Well-Known Member
Evolution made us pattern seekers
THIS. For survival/danger recognition.
Aposematism comes to mind.
Evolution made us pattern seekers
Synchronities, dreams etc and even paranoia and symptoms in schizophrenia are parts of your unconscious mind trying to communicate with your consciousness. But they talk very different language, so consciousness only sees what something in unconscious wants to "say" in these weaird things and through metaphors that resonate, or synchronities etc. It is healthy to have a healthy communication with the unconscious mind. Especially if you smoke tons of weed, as it can bring out suppressed stuff in more violent ways and cause "psychotic thinking" due to this:
When it comes to schizophrenia or other psychosis(schizophrenia is basically the same, but long term) the thing is that with them the normal process of brains that trims away irrational stuff that doesent fit is disrupted and basically there are leftovers of thoughts that were waaaay out there that were not removed earlier and now they subconsciously effect other thoughts and since these f'd up thought patterns are not removed properly either, but they remain there to disrupt later thinking.
Personally i dont think cannabis fucks up this system, unless there is a slight tendency for temporary fuck ups to the system(=people who get psychosis from weed or other psychedelics, but dont go full out schizophrenics), but what it can do is to induce some of those weird thoughts and if that system doesent work and those are not removed like in regular psyche, then that could lead cannabis to trigger symptoms or make them worse. Im 99.99% sure that this is what the whole cannabis and schizophrenia.
Sometimes if there are enough crap that wants to get out of the unconscious and ego keeps blocking it, it might in the end come up through psychotic issues if you have tendency for some, that is if it doesent let be heard otherwise.
There is an aspect of the psyche that tries to balance out ego, because ego by its nature is focused on stuff related to survival only and this sort of animalistic attitude is not healthy for growth of psyche and only creates obstacles for growth, because part of ego is to keep things that seem to work the same and for your ego there is no problem until you REALLY have a problem and by then the ego is too fucked to realise and you are in hospital.
I dont want to scare you, on the contrary if you realise all this you will also realise that all this is very good and that you should ot be afraid of you own unconscious mind. Im not saying that you should go all in blindly and nothing bad can happen. If you figure this you will learn to see synchronicities etc as a blessing and learn to use them as guides for your ego.
Common stupidly dangerous idea is that you should kill your ego and that psychedelics will help you do that. But you should not kill your ego, you should develop it to be more flexible and to see beyond of it and bow down to your unconscious mind, not think that it is the king. Or well it can be the king all it wants, but the forces of your unconscious are the God and the king should understand and accept this.
I like the way you think and how well you explain yourself. Cool man.
I just found out recently that some people don’t think with an inner monologue, but rather with some sort of weird abstract thought/images.
Blew me away.
You mention Jung, was there not a synchronistic story involving a golden scarab beetle?ThanksThats basically the core of Jungian psychology(analytical psychology) i explained there. He had some truly groundbreaking ideas about psyche, i strongly recommend checking out his work. There are quite many youtubers etc that are good sources. For example https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxP4O0AtAXDVMaqcqCVkGQ . Jungian psychology is largely based on ancient wisdom that originated from Egypt and Mesopotamia, had some Greek influences on the way and split into few different streams, out of which came eastern religions, like buddhism, gnosticism, and western alchemy. He also studied tons of mythology and so on, revived the gnostic/greek idea of archetypes, coined the terms introversion and extraversion and created a whole model of psyche from these archetypes being part of it, labeled different types of psyches(psychological types, which are also somewhat based on these old ideas), revived the idea of shadow and explained what ego is much better than Freud(this idea is also from Egyptians or from Mesopotamia from same times originally).
The idea that the multiple Gods of Egypt(or hinduism for example) being parts of our psyche was something that ancient people knew, but it was only taught to priests and royals etc who went through the mystery schools and general people(who couldnt even read or write) were being told stories about these "gods" to illustrate some of the wisdom, but without revealing the whole truth(which required years of intense studies to comprehend and for it to even be wholly revealed, this idea today is in Freemasonry for example, where you learn bit more and more as you advance in your studies/training).
Yea i heard about some people not having inner monologues either, or inner dialogues(where you imagine a situation where you are in dialogue with someone and you emulate the behavior and responses of the other person). I think it could especially be these people who start to hear voices if they go psychotic, but thats just speculation based on the idea that its these unconscious parts of Self through which psychotic symptoms emerge. I dont think this inner monologue is something that those people lack, its just that their ego blocks it and they dont hear it or use it in any way, except often in unhealthy self criticism triggered by complexes, and according to my hypothesis also in psychosis(temporary or schizophrenia). I have noticed this in few people i know.
Its funny i also recently learned that its really rare and labeled as some sort of abnormality if you cant imagine in visually something. I seem to have this thing because my visualisation simply is not there. I also learned that it is taught as a part of some sort of therapy for these people that they learn to imagine things spatially through touch. Like holding a cube and trying to imagine the shape even if you dont visually see it. Which is funny because this is something i have done since i can remember. Like imagining complex shapes and for example seeing how they would fit i find very easy compared to many people and i do it without actually seeing them visually(as most people do when they imagine things). But its more like holding something in your hands, like one object on left hand and one on right hand, so that you can feel their shape and know it, but dont look at them(maybe you never seen them before), so you can easily for example feel with your hands if a hole in one object is larger than a rod on another object, so you know that the rod fits in the hole. Hard to explain, but im sure you get the idea from that stoned rambling![]()
ThanksThats basically the core of Jungian psychology(analytical psychology) i explained there. He had some truly groundbreaking ideas about psyche, i strongly recommend checking out his work. There are quite many youtubers etc that are good sources. For example https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxP4O0AtAXDVMaqcqCVkGQ . Jungian psychology is largely based on ancient wisdom that originated from Egypt and Mesopotamia, had some Greek influences on the way and split into few different streams, out of which came eastern religions, like buddhism, gnosticism, and western alchemy. He also studied tons of mythology and so on, revived the gnostic/greek idea of archetypes, coined the terms introversion and extraversion and created a whole model of psyche from these archetypes being part of it, labeled different types of psyches(psychological types, which are also somewhat based on these old ideas), revived the idea of shadow and explained what ego is much better than Freud(this idea is also from Egyptians or from Mesopotamia from same times originally).
The idea that the multiple Gods of Egypt(or hinduism for example) being parts of our psyche was something that ancient people knew, but it was only taught to priests and royals etc who went through the mystery schools and general people(who couldnt even read or write) were being told stories about these "gods" to illustrate some of the wisdom, but without revealing the whole truth(which required years of intense studies to comprehend and for it to even be wholly revealed, this idea today is in Freemasonry for example, where you learn bit more and more as you advance in your studies/training).
Yea i heard about some people not having inner monologues either, or inner dialogues(where you imagine a situation where you are in dialogue with someone and you emulate the behavior and responses of the other person). I think it could especially be these people who start to hear voices if they go psychotic, but thats just speculation based on the idea that its these unconscious parts of Self through which psychotic symptoms emerge. I dont think this inner monologue is something that those people lack, its just that their ego blocks it and they dont hear it or use it in any way, except often in unhealthy self criticism triggered by complexes, and according to my hypothesis also in psychosis(temporary or schizophrenia). I have noticed this in few people i know.
Its funny i also recently learned that its really rare and labeled as some sort of abnormality if you cant imagine in visually something. I seem to have this thing because my visualisation simply is not there. I also learned that it is taught as a part of some sort of therapy for these people that they learn to imagine things spatially through touch. Like holding a cube and trying to imagine the shape even if you dont visually see it. Which is funny because this is something i have done since i can remember. Like imagining complex shapes and for example seeing how they would fit i find very easy compared to many people and i do it without actually seeing them visually(as most people do when they imagine things). But its more like holding something in your hands, like one object on left hand and one on right hand, so that you can feel their shape and know it, but dont look at them(maybe you never seen them before), so you can easily for example feel with your hands if a hole in one object is larger than a rod on another object, so you know that the rod fits in the hole. Hard to explain, but im sure you get the idea from that stoned rambling![]()
I had 2 peat grows where 666 ppm, 6.66 ph and 66.6f water just kept coming up constantly.I threw my phone under the bed ages ago only recently dug it out, I'd get an urge to swivel my head and 11:11 would be there, unless you go through it it's easy to say stop looking at the clock![]()
This shit actually started when I got a receipt total for £6.66I had 2 peat grows where 666 ppm, 6.66 ph and 66.6f water just kept coming up constantly.
I just figured Satan loves me.
Don't spend too many brain cells ciphering the universe, save that for acid.
Or that's just what they want you to thinkEvolution made us pattern seekers to the point where there is no meaning we convince ourselfs there is.
What a great guy.. he stuck around to dry my devils lettuce!I had 2 peat grows where 666 ppm, 6.66 ph and 66.6f water just kept coming up constantly.
I just figured Satan loves me.
Don't spend too many brain cells ciphering the universe, save that for acid.
Devil's numbers look good for that, tooWhat a great guy.. he stuck around to dry my devils lettuce!
Thankfully I'm on a gravy job with lots of standby. Had to get back into this thread. I'll definitely be checking out that video later on tonight. Sound like an avenue I'd like to explore. I really enjoy metaphysical, psychological, religious and other esoteric discussions.
The human mind fascinates me. Sometimes these discussions can become difficult, as there are quite a few intellectual cowards out there. I can tell that you're not one of them
I notice you mention the Mystery Schools. You ever listen to William Cooper's "Mystery Babylon"?.. if not you have to check it out! I must warn you it's like 40 hours, starts slow and builds on itself.
"I think it could especially be these people who start to hear voices if they go psychotic, but thats just speculation based on the idea that its these unconscious parts of Self through which psychotic symptoms emerge."
Well, I have personal experience with this. Self medicating combined with Western Medicine and lack of sleep in the past took me to a temporary psychotic break. The inner monologue/dialogue sounds much different than what I experienced with "hearing things". The inner monologue as you know, sounds like yourself... whereas "hearing things" is downright terrifying. It totally is a FOREIGN voice and sounds that shouldn't be there. This is why I ONLY rely on cannabis for medication. Varieties with CBD I find to be the most effective. I have never heard voices since that break. I just point this out to anyone out there that is struggling with thought ruminations or circular thoughts or scenarios... those are pretty much normal... so don't worry, your not going crazy... trust me, you'll know it if you have a break!!!!
"Like imagining complex shapes and for example seeing how they would fit i find very easy compared to many people and i do it without actually seeing them visually(as most people do when they imagine things). But its more like holding something in your hands, like one object on left hand and one on right hand, so that you can feel their shape and know it, but dont look at them(maybe you never seen them before), so you can easily for example feel with your hands if a hole in one object is larger than a rod on another object, so you know that the rod fits in the hole. Hard to explain, but im sure you get the idea from that stoned rambling"
Cool, I'm trying to get into your shoes because I see the shapes and can move them in my mind. Simply, I can visually see lego blocks in my head and build something out of them. The more complex it is the more I have to shut down the outside world. Focus. From what you're saying it's like you can FEEL the shapes physically and assemble them? Like closing your eyes and putting a key in a lock? You can feel the key in your hand and know where the lock is, and put it in the lock, but don't SEE the key or lock in your mind, you feel it in your hand? If I have it right that is fricken cool man! I can't comprehend it as everytime I close my eyes to put that key in the lock I can only see it in my head, not feel it. But, you're actually physically feeling the key in your hand? The texture, the metal, the grooves?
That's neat man, like thinking of infinity. When I hear that the galaxies and universe are infinite, it blows me away. It seems impossible. If I make it possible in my mind and visualize infinity... the galaxies and universes expanding ever outward with no beginning or end... I can't explain.. it makes feel like my mind is expanding out with it. Literally mind blowing! The thought of infinity makes me question reality more than anything. Head trip.
Anyways, probably sounds like a bunch of crazy rambling to most. I don't care... lol, most peoples biggest thoughts of the day are what's going on on facebook or their favorite TV. Small talk and mundane things show no interest to me. I rather not talk and think than talk about mundane things for more than a minute, and it's usually to humor/be polite to the person I'm talking to.![]()
You mention Jung, was there not a synchronistic story involving a golden scarab beetle?
@DCcan @spliffendz @HydroKid239
Well, I guess there is the synchronicities that brought us to this thread. /jk
I had this happening to all my tent's this winter. EVERY fricken thermometer in my grow spaces when lights out were always 66.6 degrees... when I made the first reservoir after I started noticing it.. I overshot my ppm as I tend to do and just dilute... of course 666 ppm.
It freaked me out for a second in a weird way as Covid was just hitting and I allowed myself to tie it into religion and Revelation. I study too much shit to believe too hard in any one thing, so I leave most everything open to the realm of possibilites. Who am I and what do I know?
I put down synchronicities mainly to statistical probabilities and intent/manifestations.
I mean if there is infinity there is an unlimited number of possibilities, therefore there is an unlimited number of versions of you doing an unlimited number of things in an unlimited number of places. Fantastical!
What are the chances or likelihood I get home from work to see a message from yourself on anti-semitism, not knowing which posts you were referring to or where I have seen your member name, and myself watching Inglourious Basterds the night before about killing Nazis?@DCcan @spliffendz @HydroKid239
Well, I guess there is the synchronicities that brought us to this thread. /jk
I had this happening to all my tent's this winter. EVERY fricken thermometer in my grow spaces when lights out were always 66.6 degrees... when I made the first reservoir after I started noticing it.. I overshot my ppm as I tend to do and just dilute... of course 666 ppm.
It freaked me out for a second in a weird way as Covid was just hitting and I allowed myself to tie it into religion and Revelation. I study too much shit to believe too hard in any one thing, so I leave most everything open to the realm of possibilites. Who am I and what do I know?
I put down synchronicities mainly to statistical probabilities and intent/manifestations.
I mean if there is infinity there is an unlimited number of possibilities, therefore there is an unlimited number of versions of you doing an unlimited number of things in an unlimited number of places. Fantastical!
There is also this thing called confirmation bias, which i think is behind some of the stuff. However i do think that it does not explain real synchronicities, which i think are more like quantum entanglement, but in what manifests in mental level, not on this quantum “pre-physical” level of this.
What are the chances or likelihood I get home from work to see a message from yourself on anti-semitism, not knowing which posts you were referring to or where I have seen your member name, and myself watching Inglourious Basterds the night before about killing Nazis?
Not sure if it comes under serendipity or lunacy
Evolution made us pattern seekers to the point where there is no meaning we convince ourselfs there is.
He had some truly groundbreaking ideas about psyche, i strongly recommend checking out his work. There are quite many youtubers etc that are good sources. For example https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxP4O0AtAXDVMaqcqCVkGQ .