the J&J yet, but I expect that will change soon with large volume production.

Recommended age groups by vaccine:
  • Pfizer BioNTech: 16 years and older
  • Moderna: 18 years and older
  • AstraZeneca/Covishield: 55 to 64 years of age
Yes. Lockdown number 3.
Not nice, but necessary to contain the spread, people know it's temporary shelter until they get the jab and won't last too long. The better weather will help too with outside activities that can be done safely, sunshine stops the spread outside. The drunks can drink in the park while they watch the gym rats exercise on the grass, the rest will just have to tolerate their kids a little longer! We ordered over 800 million doses (10x pop) early in the game from the top contenders, so we are near the top of several delivery lists. Something tells me we will be giving away 700 million doses or reassigning contracts before the year is out
I realize that these fighters are highly trained, skilled technicians with finesse......it's just I prefer straight up boxing......an old fan of the Marquees of Queensbury.....I like the fighters skill set, the focus of attack and defense with fists...just fists. I really miss many of those classic boxers of the 60'-70's-80's........,,,Ali-Frazier( I know a cliche, but transcendental)...Boom Boom was no pussy........remember Jerry Quarry......the Tyson fights certainly drew my attention.....Sugar Ray and Duran rival..........Sinks beats Ali, what a night.....took 20/1 bet on Spinks....PISSED a lot of people off.....,they still are.......and of course Marvin, #1 ranked best boxer of 80's. I better put this bong down for a couple of minutes Ya got me going.........
I hear you,my favorite is the 50's quartet of Robinson,LaMotta,Basilio, and Fulmer, these guys fought each other multiple times,WARS going 15 many times,ferocious body punching in those days. Joe Frazier a man that short going all the way to the top w/perpetual head movement non stop bobbing to get inside and do his ripping.ccguns
Not nice, but necessary to contain the spread, people know it's temporary shelter until they get the jab and won't last too long. The better weather will help too with outside activities that can be done safely, sunshine stops the spread outside. The drunks can drink in the park while they watch the gym rats exercise on the grass, the rest will just have to tolerate their kids a little longer! We ordered over 800 million doses (10x pop) early in the game from the top contenders, so we are near the top of several delivery lists. Something tells me we will be giving away 700 million doses or reassigning contracts before the year is out
I don’t have a problem with a lockdown. I have a problem with the idiotic policy of repeated lockdowns because the government is opening things up too early with few restrictions.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.