Have you found your purpose in life?


Well-Known Member
Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.
That's one of the most difficult things in
I'm still trying to figure out. I tolerate my employment, better than most jobs I've had, but it is only to provide for my family. Im afraid if I were to start doing something I love to make a living I would, eventually, get burnt out and start resenting my "love".
Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.

I have a few purposes. I am here to assist any in need I may encounter. To challenge fools to see another point of view. And most of all to try to share my learning's and skills with all before they go away with me. My boy is learning fast and I may succeed in getting him off to an honest start and understanding of life.

We all have a purpose. And all are related to the betterment of our world. Sadly never realized by most.
I don't know my purpose. All I know is I've had a serious guardian Angel since a child.

From near death experiences. Tunnel vision stress. Murder happening in front of me. Having guns pointed at me...

Parents never expressed religion. We never went to church. I, however have felt my God since I started breathing.

I have every skill a person would want. From mechanical engineering to cooking. Growing anything. Today its metal art. My house if filled with it. Figurines, plants, and animals. TIG welded junk into beauty.

All I know. If theres a destiny for me. I'm not privy to it. Something I prefer.
I don't know my purpose. All I know is I've had a serious guardian Angel since a child.

From near death experiences. Tunnel vision stress. Murder happening in front of me. Having guns pointed at me...

Parents never expressed religion. We never went to church. I, however have felt my God since I started breathing.

I have every skill a person would want. From mechanical engineering to cooking. Growing anything. Today its metal art. My house if filled with it. Figurines, plants, and animals. TIG welded junk into beauty.

All I know. If theres a destiny for me. I'm not privy to it. Something I prefer.

@Beehive Have any pics of the art?