Other Plants


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I wanted a place to share some of my plants. Maybe some u didn't know exist. I'll start with the picture above here - This is a fruiting Aiselu (Nepali: ऐसेलु ). The Golden Himalayan Raspberry . Did you know there was a Golden Variety of Raspberry? They aren't as sweet as their red or black berry companions but their taste is more complex. They are everbearing which means producing fruit throughout the growing season or multiple times during a single growing season. Raspberry is unique. Sometimes considered a weed; hard to kill. It likes very acidic well draining soil and a thick layer of mulch to protect it's shallow roots. They never fruit their first year of growth unless you know some tricks. They develop what is called a ' primocane '. This dies back and then a secondary cane will grow known as a ' floricane '.

"Generally, the primocanes are thicker, fleshy, and green, while the second-year growth floricanes turn woody and brown before dying back. Other primocane and floricane differences include when fruit appear on them. Floricanes should have a lot of still-green berries in spring, while primocanes will have no fruit. "

By topping the primocane on everbearing variety u can actually get fruit the first year but don't tell anyone. But b4 tip-pruning any-bearing raspberries, I think each must come to an understanding with the variety under their care :eyesmoke: :peace:


Peace !
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Ornamental cabbage is the term used for types with broad, flat leaves that are edged in a contrasting color. Ornamental cabbage and kale grow approximately one foot wide and 15 inches tall. There are many cultivars. I mix mine with sandy well draining soil so I can embellish the pot with succulents
Last one for today I just got done cleaning up



Also known as a mother of millions. Or a Chandelier Plant. Super hardy and drought tolerant. If you let it dry too much in it's medium the little flower sets will begin sprouting roots toward the soil. It's way of surviving. Each of the arms extends little baby sharks. That's what I call them. They grow into big sharks if u foster them.

Last one for today I just got done cleaning up


Also known as a mother of millions. Or a Chandelier Plant. Super hardy and drought tolerant. If you let it dry too much in it's medium the little flower sets will begin sprouting roots toward the soil. It's way of surviving. Each of the arms extends little baby sharks. That's what I call them. They grow into big sharks if u foster them.
i would LOVE a cut of that!! man your plants are fuckin beautiful !!
i would LOVE a cut of that!! man your plants are fuckin beautiful !!

Thank u man!!! One of my favorites it looks like an alien leopard shark fused with a crazy cacti. I have a lot of little ones sprouting


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Purple passion and some cuban oregano.

That Purple Passion plant is phenomenal !!! nice & healthy set there! I love the colors of those. Well that's unfair because my favorite color is lavender. So anything purple always wins in the garden. Cuban Oregano! Wow is the what is in the center pot there? I have never seen one actually. Have you used it b4 or is it ornamental?

I have been trying to get a cool variety to add called THE PERSIAN SHIELD. Wonderful colors on them can get 3-4 FT !! Below isn't my own pic - The purple passion u have there reminds me of it.

the cuban and the passion are in the same pot along with a spider plant and a purple heart plant. I wanted the passion badly and that was the only cut of it she had left , so i weeded most of the purple heart into other pots , keep cutting the spider plant down and now im down to the passion and the cuban in one. I have cuts everywhere of them all.

The cuban oregano is GREAT for pasta sauce! i guess thats the first "herb" i have ever used out of the garden. i use it for ornamental and eating both.

The grow lady had the coolest old jade plant at the shop so i got me a cut. Your succulents are fuckin amazing though....ive never seen any of those!
the cuban and the passion are in the same pot along with a spider plant and a purple heart plant. I wanted the passion badly and that was the only cut of it she had left , so i weeded most of the purple heart into other pots , keep cutting the spider plant down and now im down to the passion and the cuban in one. I have cuts everywhere of them all.

The cuban oregano is GREAT for pasta sauce! i guess thats the first "herb" i have ever used out of the garden. i use it for ornamental and eating both.

The grow lady had the coolest old jade plant at the shop so i got me a cut. Your succulents are fuckin amazing though....ive never seen any of those!

Very nice I really like it. Purple passion plants are surprisingly hard to come by. Those and these plants that I call pepperoni plants. The grow ladies always have the best stuff. I get my cool cacti from an older lady who used to live in the Desert. Her hobby is to paint these flat rocks with old indian scenes on them. Desert slab rocks maybe the size of a hand.

aglaonema siam.... agla..O...nema.... SIAM.. aglaonema siam. Sorry for the late response I spent the last 10 minutes trying to say this 10 times fast. This thing is a keeper. I'm sure a leopard shark alien will find it's way to u once it's established enough to venture into the wild :eyesmoke: :peace:
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how would i go about getting a baby from the Siam ? Can i just gently rip out one of the shoots coming out of the soil ? i was thinking i could grab the one on the right in the pic....there are 3 shoots....2 are big and nice , the 3rd is my hopes of a baby, whatcha guys think ? View attachment 4765770

I am not familiar with these to guide it well. And for sake of probability I would wait for the weather to warm up a little bit. THey may be dormant depending where u are. If I did want to do something I would probably take it out and check the roots / maybe then separate them into their own containers. Being such a fleshy plant, wonder if you could propagate it from simple a leaf? Next time u take any foliage off pick the healthiest leaf and put it it a water cup of sorts. My peperomia plants propagate through their fleshy leave petioles