January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
I figured over a thousand would end up in prison or squeal deals before Trump was done. It looks like I might have to add several thousand of his base to that number! If they have their little coup #2 before or during the inauguration there might be a lot of dead added to the total.

Shit between Trump, his minions, congress people and the morons who invaded the capital there could be several thousand of these assholes spending time with Donald behind bars. I think the new AG should bring a few thousand FBI agents back out of retirement, there is a lot of investigating to be done and experienced hands would help a lot!


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Stripe will halt processing Trump campaign donations because of encouraged violence
Stripe will halt payment processing for President Donald Trump's campaign website after last week's breach of the US Capitol.
The Wall Street Journal was the first to report the news, and CNN confirmed the report with a source familiar with the matter.
Stripe restricts payments from "high risk" businesses including those that "engages in, encourages, promotes or celebrates unlawful violence or physical harm to persons or property," according to its website statement on restricted businesses.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Trump's campaign paid Stripe more than $1.8 million in the 2020 election cycle, Federal Election Commission records show.

Last month, Trump's campaign and political operation reported raising more than $207 million between Election Day and early December as he inundated supporters with emails and texts asking for donations to help challenge the election results. An increasing share of the money, however, flowed to a leadership political action committee that Trump established to help fund his post-White House activities.
Updated figures on Trump's most recent fundraising are not yet public.

Stripe's decision follows a number of other companies that have cut ties to either Trump or Republican legislators involved in contesting the counting of electoral results. Citigroup (C), Marriott (MAR), Commerce Bank and BlueCross BlueShield are among some of the biggest companies that have announced they will suspend its PAC contributions to lawmakers who attempted to overturn election results.


Well-Known Member
This was just released by the Onion :)

WASHINGTON—Projecting a calm, measured assurance as he reflected on his personal shortcomings, a content and mentally sound President Trump told reporters just minutes after his ban from social media Thursday that he had been “selfish and arrogant,” and he apologized unconditionally for his behavior. “I’ve lied to myself and the country, lashed out at those who love me, and hurt a lot of people along the way,” said Trump, who, after 15 minutes of being unable to tweet or post updates to Facebook, gathered together friends, family, and the entire White House press corps to let them know that love is the only thing that truly matters. “I just took a walk with a dear friend who I haven’t spoken to in ages, and as we sat on a bench staring at the Potomac, I asked him, ‘What am I doing with my life?’ Over the past quarter hour, I’ve realized that caring for others, lending a hand to someone in need—these are the only things in this world that can give a man true integrity. I hope you all have it in your hearts to forgive me for my pride and my many failures in this life.” At press time, Trump was overheard asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she had ever noticed how beautiful a simple goldfinch was, while suggesting the two of them go birding together in the Adirondacks after he left office.

:) :) :)


Well-Known Member
This psycho bitch selected police recruits for the police department.

The police response plus all the cops in the mob is gonna help a lot with police reform. If congressional lives matter so too will BLM and police reform just got a major shot in the arm. This little coup has caused Donald's base to pour gasoline on itself and light the match. Donald fucked himself, the republicans and even managed to fuck his base, many of these assholes who sacked the capital are gonna do years of federal time.


Well-Known Member
I always thought these assholes would be on the wrong side of the national security community, but this just catapulted them onto the domestic terrorist list and into the teeth of new legislation. Look for a major purge of law enforcement and anybody who was at the capital or is on a domestic terrorist watch list will be banned from owning firearms and flying, take the bus. That is just the start though...


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
This was just released by the Onion :)

WASHINGTON—Projecting a calm, measured assurance as he reflected on his personal shortcomings, a content and mentally sound President Trump told reporters just minutes after his ban from social media Thursday that he had been “selfish and arrogant,” and he apologized unconditionally for his behavior. “I’ve lied to myself and the country, lashed out at those who love me, and hurt a lot of people along the way,” said Trump, who, after 15 minutes of being unable to tweet or post updates to Facebook, gathered together friends, family, and the entire White House press corps to let them know that love is the only thing that truly matters. “I just took a walk with a dear friend who I haven’t spoken to in ages, and as we sat on a bench staring at the Potomac, I asked him, ‘What am I doing with my life?’ Over the past quarter hour, I’ve realized that caring for others, lending a hand to someone in need—these are the only things in this world that can give a man true integrity. I hope you all have it in your hearts to forgive me for my pride and my many failures in this life.” At press time, Trump was overheard asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she had ever noticed how beautiful a simple goldfinch was, while suggesting the two of them go birding together in the Adirondacks after he left office.

:) :) :)
There, just posted it on Newsmax. I did break it up into two paragraphs though.


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Pelosi: Democrats will move to impeach Trump
House Democrats will stage a vote to impeach President Trump for encouraging mob violence at the Capitol on Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Sunday night.

Pelosi said the Democrats’ preferred response to the attack on the U.S. Capitol is for Vice President Pence to remove Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment — an unlikely scenario less than two weeks before Trump is set to leave office.

But in a letter to fellow Democrats, the Speaker vowed to bring a vote on impeachment in the absence of action by Pence, setting the stage for an historic first: the impeachment of a president for the second time in his tenure.

“In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both,” Pelosi wrote in the letter to rank-and-file colleagues. “As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President is intensified and so is the immediate need for action.”

Pelosi, who was personally targeted by some members of the pro-Trump mob in Wednesday’s insurrection, laid out the Democrats’ strategy for the days ahead.

On Monday, they will try to adopt Maryland Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin’s 25th Amendment resolution by unanimous consent — a gambit sure to be blocked by Trump’s conservative allies.

“If we do not receive Unanimous Consent, this [Raskin] legislation is planned to be brought up on the Floor the following day. We are calling on the Vice President to respond within 24 hours,” Pelosi wrote.

“Next, we will proceed with bringing impeachment legislation to the Floor,” she added.

The Speaker did not say when the impeachment vote might happen, but Democratic aides said they were aiming for mid-week.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the majority whip, suggested earlier Sunday that Democrats could impeach Trump now but delay sending the articles to the Senate, granting incoming President Joe Biden the time to seat his Cabinet and launch his 100-day agenda before an impeachment trial bogs down Congress for an indeterminate length of time.

“We will take the vote that we should take in the House. And [Pelosi] will make the determination as to when is the best time to get that vote and get the managers appointed and move that legislation over to the Senate,” Clyburn told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday.

“Let's give President-elect Biden the 100 days he needs to get his agenda off and running,” Clyburn added. “And maybe we will send the articles some time after that.”

More than 200 Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors; they will need at least 217 to pass it through the House. It’s unclear if any House Republicans will support it.



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Capitol Police warned by FBI, NYPD of risk of violence at Capitol: report
FBI and New York Police Department (NYPD) officials warned U.S. Capitol Police of the risk of violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 amid the planned protests against certifying the Electoral College results, NBC News reported Sunday.

The law enforcement agencies reportedly passed along information indicating the protests could bring violence before rioters stormed the Capitol last week, leading to the death of a Capitol Police officer and four others, including a rioter shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer.

The NBC News report comes after several law enforcement officials said there was no indication that the protests would lead to violence or that the Capitol would be breached.

FBI and New York Police Department (NYPD) officials warned U.S. Capitol Police of the risk of violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 amid the planned protests against certifying the Electoral College results, NBC News reported Sunday.
The law enforcement agencies reportedly passed along information indicating the protests could bring violence before rioters stormed the Capitol last week, leading to the death of a Capitol Police officer and four others, including a rioter shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer.
The NBC News report comes after several law enforcement officials said there was no indication that the protests would lead to violence or that the Capitol would be breached.

A senior FBI official told the network that before last week, the “FBI obtained credible and actionable information” about more than a dozen people “who were planning on traveling to the protests who expressed a desire to engage in violence.”
The official said the bureau was “able to discourage those individuals” from going to Washington, which they said could have prevented more violent riots Wednesday.

“The FBI and our federal, state and local partners collected and shared available intelligence in preparation for the various planned events,” the official told NBC News. “The FBI was prepared to adapt as needed to fluid events on the ground, including having rapid response teams in reserve.”
The FBI official said the protests were “peaceful and nonconfrontational” during most of the day but that “when it became clear that some individuals were surging onto the Capitol grounds and entering the buildings, the U.S. Capitol Police requested assistance.”
“Within 50 minutes of that request, three FBI tactical teams were on scene to gain control of the area and offer protection to congressional members and staff,” the senior official said. “Over the course of the evening, the FBI presence ultimately grew to over 150 agents and other personnel.

The senior FBI official’s comments come after Steven D’Antuono, who leads the FBI’s Washington Field Office, said, "There was no indication that there was anything [planned] other than First Amendment-protected activity." The official told NBC News they were not in a position to explain why D’Antuono made that statement.
The NYPD also reportedly sent law enforcement agencies, including Capitol Police, intelligence covering the threats of violence on social media ahead of the Jan. 6 protests, multiple law enforcement officials told the network.
These officials added that the Capitol Police were also provided with another more specific intelligence report detailing the threats and extremist rhetoric on social media. Officials familiar with the intelligence packets said President Trump’s encouragement of the protesters to go to the Capitol most likely brought a larger crowd to the Capitol.

Capitol Police had refused assistance from the National Guard three days ahead of the protest and from the FBI as rioters reached the Capitol last week, The Associated Press reported in the aftermath.
The day prior to the riots, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) told Justice Department and Pentagon officials that D.C. police would not request assistance from federal authorities.



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Speaker Pelosi said on 60 Minutes trump is a “handmaiden of Putin’s”
Looks like Donald is headed for an early arrest as individual #1. He will wave his self pardon around in court but will have to plead and he will be gagged as a condition of release, no passport. How long before he breaks the court order and is thrown in the slammer? How long will the SCOTUS take to toss his self pardon? The case is open and closed, documents based with witnesses as a bonus and the sentence is a decade.