Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy! Hows that smoke?

I know the 16oz cup WW is from seed 1.5wks old into flower... how about the 7L pot WW? How long did you give them?

I'm thinkin about that setup I want to do... and I think I'm gonna start with some Big Bud. Probably get a few WW beans too... I really am leaning towards the Greenhouse Sampler Packs!!!

BTW... I do believe I've lost one of my Russians

Anywho, always hate breaking bad news!



Oh yea... what breed WW beans are ya using? I'm stuck between greenhouse or dutch passion


Well-Known Member
illusionz: What I did was I flowered them all in the cups at 1.5 weeks into veg. When I found 3 good females and a couple males I went ahead and removed the males and transplanted the 3 females into 6L pots, if I remember right it was about 2 weeks into flower at that point. I actually ran out of dirt so I couldn't transplant the 4th one, then the next day I realized I had 2 females, then a couple days later I found another one that I thought was male.. so I just kept em all in the cups. They were all just stressed pretty bad and were a week behind. From seed to harvest it was about 10 weeks, and that really is a guess but it's close. I used Dutch Passion's seeds cause I thought those would be the best from what i've seen/read.. also got there Power Plant seeds.

Hey guys sorry for the delay but i've cut my ladies and there all dried up now. I figure I got almost 3 ounces total, off my 3 'larger' ones and the 3 in the cups. On one of the larger ones I got a little over an ounce, I tried to save her and reveg but I messed up and was gone with the fan off all day and she was fried by the time I got home. From the ones in the cups I averaged 5 grams per plant, but they all needed another 1-2 weeks.. I just cut them early to start my PPP.

I forgot to take pics before I chopped the tops down so I don't have any of the whole plants just before I cut them.. but I still got some crystally pics anyways. I just noticed I didn't get any of the ones in the cups either before I cut them.. i've been very high lately..bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Whoa! Looks like you gots some pretty nice frosted buds for you breakfast bowl!!!! Damn... think I just popped some wood!!! Looks great man!

So wow! You managed over an ounce on one of those ladies after only 1.5wks of veg!!! Thats amazing! Of course I know the 6L pot helped with the roots spreading... how confident would you feel using those 4" pots gettin comperable resultes from the 6L?

I'm totally stoked now! I'm gonna soil grow my moms and ebb and flow my clones for flower! Dripping in veg is just too much hassle.. maybe not... but I'm to big of a stoner! But I ordered my seeds this morning to start off a SOG... I'm gonna be using White Berry and NL#5XBig Bud!!! Berry will give me that fruity purple bag apeal I hope and the NLXBB should hopefully give me a decent yeild!

Great Job! Good Luck with the PPP! I'll be watching those as well!


Well-Known Member
Whoa! Looks like you gots some pretty nice frosted buds for you breakfast bowl!!!! Damn... think I just popped some wood!!! Looks great man!

So wow! You managed over an ounce on one of those ladies after only 1.5wks of veg!!! Thats amazing! Of course I know the 6L pot helped with the roots spreading... how confident would you feel using those 4" pots gettin comperable resultes from the 6L?

I'm totally stoked now! I'm gonna soil grow my moms and ebb and flow my clones for flower! Dripping in veg is just too much hassle.. maybe not... but I'm to big of a stoner! But I ordered my seeds this morning to start off a SOG... I'm gonna be using White Berry and NL#5XBig Bud!!! Berry will give me that fruity purple bag apeal I hope and the NLXBB should hopefully give me a decent yeild!

Great Job! Good Luck with the PPP! I'll be watching those as well!
Thanks a lot man, yea these sure are some frosty buds.. gotta love the widow.

I got a little over an ounce on 1 of them, the other 2 I got almost an ounce but not quite, pry like a bag short or so. The ones in the cups I got 5 grams from and the 4" pots are about twice the size of the cups I was using. Not to mention they didn't finish all the way I pry woulda got at least a quarter off each one. I hope to get 1/2oz per plant in the 4 inchers, but it is pretty hard to say cause I don't know what the PPP is gonna give me.. All 10 seeds are growing strong, take away the runt I have.. always seem to have one of those.

You can't go wrong with any kind of Widow cross in my opinion and that one sounds pretty good. I've grown a NL#5 cross before and it was great, also grown nirvanas NL and that was awesome too.. sounds like you've chosen well.

I'll take some pics of some dried buds later tonight and some of my new grow. 2 or 3 of them got a little light burn, but theres 1 that I hope is my female, she looks soo nice.


Well-Known Member
Nice set up indeed, I am growing in a cabinet aswell. Currently veggin under CFL's with hopes of converting to a 250 digi hps soon. I will keep my eye on this!


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i meant why didn't you. so yeah why didn't you?
Cause it flowers them quicker and keeps the plants short. They probably still vegged another few days or maybe a week before really starting to flower due to there size but at least this way there as short as possible. My next grow i'll be doing 12 plants in 5" pots.. I wanted 4 inchers but 5" was the only ones I could find locally.


Well-Known Member
Power Plant Veg. Day 7:

Ok, these pics are from a few days ago but i'll post another update tonight hopefully. So far i've only fed them pure h20 from my brita purifier up to this point. I have 1 that the first set of leaves got really burnt some how, it could be the soil. I've never burnt seedlings in seed starting soil, even MG.. but it is starting to recover so thats all that matters.

Couple pics of some of the widow too. I need to get a better surface to take the pics.. the wood is kinda shitty and so is my camera at close ups.



Well-Known Member
Whoo Hoo!!! Next Round! Can't wait to see this... looks like I'll be 2 weeks behind you with my White Berry and Hawwian Snow! Assuming they're shipping hasn't slowed, I plan on having sprouts by Monday!

Hey... How long you think it'll take to get say... 5 clones off a plant from sprout? 3wks? ...just tryin to figure a timeline out here!

Those nuggers look dankly delicious! Those popcorn buds from the 16ozer's?


Well-Known Member
Hey... How long you think it'll take to get say... 5 clones off a plant from sprout? 3wks? ...just tryin to figure a timeline out here!

Those nuggers look dankly delicious! Those popcorn buds from the 16ozer's?
I couldn't really say how long it would take to get 5 clones, I personally haven't ever done clones so i'm a newb when it comes to cloning. My plan is to wait for 1 or 2 clones from each plant and then flower them to see what sex they are.. then determine which one I want to keep for my mother and father and go from there. I want to make some more seeds so i'm gonna keep the best male as well.

Those buds were all from the same plant, can't remember which one tho. Here's a pic of one of the 16ozer's, you can tell by how skinny she is that she needed some more time, but oh well.. still got a 1/4 off her. It's actually really good morning smoke before work, probably cause it's not as strong lol.

Update coming tonight.. just gotta take some pics.



Well-Known Member
Well I went to take some pics of my ladies and my batts died, can't spare my remote batteries so i'll post tommorrow..


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Day 13:

Alright well they are all looking pretty healthy so far minus 1 or 2. A couple are having some burning issues but I think it was because of either the soil or perlite but they are looking fine now. They are starting to turn a bit yellow on the bottom so the next feeding i'll start them on a small dose of fish fertz (5-1-1), bout a 1/4-1/2 cap per gallon should be good for them.

I've still only fed them pure h20 and started spraying them at night when the lights turn off with some epsom salt. The widow really needed the extra magnesium so I figured i'de give them some as well. I also picked up some liquid karma from a local hydro store so i'll probably start using that as well.

Here are some pics of the ladies as of now. For the most part all looking pretty good minus the few hot spots in the soil. The 3rd and 4th pics are of the shortest most stout of my plants, i'm really curious to see how this one turns out. As you can see I got a mix of indica and sativa looking phenos so I should have a good choice of what mothers to keep.

At least someone has their priorities skraight!
Haha, they were already dying in the remote so it wasn't worth the risk of having to get up to turn the channel!



Well-Known Member
It's funny, after reading up on PPP some more I found out it's WWxDurban Poison.. weird I didn't realize that before.

Anyways, I was thinking about changing up my plans and going ahead and flowering them now and then just make seeds like I did with the widow (still got like 50 left). I haven't put a shelf in my cabinet yet and if I wanted to wait to take clones it would add a good couple weeks before I could really start flowering.. don't wanna go dry too far before harvest..

So my new plan would be to go ahead and flower now, do the same as my first grow and keep 4 best females and best male and get some seeds off the best lookin phenos. In the mean time I would put the shelf in my cabinet after seeing how tall these girls will get and go ahead and start my next strain.. whatever that will be.. and then have clones ready to go when this harvest is over in 2 months. I'm so lazy and this should have already been done, but oh well. I'm just looking at which way will save me the most time at this point.

So whoever is paying attention gimme some advice, i'll probably transplant them tommorrow or sunday if I plan on flowering them.. got those 5" pots so might as well use them.. need better soil anyways.