1st time organic garden grow


Active Member
I'm starting Hindu kush photoperiods soon. I wanna do a fully organic grow. I'm in the uk

Any advice on nutrition and soil prep.

I was gonna use 70/30 coco perlite and mix in some manure of some kind - preferably bat or worm shit. My garden centers dont stock those, buy I can get hands on chicken poo or horse poo. Any recommendations for medium prep. I was gonna use 25% manure


Active Member
I was gonna prep the soil using 75% coco and 25% manure. Would that change depending on which manure used?
I was gonna start the seeds in that mixture then start adding slow release fertiliser around 2-3 weeks old


Well-Known Member
Quality base soil
1/3 casting or compost 1/3 peat 1/3 perlite or pumice or some kind of aeration.
Hard to go wrong from here
2 ish cups of nutrients and also 4 cups minerals. Oyster gypsum basalt rock dust


Well-Known Member
I'm comfortable using coco. Could I replace peat with coco? Or would a different mixture have to be made?
I have rarely seen any organic grow succeed with coco base.

I already gave you a good ration for base soil.
muse it or don’t.
But leave the coco for bottled nutrients.
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Honestly there is enough info and recipes/methods out there to have stellar results.

but not gunna get it with coco base, coco is soiless. It’s inert. Doesn’t hold microbe life that great or the right moisture levels we are going for with organic soil.

best of luck. I have detailed recipes in my stickies thread.


Active Member
I have rarely seen any organic grow succeed with coco base.

I already gave you a good ration for base soil.
muse it or don’t.
But leave the coco for bottled nutrients.
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Honestly there is enough info and recipes/methods out there to have stellar results.

but not gunna get it with coco base, coco is soiless. It’s inert. Doesn’t hold microbe life that great or the right moisture levels we are going for with organic soil.

best of luck. I have detailed recipes in my stickies thread.
Ohhhh ok. I didnt know coco didn't work well for organic grow. There's youtubers that use coco for organic grow so I thought it'd be fine.


Active Member
These r what I can get a hold of. The farms near me don't sell compost.

Screenshot_20210320-223057_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20210320-223003_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20210320-223009_Samsung Internet.jpg

And perlite.
Imma use this as a base.
I'd add nutes a week or 2 after germination.

Any recommendations for slow release fertiliser to go with this base


Active Member
I can get my hands on some horse manure shavings or cow manure. Would it be better to use the castings or manure?


Well-Known Member
I can get my hands on some horse manure shavings or cow manure. Would it be better to use the castings or manure?
IME use less of the EWC.So 40 % peat 20 EWC 40 perlite.You should be able to get some dry fertilizer,gypsum,rock dust from your garden store.Other things like alfalfa pellets from a farm feed store.