What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Legal nightmare for trump and kin beginning January 21. Not even talking multiple civil actions. Mansion in Mother Russia provided by Vladimir, he could call it “The Eagles' Nest” if that made him happy.
i'm curious about your post has Papa Putin taken him under his wing? he's outlived his usefulness.


Well-Known Member
So, your a old fuck like me, eh?
Cool, I thought you were some kid
Where do you live now, if you don't mind me asking?
Old fucks flock together and I'm one, too. He's in the San Diego area. California is blue, for the most part. The Central Valley from there to the Oregon border is red, though. Go figure. Farmers voting against their own best interests. You know the drill.


Well-Known Member
It is within the power of the president to declassify anything or everything.
Yep, anything at all, he can also pardon every federal prisoner and let millions of murders and rapists onto the streets over night. The base will love it! Boy will that trigger the libs!:dunce: I wonder if it would affect the race in Georgia...