• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Eyes In The Sky


Active Member
About those damn helis. I was telling you guys about... How do they detect marijuana indoors? I hear their is some sort of heat signature. Where I live there is always a number of growers going down because their crop was detected from helichopter, even though it was in their homes. Does anyone know more about this? Does anyone know how this works or possible ways to avoid it? What do you need/How much weed do you have to have for it to be detectable? Thanks. These damn choppers are starting to piss me off....hopefully this information can help the majority of us suffering with these eyes in the sky.

-Silencer IV:XX


Active Member
Well.... No one but a chopper pilot with a toy like that can tell you how it all works. Just suffice it to say your area has been compromised and you should try and plan for the best methods against such intrusions of privacy. Here's what I believe to be true about the infra red issues:
First of all, we live in a very technological world, but you already know that. This equipment is not cheep, but how many billions go to this BS war on drugs? The best equipment can see right through your attic, second story, probubly into the basement. Most houses are made out of wood, and the floor space is fairly thin, and rarely filled with thick pink insulation (almost never). Believe me when I tell you they could see you passing a joint to your friend sitting in your living room. And yes, by the way you hold and past it a bunch, they would know it to be a joint.
Now, I have seen IR proof items for sale on the hydoponic websites, and you could make your own, if you had access to a very large, thin sheet of led. I have heard of these items being large enough to cover a cealing and an outside wall, or as small as the outside of a small closet grow tent or something. But concider this: A blank spot would certainly show up like a sore thumb just as much as a pot garden.
Now to the question at hand - can they see the weed? YES!
This will probubly be debated for some time, as this sort of subject is very contriversial (spelling sucks I know). Alot of people will say it's a BS rumor, whatever. We live in a high tech world now, right? Well I just think it safer to go ahead an assume the worst, so here it is:
It is widely believed that IR is so good and fine tuned (no longer just a hazy mass of indiscribable pics of heat) that they can see the heat sig a pot plant gives off, not to mention a HID light. OK, like I said, this stuff is expensive, and it's anyones guess if they spent that much - but lets just assume they did. The other thing they are gonna get you on is the arrangement of your grow area. People don't line up houseplants in a neat row under a HID, especialy plants that branch like pot does.
Anyways, I would suggest the basement - with a heat shield on the cealing so they can't see below ground level. It would make more sense then heat shielding a room or closet above basement levels. Be careful - you already suggest they are looking for people in that area - so they must think they know something...


Well-Known Member
two words: Heat detection.

Here's another question...what kind of choppers are we looking for? We have choppers all over town from news choppers to traffic choppers to military choppers. It should be noted I live about 20 miles, as the crow flies, from a few different military bases. I get really nervous when I see those military choppers flying low over my neighborhood. Truth be told, they're probably going from one base to another, but still..... They make me nervous.


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys. I really wish I could grow in the basement here but I can't for a few reasons. Only option is upstairs on the 2nd floor. Damn, I think I won't be able to grow until I move. About growing outdoors, I was thinking of trying it and only checking the plants rarely. Maybe go out with my bro decked out like we was playing paintball or something and just "came across them" if I get busted. I don't know. This is getting insane.


Well-Known Member
A search warrant is needed to use FLIR (forward looking infrared), or anything more sophisticated than a pair of binoculars. If police helicopters are looking into your house you've already been detected.


Active Member
Regaurdless of warrent, the way they normaly catch plants (usually in the back yard - not inside) is because they are using the IR to chace someone running on foot. So alot of times it's strickly by accedent. Then they get the warrent and stuff. Anyways, you are going to have to weigh the facts here:
Do you know if they are busting into all sorts of homes and busting the closet grower? Or are they accually getting big operations? This will tell you right off the bat what kind of heat sig they are looking for.
Another reason why people get busted is being turned in by an enemy - or a rival dealer.
Short of it, if you are in the market for paranoia (don't take offence, I more or less am....) then you could probubly get away with a closet crop - JUST DON'T TALK ABOUT IT.
You can do a 2 month cycle with one veg area and one flower area. You can get it down to a 1 month cycle (after the cure time catches up to the harvest time) with one veg area and TWO flower chambers. If your just doing this to grow your own so you don't have to buy any more, you'll be fine. Just tell smoking buds you got a secret dealer who don't want alot of trafic, he only deals with you. AND you are not a middle man, understand?
The way you want to do this with success is use grow cabinates with lowish watt lights. Veg room or area uses flourescents only, no need for tons of watts. Two 2 foot t5 HO should be enough (6500k spectrum or a mix 6500k / 3000k). Use a 400W or a 600 Watt HPS for you flower area and cool it with vortex fan(s) and dryer duct. There are tons of cabinate ideas, and some of the best are found in yard sales. You can make your own if your decent at that sort of thing.
Anyways, the point is, if they are not kicking in just any old doors looking for a single closet area, you likely have nothing to fear. The cabinates are best for stealth and are not hard at all to keep the lights cool.
Don't worry too much about power consumption in your home or even appartment - this PC I am abusing has a 650 Watt power supply, most game rigs these days use 1000Watt power supplies. Wonder what one of those big ol wide screen TVs that are so popular today use for watts? If your not using 3 or more 1000W HIDs you probubly won't be detected.
Oh, and to answare the question about weed heat - it does have it's very own heat sig, without lights. But seriously, they gotta really try to get a small closet grower.


Active Member
Thanks man. I kinda have noobish question too, but... how much bud do you think I could get outta 6 plants about 5ft. tall?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone ID this type of chopper? They fly over, low, at least once a day. I live near a Marine Corps base and a Naval base. I know I'm probably just being paranoid, but they've never flown over my neighborhood so often before.



Well-Known Member
That is a troop/cargo transport helicopter( I think it's a "seaking"). They have a large internal capacity and my guess is they wouldn't be used to identify marijuana from the air as they require lots of fuel to operate


New Member
you can try water cooled lights but its quite a set up and you need to be fairly mechanical but if you set it up with water/water heat exchange you can send the heat down the drain. dont run tap water through the fixtures though if you are going to try them cause the crap that comes out of your tap you would not believe, and it will gum up your system pretty quick.


Active Member
Depends... My buddy uses fish tank water at least once a week (outdoor plants) and nothing else. Plants range in hieght from 7 ft to 18 ft (thats right, I said 18ft). I would have to say you should expect at least a quarter to a half pound dry per plant at 5 ft. We do pull 3 to 4 pounds per plant, dry weight, off of some of the 8 ft + ones. It just all depends on your gardening. By the way, this stuff is just mexican, no kind bud seeds or clones. Just plain ol mexican and damn does it come out GOOD! Very tasty, nice aromas, and it gets you higher then the mersh the seeds came from. It just depends on your skills and techniques.


Active Member
the supreme court has ruled that law enforcement need a search warrant to observe your house with thermal imaging. the truth of the matter is of police have a search warrant the are just going to kick the door in not waste all the money on more surveilence.


Well-Known Member
Is that a National thing? I know it's just paranoia on my part, but I'm noticing a lot of choppers over my house these days.


Well-Known Member
Okay, an FLIR device detects differences in the surface temperature of targeted objects. The FLIR device highlights man-made heat as a white color and cooler temperatures in shades of gray. The device can detect a human form through a window when the person is leaning against a relatively thin barrier such as a curtain or a plywood door. The device is particularly useful not for detecting general heat loss, but for identifying distinguishable heat signatures inside a closed structure. This makes the device an effective search tool for police investigating marijuana growth operations, as it can detect the unique heat patterns emitted by these operations.

Now check Kyllo vs United States, this is the supreme court ruling


Here is some shots of IR in action

Stock Video Footage: infrared - War Helicopter lift off

Police raid home of Blunkett Bobby after infrared helicopter mistook bad insulation for cannabis factory | Mail Online

Police Infrared Video suvellience: Cannabis Bust - Cannabis Culture Forums

With all of this information it is clear that FLIR searches are unconstitutional and can not be used against you in court. The only problem with this is that cops still do FLIR around cities and if they do happen to "spot" your home they can do what they hell they want, your still getting busted with your home and your own name and it usually gets into the media. Whether you win or lose in court your life is pretty much at a standstill after this. It seems that large scale operations ( imo 20+ plants 1k+ lights ), should take the proper precautions.


Well-Known Member
How much heat would be evident, though? Are we talking the big HPS lights or CFLs? How many lights would it take to be a big white blur on their radar? Hell, my cable box puts off more heat that one of my lights.


Well-Known Member
I just came across something on Google that might be of interest...

Infrared Camera Rentals

They didn't list prices on the website, you have to call their office for a quote.

I'm going to do some more searching and see what other companies out there do the same thing.

I'm thinking that I may call them up, give them some bullshit line about needing one for a student art project, science fair project or something and see what my place looks like through one of these things.