
New Member
So I am about 1 and a half week into growing when my plant was growing very healthy, when in just over a week it bent over, I fixed this by berrying the stalk further under ground and moved the light closer and tied the to of the stalk to a stick. now I have noticed thinning of the bottom of the stalk, I panicked and dug below the soil to see the more of the plants stalk, it’s all thin and strangely, like a thin piece of string. How do it fix this?!! My pot has been having some drainage problems, the soil I am using takes a while to dry out so this could of happened from over watering, I just need to know how I can save it!!


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That medium looks horrible, you need to fix that or just start over being a week and half in. Would be over watered as well.
Thankyou for the fast response, I have but i’ve been trying to work with limited resources in lockdown. Is there anyway it can be saved?
Not sure if it can be saved. Also not totally sure it is over watering. But, I think it is a pretty good guess. TBH I would likely hack it and start again...but I am not you and someone else may have a better idea. Good Luck!
That medium looks horrible, you need to fix that or just start over being a week and half in. Would be over watered as well.
I have been using compost as it’s the only thing I have access too. I’ve barely Watered it but the soil won’t dry out. I’m gonna try look for some better soil but not much luck, my other plant is doing fine, but I don’t want the same thing ever happening to it, if I don’t find better soil in time
Not sure if it can be saved. Also not totally sure it is over watering. But, I think it is a pretty good guess. TBH I would likely hack it and start again...but I am not you and someone else may have a better idea. Good Luck!
Thankyou! I will literally try anything at this point to help it survive, but I doubt it. Part of me wants to try cutting off the bad part and cloning it but i’ve read so much about how that won’t work
I have been using compost as it’s the only thing I have access too. I’ve barely Watered it but the soil won’t dry out. I’m gonna try look for some better soil but not much luck, my other plant is doing fine, but I don’t want the same thing ever happening to it, if I don’t find better soil in time
100% compost? When you start may want to at least put some perlite in to help drain...just my humble opinion. I have never used anything but FFHF soil.
Where are you? Can't you order supplies online if shops aren't open? Also, I agree with everyone here who said start over. Your problem is the medium, compost holds too much water, you need something like perlite to add aeration and some spagnum moss, peat or coco coir.
Feel bad for this fellow. It’s gonna take him a minute to get going good unless he does quite a bit of reading :/