there’s no way it’s the same slurricane genetically. I was just being polite tbh and didn’t wanna sound too condescending kinda thing by saying it’s “likely not the same”. It most definitely is not the same strain.
It’s virtually impossible it’s the same. In house genetics themselves have even called out the anesia seeds version as a fake on their Instagram Page. There’s a few things that make it almost impossible it’s the same genetics. For starters in house used either a dosidos cut that was gifted by Archive seeds to in house genetics specifically, this same cut was not gifted to anesia seeds. But due to some controversy as archive apparently told In house not to breed with that gifted cut in house also then claimed they used their own hunted dosidos phenotype from a pack of seeds they purchased or were gifted so unless in house gave anesia the exact same cut of dosidos they hunted themselves ( which they did not) it’s impossible for them to have the same genetics. Then they need to have the same purple punch that in house used whilst this is possible we don’t know which version in house used although it’s likely the standard PP we also do not know which one anesia used was it the cut or a hunted one of their own from another breeders work? so it’s still possible they are also not the same cut.
Like I said it doesn’t really matter either way if you are happy with it that’s all that counts.
but it should be known that the anesia seeds version of slurricane is not going to be the same as the in house version so people do not buy the Anesia seeds version thinking they are getting the same as IHG slurricane as it will not be the same. It’s always possible Anesia bought a pack of slurricane from in house themselves an made f2s etc to sell or it’s possible they tried to recreate it themselves using a random dosidos plant with purple punch they found themselves, either way it’s not going to be the same slurricane in house genetics sells. It’s also possible they are jus some random/similar genetics they renamed slurricane to make sales based on the names hype alone. We can’t know for sure but what we can know for sure is that it’s not the real slurricane anesia seeds is selling as slurricane.
The archive seeds version of slurricane isn’t even the same and that supposedly uses exact the same genetics as IHG if IHG did actually use the gifted archive cut and not their own hunted dosidos cut.
The only real slurricane is in house genetics version. Anything else is a fake and not the real deal.
Oh an sorry for the long post.
Sorry, got lost after reading just a bit.
All hearsay and Chinese whispers.
All i know I'd that Anesia Seeds does a fucking great version of Sluricane. I've grow it many times and would call it unique in many ways from experience both growing and smoking.
Now, I have no doubt at all that In House Slurricane is also a killer strain but I have never grown it therefore can't comment.
I was just simply stating a relative alternative without the price tag with the same genetics, be it F1s, S1s or whatever.
It's nonsense shouting about how Anesia got a packet of In House Slurricane and copied it without any proof at all and In House can shout as much as they on their IG to there sheeple.
The exa fly same could be said about all the breeders with Slurricane in their inventory.
Just because In House Slurricane is the most revered, high profile and expensive among many of the other Slurricane breeders it does not denote it is the best.
I'm not saying it is not but I am saying is know a fucking great direct relative alternative.
As for the unproven nonsense of origins, I'll remember to add IG and Chinese whispers to my source base if I'm stuck.
Anyway, that's me done.