Soon to die thread about nutrients and fertilizer


Well-Known Member
So I run an organic grow, checked all my nutrient ingredients and did my due dilligence. My shit is organic and minus one supplement, vegan.

Sitting beside me is a full blown fertilization kit. Straight up chemical fertilizer in low strengths.

Would I be doing much harm to my soil biome if I added a 1/4(or less) strength dose as a booster to my regular nutrient regime one time?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
The question was;

Would I be doing harm to the soil biome if I used chemical fertilizer at a low dose one time.
The answer to your question is no - adding chemical nutrients to organic soil will not harm the soil biome.
But continued use *will* alter the natural balance between your plants & micro organisms in the soil, especially when it comes to phosphorous.

Giving plants a "boost" now & then isn't a big deal -- and it's all the same at the elemental level.
They don't know the difference, or care.

I'm always running AACT, which helps keep the biome healthy and also buffers PH.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Thank you Chunks, may your legs never wobble.
Glad I could help. :cool:

Letting organic soil dry out completely is actually more harmful to the soil biome than occasional use of chemical fertilizer because every living thing needs water to survive.

Not to mention that dehydration (wilting) stresses the shit out of the plant. :-(


Well-Known Member
Glad I could help. :cool:

Letting organic soil dry out completely is actually more harmful to the soil biome than occasional use of chemical fertilizer because every living thing needs water to survive.

Not to mention that dehydration (wilting) stresses the shit out of the plant. :-(
Yea....I was a bad parent twice.

The first wilting coincided with the first mite treatment and an AC malfunction which knocked the mites for a loop (good thing) and the plants bounced back in 24 hours, the second was caught early and was just the one girl getting droopy.

Will not do that again.


Well-Known Member
The question was;

Would I be doing harm to the soil biome if I used chemical fertilizer at a low dose one time.
I understood what your question was but if you’ve kept your grow 100% organic/vegan why would you even want to dump a chemical fert in it. Seems like a big waste of time to me. Most people don’t go through the trouble of keeping everything organic just to dump chem in it. So my statement was based on confusion of why youd go from organic to not just for a boost.


Well-Known Member
I understood what your question was but if you’ve kept your grow 100% organic/vegan why would you even want to dump a chemical fert in it. Seems like a big waste of time to me. Most people don’t go through the trouble of keeping everything organic just to dump chem in it. So my statement was based on confusion of why youd go from organic to not just for a boost.
I'm running out of my nutrient line and thanks to COVID, the manufacturer is having issues keeping supplies up. I can buy them from an off sale vendor for a huge markup or use the technaflora line I have in reserve.

I hoped if I give an occasional boost with the fertilizer between feedings, I could stretch my nutrient line out by several weeks before I change to the organic flowering nutrients.

I'll still need to switch to Technafloras MagiCal because my GO CaMg+ bottle is almost empty.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I understood what your question was but if you’ve kept your grow 100% organic/vegan why would you even want to dump a chemical fert in it. Seems like a big waste of time to me. Most people don’t go through the trouble of keeping everything organic just to dump chem in it. So my statement was based on confusion of why youd go from organic to not just for a boost.
Most people I know who grow organically do it because it's easier -- especially with large plants.
No mixing or constant PH checking; just give em water & you're done.

Deficiencies are common. Some plants need more food than others so it's better to use a light mix.
Boosting with chemical ferts can actually improve the health of the plant -- and do it very quickly.

Then again, the nutes I use are also "semi-organic" so there's that... :eyesmoke:
(Mills pays the bills)

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I'm running out of my nutrient line and thanks to COVID, the manufacturer is having issues keeping supplies up. I can buy them from an off sale vendor for a huge markup or use the technaflora line I have in reserve.

I hoped if I give an occasional boost with the fertilizer between feedings, I could stretch my nutrient line out by several weeks before I change to the organic flowering nutrients.

I'll still need to switch to Technafloras MagiCal because my GO CaMg+ bottle is almost empty.
Yeah a lot of things are running low these days.
My co-op has been out of pro-mix for months because it comes from Canada and the borders are mostly closed for commerce.
Fortunately the big bales of peat are still available and so is perlite which means I can make my own mix.

It's actually not that hard if you've got room to lay down a big tarp for mixing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a lot of things are running low these days.
My co-op has been out of pro-mix for months because it comes from Canada and the borders are mostly closed for commerce.
Fortunately the big bales of peat are still available and so is perlite which means I can make my own mix.

It's actually not that hard if you've got room to lay down a big tarp for mixing.
I have a backhoes front end loader bucket to mix in right now and I want a cement mixer dedicated for soil for my next grow.20200822_124459.jpg

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Wow, that's a blast from the past!
Technaflora makes good stuff when it comes to organic nutes -- but kinda pricey.
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Well-Known Member
I'm running out of my nutrient line and thanks to COVID, the manufacturer is having issues keeping supplies up. I can buy them from an off sale vendor for a huge markup or use the technaflora line I have in reserve.

I hoped if I give an occasional boost with the fertilizer between feedings, I could stretch my nutrient line out by several weeks before I change to the organic flowering nutrients.

I'll still need to switch to Technafloras MagiCal because my GO CaMg+ bottle is almost empty.
Ahh yeah I’ve been having trouble getting things from both my local hydro stores and online. I’ve bought shit weeks ago online that still hasn’t even shipped. I feel your pain.


Well-Known Member
I live in the remote backcountry of Ontario. I think the nearest hydro store is 5 or 6 hours away. There is a nursery an hour away but they're closed for the season and only deal in shitty garden stuff.

Amazon, eBay and buying direct from online stores is my only way to get stuff.

I just paid $150+ for a bag of FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I live in the remote backcountry of Ontario. I think the nearest hydro store is 5 or 6 hours away. There is a nursery an hour away but they're closed for the season and only deal in shitty garden stuff.

Amazon, eBay and buying direct from online stores is my only way to get stuff.

I just paid $150+ for a bag of FFOF.
Jesus what size bag!? I pay 17.50 per 1.5cf bag. I believe that’s roughly 23 Canadian. But then again this last time because I needed 10 bags of it, it was a real bitch to find and ended up driving a couple hours for it.