Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I get to alienate the county health today when I get my covid vax, grumpy old man pales in comparison 

Pretty good, despised by all as usual so that's a good thing, haven't lost my touch.
Welcome back bro. Good to see ya and hear things are good. Definitely been a bumpy ride. When you were describing chunker, sounded very familiar. My 3yr old grandson. Built like a tank. Long never cut locks and blue eyes. LolWe are all doing good. Covid slowed the tattoo game down alot. Honestly made me stop and think some. I love tattooing and ill continue to do it, but me and Momma are finally making the move to Fuck Farms for good. Im going to focus on the farm and work for myself again full time. I finally got the shop all done and the house. Ive been working as a mechanic on farm equipment for my families ranch as well as others in the area. So I'll continue that when I move. The plan is to get settled and start my own tattoo shop eventually. I still tattoo my clients that I'm doing full back pieces on or sleeves etc etc. The boys are both getting big. Little Inda is a know it all, tall,skinny,and handsome. Hes very very smart and has a heart of gold. Which kinda makes me think he's the mail man's child, but a keeper for sure. Your youngest grandson AKA Chunker AKA KIKI, has absolutely zero fucks to give. He is built like a tank and is as strong as an Ox. Still haven't ever cut his hair, so he's got long locks with those blue eyes. He doesn't cry when he gets hurt, he just proceeds to beat the shit out of whatever inanimate object hurt him. He has decided pooping in the toilet is for idiots. Yet he also refuses to wear diapers. So he wears regular underwear until he has to poop, then he throws on a pull up and disappears for 10 minutes to poop. Loves to pee off the porch and doesn't mind peeing in the toilet......or the bathtub for that matter. Ive actually had to stop cursing completely because Kiki has picked up quite the vocabulary hanging in the garage with dad and his uncles. Im hoping by kindergarten he remembers less cuss words than me. He hasn't beat his older brothers ass and called him a Ma Kucka in a few weeks, so we're making progress. Definitely my kid for sure lol. Ive got lots of pictures of them to send you. I lost access to my old email so I gotta get you my new one. I was banned from social media and youtube for supposedly stocking a tiktok martial artist. Then supposedly I found his sons youtube and shared what a turd his dad was.......allegedly. I obviously have been wronged and do not remember any of these accusations. Its just Ludacris behavior towards me.
Welcome back bro. Good to see ya and hear things are good. Definitely been a bumpy ride. When you were describing chunker, sounded very familiar. My 3yr old grandson. Built like a tank. Long never cut locks and blue eyes. Lol
No fucks given
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Hella yeah dude. If you don't have bumps then you know you ain't having any fun. Chunker is already 4 dude, time flies. Love little dudes hair. Mine was almost to the middle of my back. I trimmed alot off recently because of the summer coming and all the work I'm getting ready to tackle. Also because I use heavy machinery on the ranch. Came across some photos of Russians trying to operate industrial Lathes with loose clothing. Holy meat curtains. I cut mine the next morning. Plus I'd get stuck everytime id flip myself upside down to maserbate on my inversion table. My long hair would tangle on the frame.First few times getting rescued was erotic and cool, but just like anything else....gets old having your wife and mother in law walk in to save you while your hanging upside down naked. Anywho.
Always nice to talk with you bubba.
Keep this between us. Love you dog
You beat it on the inversion table?
Mine's been used, but never solo......hope you wear goggles.
Between just us. Id lose my erection and immediately start freaking out and screaming as soon as I'd swing upside down.
Well that’s a cumdown.Between just us. Id lose my erection and immediately start freaking out and screaming as soon as I'd swing upside down.
Get over it....
Got his comeuppance.Well that’s a cumdown.
I told you to keep it between us. Obviously some trust issues in our future exchanges. Didnt have to tell the whole world.
@Bobby schmeckle is this the guy you lent my chaps to?
I’m going out on a limb here and I’m saying this is totally normal behavior, if more than one person is doing it.... it is normal..... just saying.Lets all pic on the large tattooed man who gets scared trying to masterbate on his wife's inversion table. Like its some abnormal behavior im doing.
Yes it is. His hairy, tattooed buttcheeks glistened in the desert sun like like a rainbow trout on a hot tin roof.@Bobby schmeckle is this the guy you lent my chaps to?
I've never heard of him.
Yes it is. His hairy, tattooed buttcheeks glistened in the desert sun like like a rainbow trout on a hot tin roof.
all was well in the west. The children and womenfolk rustled the carrots and herded the soy cubes while organically sourced kombucha flowed through hills like the mighty Colorado river.
but then there was trouble. Cum bandits. Encroaching on our covered wagons. Mean, men; without morals or conscience; fear or mercy. They were ravenous for one thing, and one thing only: Cum. @Indacouch2.0 and I were outnumbered and outgunned. Their lumbering silhouettes appeared in the strawberry desert sunset.
the only weapons we had were a couple of 36” dildos. One black. One white. We were gonna have to fuck our way out of this mess. There was only one thing for certain; these boys were not getting our mason jars full of cum.
tune in for tomorrow’s installment of BOBBY Z and the INDACOUCH BANDIT.