Surprise, Another Close Trump Associate Charged With Fraud.

Remember those Trimp super-supporters that built a section of Trimp's wall with their own Earth-monies and Trimp came to visit. When the wall proved to be a catastrophic calamity that was literally falling apart, Trimp stopped treating them like patriots and said that they were people who were looking to embarrass him. Why? Because Trimp is a self-centered prick who cares about nobody and nothing other than him self.

Trump supporters are very, very dumb.

Donald J. Trump

I disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by ads. It was only done to make me look bad, and perhsps it now doesn’t even work. Should have been built like rest of Wall, 500 plus miles.

When Trimp is gone, this nightmare will not be over. Others will follow and his slavishly adoring fans (rubes) will support them too.

cancel culture on Trimpy* has commenced..we're wiping him away in the print and on tv..uh buh-bye <schuylaar kicks him square in the diaper out>
I hope Bannon gets what he deserves. Uh oh, now I suppose Rolli will shut down this thread since I posted my political opinion. lol
Salary $100k monthly + 20% commission of the take.

this guy from florida screams aryan:


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how did you feel when Trimp associates were pardoned..was that fair?
We'd have to look at individual clemency decisions and supporting arguments to determine fairness, clearly constitutional, do you think it should be? I'd prefer to see mandatory minimums removed and a statistical review of all sentencing for outliers to reduce or eliminate systemic biases. Do something like that and eliminate presidential clemency. Not holding my breath.
We'd have to look at individual clemency decisions and supporting arguments to determine fairness, clearly constitutional, do you think it should be? I'd prefer to see mandatory minimums removed and a statistical review of all sentencing for outliers to reduce or eliminate systemic biases. Do something like that and eliminate presidential clemency. Not holding my breath.
Impressive avoidence of actually taking a stance on the obviously implied question.

Roger Stone, and Flynn would be obvious ones to take a stance on as an actual human being.
We'd have to look at individual clemency decisions and supporting arguments to determine fairness, clearly constitutional, do you think it should be? I'd prefer to see mandatory minimums removed and a statistical review of all sentencing for outliers to reduce or eliminate systemic biases. Do something like that and eliminate presidential clemency. Not holding my breath.
So it's not Trump's fault for abusing power, tearing up the Constitution, and openly violating a couple hundred years of societal norms? It's the institution.

So it's not Trump's fault for abusing power, tearing up the Constitution, and openly violating a couple hundred years of societal norms? It's the institution.

Clemency and commutation are both presidential powers under article II of the constitution.
It is a victimless crime. Only fool republicans would sent them money. Wish the judge lets them off so they can milk more money from the foolish to stimulate the economy with the cars and consumer goods than throwing it away on a wall.

Republicans have become a crime gang. So, by your logic, if you don't have a lawyer, the law doesn't protect you. Government agencies have no role in enforcing the law. It's the same kind of logic Republicans pitched in the Senate when they said President Trump could legally commit treason if, after being caught, he said he did it in the national interest.

If caught doing a crime, lawyer up and do everything you can to beat the rap. That's the Republican mantra. Oh, and punish snitches too. Doesn't matter that whistle blowers have special legal protections for good reason.

Hang on...

... ok now my tongue is in my cheek.