Who supports Trump here

That’s what I mean. You just can’t have a real conversation with them.
And here we have people with no skin in the game trolling Americans.
Why are you Canadians supporting drump on this website? Do you think you’ll change our minds? Are you being paid? Or do you just get off causing a stir?

It’s hard to believe but he actually has supporters here too. I mean full bore trump loving, money donating, he’s a genius kinda shit. I worked with some of them.

They are predominantly white, blue collar, uneducated males. Sound familiar?
I’ll bet ya 20 gallons of maple syrup trump doesn’t win Nov 3rd. The only one crying will be minority leader McConnell.
I already got a bet on one of those Trump coins with him if Trump loses, he will owe me one, if Trump wins I will buy him one, at whitehouse.com, someone scooped the domain, don't think it's Trumper, but didn't look too close. If it supports Trump he gets something for the toilet with Trumps image upon it.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
Seriously, can you suck his dick any harder???
It’s hard to believe but he actually has supporters here too. I mean full bore trump loving, money donating, he’s a genius kinda shit. I worked with some of them.

They are predominantly white, blue collar, uneducated males. Sound familiar?

Explain "uneducated". Are you presuming that people who don't go to college are stupid fucks and shouldn't be allowed to vote? That's what the left likes to do. Divide. Educated/uneducated. Rich/poor. black/white.

It never ends with you fucking douche bags.

All you do is divide and create hatred.
Explain "uneducated". Are you presuming that people who don't go to college are stupid fucks and shouldn't be allowed to vote? That's what the left likes to do. Divide. Educated/uneducated. Rich/poor. black/white.

It never ends with you fucking douche bags.

All you do is divide and create hatred.

Do you grow pot but not smoke it?