The color of my dreams


Everything seems mixed. I will try Colour and flavor on a few stems and post results. It seems a lot of people want to color there plants for various reasons :)


i used to make herbal incense (with damiana, marshmallow, coltsfoot, and AM-2201) before i mixed the chem with acetone and sprayed it on, i would mix betty crocker frosting dye with a litle hot water and aple juice would spray it on the herb 2-3 times and it would give it deep reds or purples and blues. and it didnt alter the taste much at all. havent tried it on real tree though.


New Member
Dope as fuck. Definately gunna try this. Even though I did hear it takes a tole on trichrome level. How did ur bud come out. was it still really crystally n danky lookin


New Member
So I read trough this whole thread and multiple people said they were gonna try different stuff and never did, I am intersected in results as I am just starting off with my first grow and would really love some tasty herb


Well-Known Member
i wonder if you could make rainbow buds, using the same method they use to make rainbow roses? trying this in 3 weeks, I will post results :D


Active Member
I hate bringing up old threads on forums but after reading this one I have to add a thought.
Everything I have read on here was about using things not meant to be smoked food dye, juices, etc.
What about things that add flavor that were meant to be smoked. Example of this would be hooka tobacco flavoring or the flavoring used to make vape juice.
I think everyone was just looking at it from a "what taste good to eat or drink perspective" instead of what taste good when smoked.

I have no clue just a thought.


New Member
I have a baby who is 1 week 4 days. I'm thinking of cloning when she/he starts flowering. I am going to use this experiment with it now lol. Will check back in.


Well-Known Member
Soaked stem in food colored water for 24 hours. Confirmed doesn’t work and that’s why there’s no pics.
I couldn't help myself but to have a little fun experimenting. I took a few lower branches off a clone only Green Crack last night to do a little test. It's been 24 hours so far, but I'm not even gonna look until tomorrow when it's been like 48 hours. I did a plain water control jar, one with potent grape juice, and one with blue food coloring. I don't like the idea of smoking anything that absorbed food coloring, but it's mainly a test about color I'm just having some fun. We'll see what happens. I hope I have some pics to post tomorrow, but if I don't see a difference I won't bother either.

This is yesterday at day 54.

The whole plant after I chopped the few lower branches.

Nug closeup.

Color test.