My 8hr flowering experiment

Well folks
I think it’s time for me to move on and turn over a new leaf.
Hopefully this journal has entertained and provided a different perspective then the normal grow log.
It’s been a fun ride and I’m glad that I shared the experience with everyone, even tho I never hit my goal. I shall continue to chip away at it but in the meantime....

May all your harvests be plentiful and dank!
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I was starting to wonder where you went off to..?
May the road rise to meet you.
Interesting idea on using a 9/12 schedule. I just use a mechanical timer so not gonna attempt that now. I guess it would speed up the flowering?

I am using 9 hours and 20 minutes on and 14 hours 40 minutes off. Seems to speed up my flowering by 10 to 20% over 12/12.
Well folks
I think it’s time for me to move on and turn over a new leaf.
Hopefully this journal has entertained and provided a different perspective then the normal grow log.
It’s been a fun ride and I’m glad that I shared the experience with everyone, even tho I never hit my goal. I shall continue to chip away at it but in the meantime....

May all your harvests be plentiful and dank!
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Pretty helpful grow journal , any plan for new run? Stoked on it :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:
Ok so im not sure if anyone else had attempted to actually try this new lighting schedule or if anyone read the article.
Anyhow in skunks feb/march issue there was an article on alternative lighting schedules and i was very curious if their is any validity to it and figure the best way to find out is to try it myself.

Basically the article says that a flowering or fruiting plant only needs a 6 hr light schedule so 6/18 is supposed to give you tighter bigger fatter buds in less flowering time than 12:12
By the time i got to this thread it got quite long. In the end did you find the 6/18 better during flower? thanks!
Happy to have been the guinea pig while trying to help the community.
Hopefully at least one person besides myself was entertained.

Felt like this journal needed a better write up to end it.
Reduced light cycle flowering isnt for everyone and anyone focused on the negatives or potential loses we’re not the intended audience. In fact it was a grow journal for myself that I thought others might be interested in following along with.
There’s been much back n forth and thankfully at least one positive comment for every negative post or pm I received.

I appreciate every single person that chimed in on this journal and thank you all for taking the time.

I have since stopped using the glr to veg but still use only 8/16 to flower. Started a new journal awhile back

I would rather not get into light cycle talk in my new journal and wish the best of luck to everyone in their gardens going forward.

Hopefully you all harvest twice as much as you were expecting

Anyone tried 8/8/8?

Seed & Veg -> run FR @ EOD ~50%, then switch to 100% FR @ EOD for bloom. Or something similar?

Intiatially I thought as long as you break down Pfr into Pr by morning (utilizing 725nm) that you could induce bloom regardless the duration of the night. I've found out that it's not the only factor, though still one of the main contributors. It seems the plant has a "circadian clock" that is adjusted by the environment which includes spectrum but also additionally, temp, nutrients, ect. This "clock" builds up instructions over time and only makes minute changes per day. I'm wondering if you started out 8/8/8 from seed that you'd program this clock to accept 8hr days instead of 12hr days.

Typically the Pfr requires an extended period of darkness to revert back into Pr, but if we can blast enough 725nm to mimic the longer night duration generally required to break down the daily accumulated Pfr, as well as increase intensity of lights to match the 12hr DLI in an 8hr period, then in theory you should be able to finish in 1/3 less time.

I'm curious if we can trick the plant when it comes to the day/night length/cycle by adjusting EOD FR intensity while keeping lights consistently timed at 8hr intervals. Adjust Pfr/Pr ratios to signal seasonal changes while initiating growth under an 8hr day to program "circadian clock" to accept a shorter time duration.

Every 2 human days the plant would undergo 3 plant days, the average dark period and light period would remain at 12/12 but light intensity would increase by 1/3. Maybe a more gradual shift from seed to bloom rather than 50% - 100%. Maybe something like ...
Wk 1 - 50%
Wk 2 - 45%
Wk 3 - 40%
Wk 4 - 40%
Wk 5 - 60%
Wk 6 - 80%
Wk 7 - 80%
Wk 8 - 100%
Wk 9 - 100%
Wk 10 - 100%
Wk 11 - 100%
Wk 12 - 100%
Wk 13 - 100%

Easier to understand:
Photoperiodism | BioNinja
The switch to flowering is a response to the length of light and dark periods in many plants AND Methods used to induce short-day plants to flower out of season

Brain surgery (lol):
Nice to see this old thread get a bump.
I’ve been taking a break from forums and getting set for the next stage of my life but felt compelled to post and chime in
I’m still very much alive and still using 8/16

Space monkey d50

Ss4 f2 day 55 had a rough start but so sweet smelling 89B48540-6413-4256-8051-E9E631C9B4E5.png dank Sinatra x bbhp24DD2441-9FE8-4E55-A46E-10710FB612B8.jpeg

E6395ACB-B078-43E6-9FD7-55A65FA8EE1B.jpegHoping to be back to posting again regularly soon and I wish everyone the best of luck in life and your garden
Nice to see this old thread get a bump.
I’ve been taking a break from forums and getting set for the next stage of my life but felt compelled to post and chime in
I’m still very much alive and still using 8/16

Space monkey d50
View attachment 4427328

Ss4 f2 day 55 had a rough start but so sweet smelling View attachment 4427330 dank Sinatra x bbhpView attachment 4427329

View attachment 4427331Hoping to be back to posting again regularly soon and I wish everyone the best of luck in life and your garden
At least you didn't come back empty handed!!! Or should I say,empty tented????
This thread made me do it.
No troubles.
Slight power savings.
Bud is identical for strains I have grown both 12/12 as well as10.5/13.5.
This person has no journal.