Random Jabber Jibber thread

A beatboxing Brooklyn vet has discovered his hobby is the perfect way to relax a stressed-out pet cockatoo.

Dwayne Caton filmed himself doing a beatbox routine as Simon the Goffin’s cockatoo bopped about on his arm.

The hilarious footage shows the 30-year-old bird dancing and squawking while his owner demonstrates his verbal percussion skills.

Brooklyn vet Dwayne Caton, pictured with his cockatoo Simon, performed a beatbox duet with the 30-year-old bird who squawked and danced along with the music

Simon moved his way up and down Mr Caton's hand while dancing and screeching to the beat
Simon had come to the vet's clinic having started pulling out its own feathers.

Captive birds will pluck their own feathers due to boredom, loneliness, lack of exercise or even sexual frustration, say experts.

But dancing with Mr Caton seems to have a positive effect on the bird.

I was so impressed by my 20 volt DeWalt impact that I purchased their saws all, weed wacker, chainsaw, pole saw and a couple extra 20v 5Ahr batteries.
If you took one look on the inside of my house i’m building or at all the tools I’ve amassed since the fire you would sware i was sponsored by Dewalt:oops:
TY all. Dewalt 899 xr @ 700ft/lbs it is. Still searching for a fair price w/2 5Ah batteries and charger. Wife had my kid buy my cart of suspension wishes. Might sneek a 3/8" in yet. Happy Happy. Love my tools.
I’m happy with mine
I'm on dog watch today.

She raided the litter box yesterday and apparently all that cat shit didn't agree with her gut biome.

Mrs Stool fed her some pumpkin & hard-boiled egg this morning because she refused everything else. (VERY unusual.)

The farts just started. :shock:

I think we need to go outside...
Man the river is rippin! I can hear it.......it's not really close and it's nothing big....but in the spring it's nothing like the stream we play in..in the summertime. Gotta take a walk in a day or two.,.....more rain tonight.
I think the snow is officially gone from this area now. I took a picture of the last little pile of it this morning, but it got up over 70f today so it is long gone! But I am not taking my plow off yet. You never know, until about May!
I think the snow is officially gone from this area now. I took a picture of the last little pile of it this morning, but it got up over 70f today so it is long gone! But I am not taking my plow off yet. You never know, until about May!

I should try to see how much I still have tomorrow.....I had a kid sunk to the hip today lol it was warm though.