Dead Trump

I disagree. Silence is complicity, may Robert trump burn in hell for eternity.

You're not a very good person. Not a good Christian for sure (assuming since you speak of hell) and not anybody I would every want to share a beer with. Horrible thing to say about somebody.
Nobody wants to be the dick to a guy and call bullshit when his brother just died is my guess.

View attachment 4655435

children in cages- in a garage complete with oil stains to sleep next to.


Food Lines

30M Unemployed

so many dead, refrigerated trucks have to be brought in

Trumpy* is directly responsible for my job loss; my unemployment of $258/weekly will barely cover my rent for the month..i've been responsible and paid my rent with the $600/weekly but it's been gone for 3 weeks now..Biden can be the nice guy- I'm here to be a dick and remind everyone..I told you to not feel sorry for this ass wipe..he killed Herman Cain..He killed his brother as if he shot him dead on Fifth addition to the 170k. i hope it haunts his ass forever- but it won't, he has no emotion or feelings..a russian!

lest we forget secret police..

all this and more in Trumps* America 2020!
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aren't you Buddhist?
He’s clearly NOT. They have compassion for others. I’m starting to realize Republicans just don’t have compassion for others. Especially if you disagree with them.

he’s giving you shit about not getting a job. His leader put us all in this predicament. How great is America right now @DaFreak? Record unemployment, record bailout money, a second round of record bailout money. This money isn’t just going to citizens. Big corporations are taking these handouts. This is corporate welfare.

And add another vote for “it is what it is” about a dead Trump.
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