I'm born Serbian (Capitol of Belgrade) and been here in the SFV (Burbank & NoHo) in SoCal since 3 years of age.
Nikola Tesla was my great grand dads close friend for over 40 years.
One of the things they shared was a love of pigeons and my pops
also flew pigeons since 12 till 86 y.o. My uncle and dad over the years told me some fascinating stories about Nikola
through to his passing others don't know about but are of interest.
I have always (since teen years) have had a close to perfect eye ( a lot of times perfect) for eyeing out 'shrooms, pot & coke in
pretty much any amount to this day although 'shrooms & coke is mostly from yesteryear dammit. Jobs throughout as well, slang since early teens
without a blip knock on wood. Never need/needed a scale.