Pandemic 2020

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I don't think so.

I think they're all just like Trump: they'll talk all kinds of shit about the vaccine and how they'll never take it, but then they'll drive to the other side of town where nobody knows them and secretly get vaccinated.
Possibly, but I've also seen many people (who seem reasonably intelligent) adamantly state that they refuse to be vaccinated, I've gotten 1Phizer dose and the emergency approval thing is a bit sketchy but people have gotten shots months before me and it seems relatively OK. if people in the Med. Industry all highly educated are fine w/it it's good enough for me.Additionally if the Gov. is granting emergency approvals it just goes to show how serious this whole Covid situation really is.ccguns
Most won't have a choice about vaccines, most employers will require it. A lot of those Trumpers who whine about vaccines will quietly get one and STFU about it, if they want to keep their job. If it becomes a real issue they can have vaccination passports, no passport, no travel by plane train, boat, or bus, all federally regulated. Covid will give them immunity too, or kill and cripple them.
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Most won't have a choice about vaccines, most employers will require it. A lot of those Trumpers who whine about vaccines will quietly get one and STFU about it, if they want to keep their job. If it becomes a real issue they can have vaccination passports, no passport, no travel by plan train, boat, or bus, all federally regulated. Covid will give them immunity too, or kill and cripple them.
As always good points , can you Canadians export some common sense to the US along w/Xmas trees,lumber, and paper products.ccguns
Most won't have a choice about vaccines, most employers will require it. A lot of those Trumpers who whine about vaccines will quietly get one and STFU about it, if they want to keep their job. If it becomes a real issue they can have vaccination passports, no passport, no travel by plan train, boat, or bus, all federally regulated. Covid will give them immunity too, or kill and cripple them.

Hmm under EUA (emergency use authorization) the vaccines cannot be mandatory, so let's wait on your predictions. The EUA is set to stand for 2 years to allow these vaccine companies time to collect enough data for actual licensing.
Hmm under EUA (emergency use authorization) the vaccines cannot be mandatory, so let's wait on your predictions. The EUA is set to stand for 2 years to allow these vaccine companies time to collect enough data for actual licensing.
In extreme circumstances You'd be surprised at what the government can do. I believe EUA is a CDC regulation and Joe alone can change those, though with him it would be with the advice and probably insistence of scientists.

We are seeing lock downs in Europe as the new more contagious and deadly variants are on the rise. Last time Europe and Italy in gave an early warning and they appear to be now. Joe is getting vaccines in arms at an Amazing rate and the death and hospitalizations should drop as the pandemic roars on as the elderly and vulnerable are protected. By fall the hospitals will be full of Trumpers and anti vaccers, as I figure 80% of the adults in the country will be vaccinated or immune through previous infection.
We also gave you Ted Cruz...
Ted Cruz, how does his wife sleep next to this sad ass MF who let CHEETOMAN bad mouth the shit out of herand also accuse his father of participating in Kennedy assasination , then become one of his biggest buttswabs. Absolutely vile that people of his ilk can actually be a Senator. I don't even think that cretins of his caliber existed in politics 20-30yrs ago. Good dad excuse bailing Texas fiasco 2weeks ago,JOKE, can't be a good dad wmoral make up of pond scum.ccguns
Ted Cruz, how does his wife sleep next to this sad ass MF who let CHEETOMAN bad mouth the shit out of herand also accuse his father of participating in Kennedy assasination , then become one of his biggest buttswabs. Absolutely vile that people of his ilk can actually be a Senator. I don't even think that cretins of his caliber existed in politics 20-30yrs ago. Good dad excuse bailing Texas fiasco 2weeks ago,JOKE, can't be a good dad wmoral make up of pond scum.ccguns
He's running again in 2024 and Beto near beat him the last time, he will be running on his record and with Trump's baggage on his back, along with a shattered party controlled by lunatics. The republicans could also lose the statehouse in 2022, it's going kinda purple and with covid and the power grid fiasco, it might push them over the edge.
Under on the 80%. 49% of GOP men say they will never take one. Then factor in black folks who have a lifetime of medical fears already baked in, we will be lucky to get to 75%.
He's running again in 2024 and Beto near beat him the last time, he will be running on his record and with Trump's baggage on his back, along with a shattered party controlled by lunatics. The republicans could also lose the statehouse in 2022, it's going kinda purple and with covid and the power grid fiasco, it might push them over the edge.
There was a time before the Donald that politicians never really annoyed me that much, I was able to take garden variety corruption, scandals,etc. in stride. But some of these Fnuts have completely enraged me w/their seditious antics, never thought I would see shit like this. I used to find a way to respect leaders on both sides, guess I never really questioned their loyalty to the Constitution. But the train is off the rails now, I mean the two ladies in House of Reps,Green and Bobert, you've got to be kidding me,how can a person justify casting a vote for them. ARE WE EVEN FROM THE SAME FN planet?
Under on the 80%. 49% of GOP men say they will never take one. Then factor in black folks who have a lifetime of medical fears already baked in, we will be lucky to get to 75%.
That is my fear, Ignorance is going to be the factor that Covid will rely on, allowing it to stay in circulation while it plays the genetic lottery looking to hit big by mutating into something maybe we can't handle.ROLL UP YOUR FN SLEEVES FELLOW AMERICANS PLEAAAAAAASE!ccguns
Under on the 80%. 49% of GOP men say they will never take one. Then factor in black folks who have a lifetime of medical fears already baked in, we will be lucky to get to 75%.
I believe you are around 75% now, many of his supporters are like trump, they will get the vaccine and keep quiet. Like I said covid gives ya immunity too and many of the anti maskers/ anti vaccers are cases waiting to happen. Also minority communities are responding to their leaders who are pushing vaccines heavily. It appears just the Trumpers and hardcore anti vaccers will be left by fall, along with the kids and I expect school vaccine programs in the fall. As long as the elderly and vulnerable are protected, those who are vaccinated won't mind the anti vaccers and anti maskers quite so much, suicide is a personal choice.
In extreme circumstances You'd be surprised at what the government can do. I believe EUA is a CDC regulation and Joe alone can change those, though with him it would be with the advice and probably insistence of scientists.

We are seeing lock downs in Europe as the new more contagious and deadly variants are on the rise. Last time Europe and Italy in gave an early warning and they appear to be now. Joe is getting vaccines in arms at an Amazing rate and the death and hospitalizations should drop as the pandemic roars on as the elderly and vulnerable are protected. By fall the hospitals will be full of Trumpers and anti vaccers, as I figure 80% of the adults in the country will be vaccinated or immune through previous infection.

Gonna have to agree to disagree on what Biden will do there. The government already gave the vaccine makers 0 liability for these vaccines, if Biden changes the rule to make it mandatory, who becomes liable if something goes wrong? What happens to future efforts to vaccinate the population if a mandatory vaccine (fast tracked to be EUA at the moment) becomes an issue and Biden made the decision to change rules?

There is so much more to it than simply making it mandatory.
That is my fear, Ignorance is going to be the factor that Covid will rely on, allowing it to stay in circulation while it plays the genetic lottery looking to hit big by mutating into something maybe we can't handle.ROLL UP YOUR FN SLEEVES FELLOW AMERICANS PLEAAAAAAASE!ccguns
There is a Russian disinformation campaign on social media too.
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