Is this iron deficiency


Active Member
The have been in there with them for a little over a week now. That was when I put in larger pots. In the last few days this issue has started to show. They are all clones. They were all well rooted in solo cups before being moved to the bigger pots.


Active Member
I’ve been mixing my own soil-blood meal, bone meal, epsom salt, epsoma garden tone, compost, gypsum pellets, rock phosphate, soil acidifier, and a dr. Earth general purpose. I have never actually run into this problem and I’ve mixed my own soil for over a year now.
What soil and nutrients?


Active Member
Not to take your advice, but I can look up leaf problems all day. I am asking for any body’s personal experience and knowledge of the same type of issue. Have you had it, can you identify it, and what did you do to fix it? The leaf symptom pictures are worth a lot, but personal experiences go far beyond that. When you deal with an issue first hand, you can definitely identify it, and say this is what happened to me and I fixed it by...flushing with water, foliage sprayed chelates of iron, adjusted ph, cut that bitch down and started over, or whatever worked for you. I am looking for that personal experience advice.
Not, take a look at these pictures and figure it out. Which I will gladly do but that is why I am in this forum, for experience help. My short 2 years of growing doesn’t come close to the experience that is on this site. There are people on here who have forgotten more than I know.


Well-Known Member

go go kid

Well-Known Member
seaweed solution and ASAP. sure looks like iron def to me, but never having suffered from it, im just going by the 1616987933817.png


Active Member
I read into this a bit and I may have a high soil ph level. The shitty little 3 way meter I have shows the soil ph to around 8’ish. I could be locked out from high ph levels.


Active Member
I have some liquid seaweed. Would it best to foliage spray or water in.
Thanks for the responses. I appreciate your help. I gave them a drink of seaweed and FF big bloom-ph’d to 6.5.