Cannarado genetics

This is the last Rado drop I’m going to hit up probably until cheetah piss. Might get a bubblegum biscotti but only one since the testers I got should be killer. I’ll post some pics of those soon. @Ladiesonly I’m going straight for money gun, then straight to that one, then straight to checkout. Last time I made some impulse purchases and I’m not gonna do that again.
Money gun is already gone there. Good thing there’s a backup for slushers though.

They also did a pretty much full restock of sour apple. Everything but chapple, blue apples, apple rain, and pie box it looks like.
what was the best on the apple in your opinion I looked at it didnt get anything this looks better chettah should be a hit too.
what was the best on the apple in your opinion I looked at it didnt get anything this looks better chettah should be a hit too.

If I were you I’d go for the apple gushers. That keeps popping back up and disappears really fast. I know there’s a gushers drop today but there are a lot fewer with a gushers mom.

I don't know how many others know about this trick, but this is the direct link. Spam like hell.

Got it primed on my laptop in a second tab.
It was cool to see Name Shaker in the mix. That is a very pretty, very strong strain. I'm wondering if it will have its own line someday. I'm about to smoke some now.
52 fuckin strains??! I had no idea it was gonna be that many. That's pretty insane. That means he prob has a shit ton of help. I wonder how many cuts of each got snuck out the door. Now I can see how these things get out.