So ive seen a lot of mixed reviews about this bank. Some people had good germination and sprouting results. A LOT of people cant get the beans to pop, much less sprout. I soaked 3 seeds for bout 12 hours till they sank. One seed already pooped its root out. I then planted them in jiffy pellets. The temperature and moisture has been controlled the whole time.11 days later, no progress. 2 seeds didnt pop. The one that did, it's root is the same length it was on day 1 when it was saoking.. They're no good.. ILGM apparently is great about replacing the seeds, but you will most likely get more dead seeds, from the reviews I've been reading, not to mention you probably have to send the old ones back. Everyone knows this is a time consuming process and it costs money. With that being said, i dont have time or money to throw away for negative results, or even mixed results for that matter. I will not buy from them again. Businesses should know what theyre doing or move onto other things. Obviously being a seed vendor isn't their strong side and they should probably just give up, being that a lot of these bad seed reviews are several years old and we're still getting bunk seeds from them..