The Blueprint - Closet Cabinet/Bubbleponic System Help and Check List


Active Member
Alrighty friends, I'm a complete n00b with pride lol just wanted to let out an idea and needed some help along the way.

I plan to buy a bubbleponic system.

I wanted to build a bubbleponic system in a stealth cabinet (I can't build it without the proper dimensions.) Is the cabinet a good idea? The inside color would include chrome, and flat white spray paint which would include 2-3 vents and a crank light hanger.

Now the other thing I needed was a complete check list other than the light, kit and seeds. Can someone tell me more about Nutes and other grow products such as BLOOM and where and when do I apply it.

Thanks in advance, and happy toking!

P.S. I also want to keep this a bit externally smell proof. Actually I think I may be able to manipulate that.


Elite Rolling Society
Hi, Janovic,

I got your question in my PM, asking me to visit here.
I 'd be glad to help you, if you have not bought yet, I can g \et you a 5% discount.
A cabinet is used when you have a serious problem of NOT having a good secret STEALTH place to grow. It creates other problems tho, usually HEIGHT, along with Ventalation, Humidity, Air Circulation and HEAT.
do you have an empty closet?
The kit can be bought with lights and nutrients.
go to thier site, at,
click FAQ and Customer Support and read up on it. Also read up on the kits.
Also visit my thread here on Bubbleponics.


Active Member
The closet is mostly just my clothes I was planning on building the cabinet about 4-5ft high and about 3-4ft wide. I just have a high traffic room with family. Still rearranging some things to see what happens.


Elite Rolling Society
The closet is mostly just my clothes I was planning on building the cabinet about 4-5ft high and about 3-4ft wide. I just have a high traffic room with family. Still rearranging some things to see what happens.
If you going for a small yield from short plants, and want to do a SOG, then a cabinet will do. The lights will take up about 18 inches of your height. 3 feet wide is ok.
Hiding that ODOR is going to be the trick!


Active Member
a trick ive seen people do at the end of the fan where airs blown out rig up a box that you can open and they used dryer sheets,to cover up the smell blown out. ive never done it but it seemed to work alright


Elite Rolling Society
I'd consider not building a cabinet and just using the end of the closet, as I first did a few years ago.
If you insist on a cabinet, you can find styrafoam boards , 4 X 8 ft, 1/2 inch thick, that are lined on one side with an extra thick type of tin foil. It is not tin foil and it is more shiney and more reflective than tin foil. Thicker and more sturdy too. Someone else will surely tell you that tin foil is a NO NO, but I used the boards to line my closet for two grows and I did not get one leaf burn, not a single one. AND WHAT IF I DID GET ONE LEAF BURN ANYWAY? IT WON'T KILL THE PLANT OR DO ANY HARM.
The boards can be cut with a knife, or a razor knife, and you can reinforce them with 1 X 2 wooden strips.
I'll visit this thread again soon, if you have questions. I seldom visit that profile page you sent the question to.


Active Member
I just clicked on the link for stealthhydro and am interested in a diy. I get the just of all the materials from Roseman's other posts... but i have just one quintessential question. What are the good traits to look for in purchesing rubber storage bins?


Elite Rolling Society
I just clicked on the link for stealthhydro and am interested in a diy. I get the just of all the materials from Roseman's other posts... but i have just one quintessential question. What are the good traits to look for in purchesing rubber storage bins?
Everyone makes the mistake of thinking BIGGER is better. WRONG! Smaller is better.
The tank has to be STURDY, and dark and not allow light in. I suggest a 8 gallon, with 6 gallons of water, or use 5 gallon buckets.
The ting about BUBBLEPONICS is the rapid growth that comes from having a feeder tube feeding the cube and root ball 24/7 when it is just a sprout and a small plant. You have to raise the lights an inch daily,everyday, to accomadate the rapid growth.


Active Member
I have no problem taking care of them everyday. I want to. I guess there really is no problem with leakage where there would be with a spray bar. In a 5 gal bucket would you put just one plant or two? If I do go with just one single basket in the 5gal bucket could I get away with the bending of branches and tieing them off to get several big colas?


Elite Rolling Society
I have no problem taking care of them everyday. I want to. I guess there really is no problem with leakage where there would be with a spray bar. In a 5 gal bucket would you put just one plant or two? If I do go with just one single basket in the 5gal bucket could I get away with the bending of branches and tieing them off to get several big colas?
If you start with seed, put three grow cups in one five gallon bucket.
If you know they are females, put two in a bucket.


Active Member
Hey bro's, I'm checking this thread a little bit late as I already have the damn MDF board which is hard as hell to get a nail through (going with liquid nail now). Worse case scenario is that I'll try out the good all Styrofoam. But here's what I've been working with so far.

8 MDF boards
2 Honeywell Fans
1 Febreeze Carbon Filter
Light Timer
4 Wheels

I'm still painting the boards. Primed and spray painted chrome and finished with high clear gloss. I haven't tested the light reflection theory with that, it's not mirror like but its reflective. (If there's a better method let me know)

I may run into some trouble when making the door for the box.
I'll post pictures of progress when I can this week.


Active Member
I'm back from the dead, just finished up the semester so I have some time to focus on this project.

I'm looking at the fans that I have and they are rather huge.
What other fans go great on these cabinets?


Active Member
due build a filter. it is so easy. take a five gallon bucket drill holes in the bottom. inside put a peice of hepa filter paper in the bottom, inside,, take the lide of the bucket and cut a four inch hole in the lid take a four inch dryer flange and silicon it in. fill bucket with 25 pounde of cardon crystels{from pet store}.instent carbon filter.


Elite Rolling Society
I just clicked on the link for stealthhydro and am interested in a diy. I get the just of all the materials from Roseman's other posts... but i have just one quintessential question. What are the good traits to look for in purchesing rubber storage bins?
Don't get TOO BIG!

The tank ought to be a 8 gallon tank, and you use 6 gallons of water.

The tank has to be dark enough to NOT let LIGHT penetrate it.


Active Member
I started on this box last night using some good ole liquid nail, the main frame without the door should be set up tonight. Gonna sand the trimmings down tomorrow night and prime it. This is actually fun lol.

What type of mylar or poly should I use?


Well-Known Member
I'm a new SH Bubbleponics cabinet grower and wanted to share that there are a few types of CFL's to be aware of. I found that the 105 watt CFL's put out a lot of heat(I'm using the 3-in-1 reflector from SH) and I had to bring in fresh air into my cabinet(20"X30"X72")via drilling a 4" hole into my floor to the crawl space. Roseman says that the 85 watter's put out a lot less heat.
Also with three fans running 24/7, growing in a cabinet isn't as stealthy as you may think. I have to lock up my spare bedroom every time I have friends over. Plus with those monster 3" air tubes running to the cabinet, it stands out like a sore thumb. But it's still better than buy bud on the street!!!



Active Member
I think I'm going to add a mountable track around the cabinet for CFL's in the seedling process for about a week or 2 (just a concept in my mind) then I will proceed to the 250W or 400W HPS/MH light. With S&P inline fans as soon as I figure out how the hell the exhaust system will work.

I actually might have to take the hinges off tonight because I just looked at the depth of the hydro bubbleponic system, looks to be about 14in I think I'm working with 13 1/2 at the moment. Any suggestions?