Biden won

Good point, he will be doing state time if he ain't doing federal and some states might go for 2nd degree mass murder charges, others manslaughter or depraved indifference to human life, depending on the state law. NY state will put him away first, if the SDNY doesn't do it before them.

A threat of impeachment after several convictions might be a way to threaten Mitch though and split off the Trumper base, an investment for the future. They would have to convict him and thus discredit themselves with half of America and have half of their base of morons freaking out on them.

during our shutdown 'to slow the spread' and give us enough time to get Trump shit know when the WH said it's up to the states? they went behind the backs of states and cancelled supply orders already made and paid..what was that about free market? (rhetorical). drive up the price and make it scarce and you have yourself a black market.

impeachment? they're not even showing to the game therefore not even playing ball.
Gotta love trump supporters. trump is slowly gaining ground as the votes are being counted in Arizona. Meanwhile trumpers are outside calling for the voting to be halted.

Watch Arizona volunteers count ballots as Trump supporters protest outside

how do they play card games? don't they understand the deck gets shuffled like mail-in votes they could get a whole lot of trump or biden all at once just like same day vote will be trump heavy because that's when they vote.
Gotta love trump supporters. trump is slowly gaining ground as the votes are being counted in Arizona. Meanwhile trumpers are outside calling for the voting to be halted.

Watch Arizona volunteers count ballots as Trump supporters protest outside
In some places they want the vote counting to stop cos they'll lose if it continues, in others they want it to continue cos they're losing and want to win....fucking idiots.
how do they play card games? don't they understand the deck gets shuffled like mail-in votes they could get a whole lot of trump or biden all at once just like same day vote will be trump heavy because that's when they vote.
They just want to be declared the winners and don't care about the process. Typical right wingers, fairness isn't in their vocabulary.
how do they play card games? don't they understand the deck gets shuffled like mail-in votes they could get a whole lot of trump or biden all at once just like same day vote will be trump heavy because that's when they vote.
I think they are protesting in Arizona to keep they are counting, which is still stupid.
during our shutdown 'to slow the spread' and give us enough time to get Trump shit know when the WH said it's up to the states? they went behind the backs of states and cancelled supply orders already made and paid..what was that about free market? (rhetorical). drive up the price and make it scarce and you have yourself a black market.

impeachment? they're not even showing to the game therefore not even playing ball.
Trump has but a few miserable years to give for the crimes he committed, he wouldn't serve the time required, if he lived to be a thousand. Don Jr, Jared, Ivanka and Eric all have a few decades to serve, Ivanka will hate prison, Jared will be corn holed, Don jr. will be in his element and Eric will be killed.
Imagine if you are a republican senator and your state filed second degree mass murder charges against Trump in 2021 or 2022. Since the Woodward tapes came out there is a consensus of expert legal opinion that Trump meets the criteria for this crime or manslaughter. Say a state laid 10,000 or 20,000 charges of mass second degree murder under their state law and Donald was convicted, think the GOP senator would sweat?
I work with a guy that frequently wears an identical one.
The guy in the video was an archetypical Trumper, white male, unemployable or whose employability has been down graded and looking for the "other" to blame, browns, blacks and immigrants. Driven by emotion and tribalism, a man who lives in the Foxnews bubble of alternative reality. Someone who ignored, discounted, or never really understood the magnitude of the crimes Trump has committed, or perhaps doesn't care, as long as Trump triggered the libs and somehow got the brown folks he can't compete with.

He is not exclusively an American phenomena either, a white male conditioned to believe he should have the world by the nuts and is "superior", now finds himself at the bottom of the social/economic heap. Many eschew unions because they generally treat members of all races equally and with respect. Thus they disempower themselves by refusing to form a community of common cause, but economic and technological change is kinda making some traditional unions irrelevant.
The guy in the video was an archetypical Trumper, white male, unemployable or whose employability has been down graded and looking for the "other" to blame, browns, blacks and immigrants. Driven by emotion and tribalism, a man who lives in the Foxnews bubble of alternative reality. Someone who ignored, discounted, or never really understood the magnitude of the crimes Trump has committed, or perhaps doesn't care, as long as Trump triggered the libs and somehow got the brown folks he can't compete with.

He is not exclusively an American phenomena either, a white male conditioned to believe he should have the world by the nuts and is "superior", now finds himself at the bottom of the social/economic heap. Many eschew unions because they generally treat members of all races equally and with respect. Thus they disempower themselves by refusing to form a community of common cause, but economic and technological change is kinda making some traditional unions irrelevant.

you're right..and then God created Alberta.
Two and half more hours for NV to post results. Vegas mail in count should be 55% blue, but I'm just guessing.

actually i'm kind of glad it's been this way to ease which ever side into the decision..2016 quickness for such a big decision with such polarizing candidates- a lot of people felt robbed for many reasons.