When to lower light


Well-Known Member
Just let them stretch up to the light. My leds are 4ft away from my plant


I think growing under led it's vital to make them stretch for the light in order to avoid bushy compact growth in the middle of the plant, where no light or air can get through the plant.

My leds were 5ft away. My plant isn't complaining. Get them too close and it just stresses the plants out. Can't always see it in veg, but in flowering when it bleaches the buds you'll know.

Imo I would raise your lights and make all those tops stretch up :weed:


Well-Known Member
I kinda agree with Fevs. Your plants are lookin pretty squat. That could be genetics or that could be because of too much light.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Just let them stretch up to the light. My leds are 4ft away from my plant

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I think growing under led it's vital to make them stretch for the light in order to avoid bushy compact growth in the middle of the plant, where no light or air can get through the plant.

My leds were 5ft away. My plant isn't complaining. Get them too close and it just stresses the plants out. Can't always see it in veg, but in flowering when it bleaches the buds you'll know.

Imo I would raise your lights and make all those tops stretch up :weed:
Uhm ...
What is the net for?:-|


Well-Known Member
I thought that’s how u LST. with LST the lower the better. My top of stem pretty much touching edge (top) of pot
You lst to create more tops, an even canopy, or because you have not much height to grow in. You have created the tops, now let them stretch up to the light.

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
You lst to create more tops, an even canopy, or because you have not much height to grow in. You have created the tops, now let them stretch up to the light.
So my tsl2000 is at 24 inch above canopy what height do u suggest to make em stretch and then when do I go 18 inch above for flowering power ?

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
But with the light so far.. they will stretch so much.. your colas are going to look like popcorn on a stick. I’m not even trying to be funny. It’s true.
Hydro kid.
Can I look at my pics and help me out u have been a lot Of help in past. Do I need to stretch ? What light height u suggest


Well-Known Member
So my tsl2000 is at 24 inch above canopy what height do u suggest to make em stretch and then when do I go 18 inch above for flowering power ?
Keep the light at 18” throughout the entire grow. Adjust as it gets taller. Your buds won’t produce the same at 24” than it would at 18”. Keeping the top canopy even is key. Only if the canopy is even will you get the max benefit from using a net.


Well-Known Member
But with the light so far.. they will stretch so much.. your colas are going to look like popcorn on a stick. I’m not even trying to be funny. It’s true.
You are wrong. They will be superb colas! I'm using 580w actual draw of led in a 4ft x4ft tent. I have the lights that high so the colas stretch and it gives me a great even amount of light. They still have a fair bit stretching to do. Been growing with led for over 10 years pal. This ain't my 1st rodeo.

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Keep the light at 18” throughout the entire grow. Adjust as it gets taller. Your buds won’t produce the same at 24” than it would at 18”. Keeping the top canopy even is key. Only if the canopy is even will you get the max benefit from using a net.
So I dont need to stretch they look ok how I LST them low like this. And I just started to get pistols yesterday. So now Iam has n preflower by looks of it and there autos I was wonder when to lower it to 18 inch ? And I have a second tsl2000 light that I will turn on for flower when do I do that u think ?

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Keep the light at 18” throughout the entire grow. Adjust as it gets taller. Your buds won’t produce the same at 24” than it would at 18”. Keeping the top canopy even is key. Only if the canopy is even will you get the max benefit from using a net.
I had both lights at 20 inch in veg for a few days and my lux meter was through the roof and I light burned them so that have to adjust to 1 light at 24inch So Iam afraid to go to 18 inch and turn both lights on for flower I was wondering when plant can handle more light


Well-Known Member
So I dont need to stretch they look ok how I LST them low like this. And I just started to get pistols yesterday. So now Iam has n preflower by looks of it and there autos I was wonder when to lower it to 18 inch ? And I have a second tsl2000 light that I will turn on for flower when do I do that u think ?
You can lower the light to 18” just not at 100% power just yet. Wait til they are flowering and raise the power. If you at at24” at full power now with the 1 light.. that’s fine. The 2nd light will help in flower, not necessary in veg tho.


Well-Known Member
I had both lights at 20 inch in veg for a few days and my lux meter was through the roof and I light burned them so that have to adjust to 1 light at 24inch So Iam afraid to go to 18 inch and turn both lights on for flower I was wondering when plant can handle more light
That's what I was trying to tell you. Stop giving them too much light. Let them tops stretch up, or have growth which is too bushy later in the grow that then blocks the light and air getting through the plants. Raise them, if they stretch too much, lower them to your liking.

Try it, you'll never look back. People are so afraid to follow the advice of the minority :lol:

After the plant has finished growing up, then start worrying about led heights. Mine are always at the top, coz in flowering I want them there too.

I even use my carbon filter on the outside of the tent with my led grows, pushing the air through the filter, so I can have no restrictions height wise. I don't do this with my gavita 750's though, they have filters set up normally. Though the 750's do stay at the top the entire time too. So many people are so concerned about stacking the nodes too close, then get bud rot because of bad airflow etc. I like some stretch, gaps between buds, then defoliate at various stages in the grow so the light can get to all the buds. Years of growing has taught me to grow this way for ease, enjoyment and solid yields whilst having a great environment.