Donald Trump’s Suicide

they also tore down statues of abolitionists, obviously they don't know history. They also pulled down a statue of a black freedom fighter, not realizing the statue was of a black man.
Not a major concern of mine to be honest. Somebody must have told you to have feelings about those statues. Have you ever seen them in person? Have an emotional attachment to them? Were they works of great artists? I personally prefer that all art be respected. If there is a piece of art that is deemed to be inappropriate for a certain setting I would like them to find a better setting for them. Maybe put the confederate ones in the parking lot of deep fried gator ball eateries in Florida?
Not a major concern of mine to be honest. Somebody must have told you to have feelings about those statues. Have you ever seen them in person? Have an emotional attachment to them? Were they works of great artists? I personally prefer that all art be respected. If there is a piece of art that is deemed to be inappropriate for a certain setting I would like them to find a better setting for them. Maybe put the confederate ones in the parking lot of deep fried gator ball eateries in Florida?
Hey I live in Florida. It’s true.
Was it not published according to cabinet sources that he was flllying to Ireland.on the 19th? And confirmed by Irish officials that Air Force One is due on the 19th. Disclosed by the second in charge of Ireland as part of his international statement that Frump is not wanted there?

The real game is where and how with our tax dollars footing the bill?
if you want to worry about taxes, your taxes will be going up shortly if you live in the US. Your knew President has vowed to raise taxes while campaigning. I have no problem with raising taxes on the billionaires and other elites. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes on everyone in a time when businesses are going out of business nationwide due to lockdowns. Just yesterday I heard a news report that New York would soon lose 50% of its restaurants due to them no having dine in service for nine months.

Reports today mentioned business rents in New York being slashed. How do businesses pay rent when the are closed down? How do property owners pay their mortgages when renters don't pay their rent? Business collapses are coming this year, most likely. My town in a state with some of the most regressive lockdowns has nearly half of all businesses shuttered. Local economy was 100% based on tourism. No one is working except grocery stores, convenience stores, auto parts stores. All the tourist stores and sit down restaurants are closed permanently. Biggest draw in the region, state campgrounds in every town in two Northern Michigan counties shut down. Bring in thousands of campers every Summer, not open at all this year.
People ask what makes Trump popular?

In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism.

1: of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority

Trump is herding sheep right to where he wants them to go.
if you want to worry about taxes, your taxes will be going up shortly if you live in the US. Your knew President has vowed to raise taxes while campaigning. I have no problem with raising taxes on the billionaires and other elites. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes on everyone in a time when businesses are going out of business nationwide due to lockdowns. Just yesterday I heard a news report that New York would soon lose 50% of its restaurants due to them no having dine in service for nine months.

Reports today mentioned business rents in New York being slashed. How do businesses pay rent when the are closed down? How do property owners pay their mortgages when renters don't pay their rent? Business collapses are coming this year, most likely. My town in a state with some of the most regressive lockdowns has nearly half of all businesses shuttered. Local economy was 100% based on tourism. No one is working except grocery stores, convenience stores, auto parts stores. All the tourist stores and sit down restaurants are closed permanently. Biggest draw in the region, state campgrounds in every town in two Northern Michigan counties shut down. Bring in thousands of campers every Summer, not open at all this year.
I said buh bye now
if you want to worry about taxes, your taxes will be going up shortly if you live in the US. Your knew President has vowed to raise taxes while campaigning. I have no problem with raising taxes on the billionaires and other elites. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes on everyone in a time when businesses are going out of business nationwide due to lockdowns. Just yesterday I heard a news report that New York would soon lose 50% of its restaurants due to them no having dine in service for nine months.

Reports today mentioned business rents in New York being slashed. How do businesses pay rent when the are closed down? How do property owners pay their mortgages when renters don't pay their rent? Business collapses are coming this year, most likely. My town in a state with some of the most regressive lockdowns has nearly half of all businesses shuttered. Local economy was 100% based on tourism. No one is working except grocery stores, convenience stores, auto parts stores. All the tourist stores and sit down restaurants are closed permanently. Biggest draw in the region, state campgrounds in every town in tw o
No shit taxes are going up stupid. Who’s paying for the largest corporate bailout in US history? The people of the United States (who already bailed out banks under the last republican recession).
Was Jim Jones a republican?
Rosalynn Carter called Jones at her husband’s behest. She held a private meeting with him, put him in touch with sister-in-law Ruth Carter Stapleton, and had the Peoples Temple leader introduce her at a 1976 campaign event.

Jimmy Carter’s running mate, Walter Mondale, met with Jones on the tarmac in San Francisco.
No shit taxes are going up stupid. Who’s paying for the largest corporate bailout in US history? The people of the United States (who already bailed out banks under the last republican recession).
I remember Obama and cash for clunkers. Auto bailouts. Why did car prices become so high? Cash for clunkers took used cars off the market.

Obama's cash for first time homeowners. $8,000 tax credit for the purchase of a home. Home sellers just jacked up home prices. Real estate bail out for those buying houses. Paid for by your taxes.
if you want to worry about taxes, your taxes will be going up shortly if you live in the US. Your knew President has vowed to raise taxes while campaigning. I have no problem with raising taxes on the billionaires and other elites. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes on everyone in a time when businesses are going out of business nationwide due to lockdowns. Just yesterday I heard a news report that New York would soon lose 50% of its restaurants due to them no having dine in service for nine months.

Reports today mentioned business rents in New York being slashed. How do businesses pay rent when the are closed down? How do property owners pay their mortgages when renters don't pay their rent? Business collapses are coming this year, most likely. My town in a state with some of the most regressive lockdowns has nearly half of all businesses shuttered. Local economy was 100% based on tourism. No one is working except grocery stores, convenience stores, auto parts stores. All the tourist stores and sit down restaurants are closed permanently. Biggest draw in the region, state campgrounds in every town in two Northern Michigan counties shut down. Bring in thousands of campers every Summer, not open at all this year.
Imagine if Trump didn't downplay the virus from day one
Imagine he activated manufacturers to build a bulk of PPE
Imagine he warned everyone truthfully so Governor Whitmer could have made better informed decisions

We have to imagine all these things because the shitstain didn't do a thing but lie and deny
Take your anti-America rhetoric and go sit in your radical right wing "christian " bubble